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Gilenya day 4 and a big thanks!

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    Gilenya day 4 and a big thanks!

    I first wanted to say thanks to everyone on here that responded to my first post especially Just a small town girl she helped me decide about Gilenya!

    I just wanted to say...I am finally on and other than boredom my observation went ok. My iPhone helped but wow it was like work without being paid. I wanted to follow my neuro around in a white coat so I can hear people and their issues, but he would not let me...can you imagine?

    So this is day 4 and oddly enough I feel good and not to jinx it better than before. My main symptoms have been off balance (for years) and in bad heat I get hazy vision and weak but that seems better so far. That could be mental but I will take it! The only thing I have got and it started last night is my heart seems to be racing like I am on speed. My pulse is normal and I will get my first blood tests next week. I heard this med can slow your heart down but speed it up??? Anyone else get this?

    I remember seeing an old post with someone else who felt this way. I don't remember it precisely though. It might be worth scanning through the threads, especially if no one responds.

    I'm glad your observation went well and hope everything works out for you!


      Thank 11 and all well (I think)!



        I'm happy everyone is feeling better on this med cause I start next week and it HELPS so much knowing it's a good choice thus far and I look forward to feeling as good as you all and look forward to a GREAT feedback. THANK YOU and BE WELL.


          Hello main neuro did not recommend Gilenya I think because it was new. I been on for 15 days and went to a specialist Tuesday and he said that he would have recommended Gilenya to me and I made a good choice. My first few days it was like a miracle drug (my minor off balance GONE) now I do feel better just not as good but I am glad it seems to be working. I will know more after my first blood tests next week but as for the day to day it seems to be working for me.

