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Total Heat Meltdown-Anyone else ever have this happen?

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    HI, Ive had many meltdowns over the years. be it inside-outside- car. it knocks me down for the wife helps alot.


      Oh boy can I relate…this year has been the worse for me in regards to the heat. In the past I’ve been able to do quite a bit outside. Now I only last about an hour outside and that is with my use of 3 frozen neck wraps in that time span. Our average daily temperature is around 97 degrees with 85% humidity. Yep…85% humidity. It has been heck on our a/c systems. They have been running continuously. I try to keep the house cool around 72 degrees but with our last utility bill running over $700 I am now going to have to rethink a new strategy. I already use frozen neck wraps inside the house and I am still so hot. So now what? Any advice besides sitting buck naked in a cool tub of water all day?


        We are on the even monthly payment plan which is GREAT but they will prolly have to round it "up" after these last few months. Sounds like our weather here in So. Md. has been similar to yours. Yuk! Fall is coming!!


          I have also had a meltdown this summer. I'm new to all this, so I wasn't really taking the heat thing seriously. I went out to go shopping, and I was in and out of stores and on my cane. I was sweating like crazy the entire time. We got home and all of sudden my arms and fingers seized up and I couldn't move them. My fingers curled up real tight, and then I started having problems communicating. It was awful. So painful. My boyfriend took me to the ER and they had to inject a muscle relaxer. In about 1/2 hour my fingers finally uncurled. Anyway, I learned my lesson!


            This summer has been brutal !


              HereIAm, yes, I have had several heal meltdowns. I live ouside of Houston and besides the incredible temp and humidity, I am menopausal. I stay indoors as much as possible but even in the a/c the hot flashes come on and there is no help for that.

              I do have a cooling vest with the 11 ice packs I insert in the inside pockets. They melt and get all my clothes wet because pockets are not lined. I paid a lot of money for the vest and cannot afford another kind.

              Rdmc, we lived outside of Daytona Beach and also in Tampa for a total of 16 years. We had quite a few friends that were nuts and never used their a/c. I had to make sure that I didn't go to visit them when it was the hot 9 months of the year. I had gotten so bold that when I arrived at homes without a/c, I just turned around and said that my health couldn't take the no a/c and left. Several offered to turn of a/c but most said "sorry".
              "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


                Here I am,
                I've had a tough go of it too. It has been really tough here in Mass this year. seems this summer has been hotter than others. Maybe it just seems that way because this is the first summer I've had to deal with it this way. Seems the only reprieve I get is going to work. At least the AC there is constant. Hang in there. Its almost over.


                  I am newly diagnosed with MS. My doctor told me that people with MS didn't do well in the heat and he was right!! My symptoms have become much worse. I live in TN and it has been 100 degrees or above the last two weeks!


                    I had a total meltdown in 78 degree heat in the Sawtooth Mountains while at a family reunion. It was a dry heat, too, and I was close to a nice cool lake, but I made the mistake of taking a nap (when it was cooler) in our tent trailer. My oldest daughter couldn't fully wake me up, so she quickly grabbed my dh for help.

                    I remember having a complete crying fit, and yes, I'm glad I'm not crazy. He put me in our truck and turned on the A/C full blast. I kept passing out and having crying fits in between. Somehow, I managed to come out of it, but it was pretty horrible, not to mention embarrassing with all my extended family there.

                    I was never so happy to get back to my home where I keep the A/C at 70 since the temps have been hanging out around 100 outside. I don't go anywhere unless I know there will be A/C, which is pretty standard here. Can't imagine it not being, especially if we had humidity. Blech!
                    dx Transverse Myelitis March/2008 - dx upgraded to RRMS June/2008
                    Rebif June/2008
                    Tysabri October/2010


                      Danceswithpugs, your username is awesome.


                        A couple of weeks ago, I had to go out in this 98 degree (heat index of 105) weather we've been having to run some errands. I own a black SUV which just seems like a heat magnet. Every time I had to get out and get back in again, it took five minutes or longer for the vehicle to cool down again. On top of that, one of my errands was to the post office and their A/C wasn't working properly. I had to stand in line for about 20 minutes there and between that and getting in and out of the hot car and then walking around in the heat to get to where I was going, I was seriously overheating.

                        To top it off, my nervous system has decided to shut down my ability to perspire this summer. I don't sweat. Not one drop. So when I do get overheated, I can't cool down, which is very dangerous and can be fatal.

                        I got home that evening, and everything was going haywire. I couldn't see well, I could barely walk, and I was so fatigued that I felt like I was encased from the neck down in cement. It took several days for me to recover from that.

                        I hate summer. I used to not mind so much when I had my pool to go out and cool off in, but I don't have that since my husband and I are separated and I had to move out. So now I'm just counting the days until fall.
                        Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                        Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                        Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                          Originally posted by hollyquinn View Post
                          Danceswithpugs, your username is awesome.
                          Thank you. I only have one right now, but someday hope to talk dh into getting another one. They have the funniest personalities and quirks, and they are home-bodies. Perfect for my "active" lifestyle.
                          dx Transverse Myelitis March/2008 - dx upgraded to RRMS June/2008
                          Rebif June/2008
                          Tysabri October/2010


                            Originally posted by DancesWithPugs View Post
                            Thank you. I only have one right now, but someday hope to talk dh into getting another one. They have the funniest personalities and quirks, and they are home-bodies. Perfect for my "active" lifestyle.
                            I have 3 Chihuahuas. I'm not sure what I'd without them!


                              I'm in the situation now too, our temps have been 85 to 90 degrees. It just takes all the energy out of me just walking from the car to the building when I have to go to work. I'm miserable and frustrated, especially when co-workers just don't get it. I've had to miss work here and there because I'm just exhausted and physcially feeling sick all the time, headache, dizzy, etc.. I want my job so I'm really battling here to keep going, but the heat, just makes it that much harder.


                                heat is the pits!

                                You were brave trying that trip. No way could I have stood it. The heat drains all of my energy. I don't even grocery shop in the heat. DH has to do it. I only go out for church or to something where I can dash in and out (well, no, I can't dash). I have a remote start for my car to get a/c going before I get in (my DS bought the parts and installed it). Central air is a necessity not a luxury here in SC. I'm looking forward to fall. Today after church we went to lunch and made 2 stops on the way home. Just being in the heat for that little robbed me of clear speech and being able to pick up my feet. Took a nap. Just know you are not alone in this need to stay out of the heat.

