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8/3/2023 Goalposters Exercise Check-In

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  • KoKo
    Hi Jer!

    The people traffic has slowed down!

    I do deep inhale / exhale breaths before most every difficult physical action that I attempt, along with visualizing.

    It really does help!

    PS I'm not too proud to say that I ask for help from Guardian Angels too.

    It doesn't hurt a thing!

    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Always appreciate your comments and insights KoKo, enjoy your week!
    Thank you!

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  • 502E79

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    Hi everyone!

    I've been staying steady with my exercises.

    I achieved my goals, which include short walks and short standing times daily, stretches, in-chair ab crunches, arm and leg exercises, and breathing exercises.​

    Hey K, it appears you are getting use to the daily routines there... or the interference (people in 'n out constantly) has slowed! Glad all your established goals were accomplished. Side note: I have an abdominal machine in gym and have begun successfully to add breathing exercises between sets. It does make a difference!

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    I'm exerting a little more energy than usual due to getting a new recliner chair.

    I'm having a difficult time pushing myself back in the chair. It takes alot of work!

    The armrests are lower and the seat is a little higher.

    I guess it will take some time for new muscle memory to form.

    ....Maybe a good time to toss in a few slow, deep inhales & exhales, then push back into recliner?

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    That's it for now. Hope you have a very pleasant week!

    Always appreciate your comments and insights KoKo, enjoy your week!

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  • KoKo
    Hi everyone!

    I've been staying steady with my exercises.

    I achieved my goals, which include short walks and short standing times daily, stretches, in-chair ab crunches, arm and leg exercises, and breathing exercises.

    I'm exerting a little more energy than usual due to getting a new recliner chair.

    I'm having a difficult time pushing myself back in the chair. It takes alot of work!

    The armrests are lower and the seat is a little higher.

    I guess it will take some time for new muscle memory to form.

    That's it for now. Hope you have a very pleasant week!

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  • KoKo
    Hey there Jer!

    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Hope your week went well KoKo!?
    Gosh, I thought I posted my report already.

    Originally posted by 502E79
    I did my best (made most goals), although Friday required sticking with my normal upper body routine. I really wanted to execute a few things learned at PT.

    My decision was to play safe with walking being harder. Listening to your body pays dividends.

    The physical therapy lessons aimed at legs went well regardless, so I'll adjust Monday routines and apply what I learned but with less reps.
    You did a great job with using discernment on your exercise goals. And yet you still managed productive physical activity.

    Originally posted by 502E79
    Also wrote a thank you note, spoke to an old FL friend and replied to a relative of my late gf. And read more too. Came across this Thornton Wilder quote....

    'We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures'

    Keeping your mind sharp, socially and mentally!

    Wilder's quote rings true with me. I feel the best when I'm in the state of gratitude.

    Originally posted by 502E79
    Let's keep at it.
    That's the plan!

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  • 502E79

    Hope your week went well KoKo!?

    I did my best (made most goals), although Friday required sticking with my normal upper body routine. I really wanted to execute a few things learned at PT.

    My decision was to play safe with walking being harder. Listening to your body pays dividends.

    The physical therapy lessons aimed at legs went well regardless, so I'll adjust Monday routines and apply what I learned but with less reps.

    Also wrote a thank you note, spoke to an old FL friend and replied to a relative of my late gf. And read more too. Came across this Thornton Wilder quote....

    'We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures'

    Let's keep at it.

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    One of the earliest small things my old trainer got me into qualifies.... If you can rise from bed without assistance, just stand without moving ready to sit.... Then do 6-8 squats, not necessarily deep, just to get your feet under you, so to speak. Think about your first step, second step... only then move.

    I still do this and many other small things to this day.
    That is a good example of a physical activity, targeting the leg muscles.

    Definitely qualifies!

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  • 502E79

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post

    Hey Jer!

    Looking forward to another one of your always engaging posts!

    Hoping some more members will want to share how they did with physical activity.

    What is physical activity in simple words?

    Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting. ​

    Love your defination. I'm very surprised there aren't more folks checking in too KoKo.

    One of the earliest small things my old trainer got me into qualifies.... If you can rise from bed without assistance, just stand without moving ready to sit.... Then do 6-8 squats, not necessarily deep, just to get your feet under you, so to speak. Think about your first step, second step... only then move.

    I still do this and many other small things to this day.

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Hi KoKo!

    I will report later or Saturday morning after todays exercise etc is finished.

    Thanks so much for starting the thread in Mamabugs absence.
    Hey Jer!

    Looking forward to another one of your always engaging posts!

    Hoping some more members will want to share how they did with physical activity.

    What is physical activity in simple words?

    Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting. ​

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  • 502E79

    Hi KoKo!

    I will report later or Saturday morning after todays exercise etc is finished.

    Thanks so much for starting the thread in Mamabugs absence.

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  • KoKo
    started a topic 8/3/2023 Goalposters Exercise Check-In

    8/3/2023 Goalposters Exercise Check-In

    Hello everyone!

    Mamabug is on vacation, so I'll get this thread going this week.

    Were you able to get some exercise accomplished during the past week?

    This would include activities such as ROM (range of motion), arm / leg exercises, stretches, ADL's (activities of daily living), standing for a length of time, walking, housework activities, putting groceries away, doing laundry, etc.

    Our bottom line is to keep moving our bodies, within the scope of each person's individual ability.

    Why not set some doable exercise goals for next week. We're more than happy to give encouragement and support for your efforts.

    Hope to see your posts!