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Age at diagnosis

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  • aitch10
    Not many young'uns

    I was DX'd at 29, first symptoms at 28, I'm 38 now.

    My mom was in her 40's when she was DX'd.

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  • Nebbykoo
    Diagnosed at 31
    First sx at ~24
    Now: 43

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  • BigA
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by jojo18 View Post
    symptoms at 12. diagnosed at 13
    Hi Jojo. I've read your posts in the young person's section, so I know there are some young people. I was surprised so many of us were middle aged. 13 is so young to be diagnosed. Of course, some people diagnosed in middle age report symptoms going back into youth and we never know when we really got started.

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  • jojo18
    symptoms at 12. diagnosed at 13

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  • BigA
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by MrsChip View Post
    Hi babe,

    I had my first MS symptom of Diplopia at 17 and was finally diagnosed at 21.
    Still doing good tho - working full time at 43 albeit in a sit down job and dont have the "gym figure" I used to have.
    That's great to hear. When I was first diagnosed at 45, I had no role models and only heard sad stories. It seems there are still a lot of us out there passing each other on the street without knowing.

    I'm still surprised to see so many people diagnosed in middle age, unless this is an older folks site. Maybe younger people are doing same on Facebook. Heck - people diagnosed today don't just not keep it a secret, they make blogs and videos of themselves injecting and talking about their progress/progression.

    One day, there will be no more young people getting the disease, but that is not yet today.

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  • palmtree
    I got my first MRI at 57. Everyone told me I was too old for it to be MS. I was relieved until that summer.

    In July I got ON. Then in August, 3 new active lesions appreared. My neurogist thinks I had been living with a mild case for many years and didnt know it. I think I developed it at 55 after a very stressful event.

    If I suddenly found out I don't really have it, I would mind. But then, how do you explain the fatigue, eye pain, loss of balance, weakness on right side, stiffness in the back of my legs and memory problems?

    I have it.

    One advantage in being diagnosed older is that I already knew the medical system, and I can blend in with other people my age better. I had already developed a seasoned philosophy of life and don't have to be right

    Nevertheless, I still can't handle it.
    When I hear of a very young person I'd recently diagnosed it breaks my heart. We need a cure.

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  • dancinOTG

    I was 51 when diagnosed

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  • struck-a-nerve
    Originally posted by DancingOnTheEdge13 View Post
    At 30, I knew something was not right. Dx w/ RRMS at 36 after an attack that lasted a month and a half of double vision.

    Had to quit work at 51 and have progressed to SPMS. Still not used to not going to work everyday... walking like Herman know, MS is the gift that keeps on giving.
    Dancingontheedge13, may I ask you a question about the double vision? I have had it since April 5th. It is was led to them even thinking something was wrong and the dx.
    Does yours come back with each attack and how is it effecting you in SP? I have terrible vision ( though correctable) so this just salt in that womb.

    Thanks for the help.

    Dx 29

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  • oso49
    I was 62. All the tests and MRIs were pretty convincing (11lesions on the brain and two on the spine). I had two "opinions"; the latest from my new nero at The Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA.

    Fifteen years ago there didn't exist some of the tests (and knowledgable docs) that are now available. I think a good number of us can attribute late onset DX to that.

    When I look back 15-20 years, I had SX, but just blew them off as maybe too much of the grape the night before.

    The MS is progressing....slowly...but still progressing. Damn this disease!!!!!

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  • MrsChip
    Started at 17, diag. at 21

    Hi babe,

    I had my first MS symptom of Diplopia at 17 and was finally diagnosed at 21.
    Still doing good tho - working full time at 43 albeit in a sit down job and dont have the "gym figure" I used to have.

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    Diagnosed at 35 will be 38 in a couple of months. I think that I have had MS since I was a small child. I have always had bouts of vertigo and prickly skin crawling sensations since I had severe pneumonia at age 5.

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  • Apple-
    DX 29 - symptoms at 27 - 36 now.

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  • muse_7
    Dx September 6, 2011 PPMS age 43, sudden onset after infection. But suspect mild symptoms going back 8-9 years.

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  • IntrinsicEcho
    Dx'd at 31 symptoms from the time I was 18. Dx'd in Nov 2005

    (It was an MRI for intractable migraines that brought MS into the picture - a year after that MRI I had Trigeminal Neuraligia pretty bad - and that tipped the scales to MS. My LP was clear)

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  • Sapphiresgold
    Dx January of 2012 at age 46. This has not been a banner year.....

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