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ok hope i can put this here...does anyone use cannabis for spasms?

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    I know several people who still smoke the stuff and could probably get it with no problem. My husband never even tried it, but I sure did! I'm definitely a child of the '70s , and I smoked plenty then, but I'm MUCH more "wussified" now.

    Me, the former dancer who can no longer walk, has lost her mojo (and her connections ).
    “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
    Diagnosed 1979


      Originally posted by freedom1 View Post
      I even managed to get some and figured I'd smoke it in my Hookah. I just haven't had the guts to do it....Is it worth "breaking the law"?

      Well if you already have managed to "get some" might as well use it because just possessing it is breaking the law

      In my state it's illegal too...but face it, there are a lot of things we do that are illegal. I drive over the speed limit, that's illegal.

      I personally think the non-legalization is ridiculous. Look at all the drugs we take with loads of "dangers" attached.

      I got a kick out of a couple lines in a recent article on Wheelchairkamikaze. The blog post was called "You can't be too strong" and talked about all the "battles" we fight with this disease...but these lines about dealing with insurance companies regarding pharmaceuticals were classic: "We suffer through the indignities heaped upon us by miserly insurance companies and incompetent practitioners. Can there be a more surreal experience than having to fight with an insurance company drone to try to get an approval for a drug that has the potential to kill you? "

      If anyone wants to read the whole article here's the link:

      And all too true...drugs we take do have the potential to kill, mj does not...but somehow that doesn't seem to even register with "the powers that be."


        I just finished reading all these posts.
        Freedom- I don't know. I think you have to think about the quality of your life. MJ must have been used for hundreds of years for these purposes before the US Consitution and Laws weree even invented. They used MJ for a reason. At least it's natural and not chemical.
        I am not in a position where I can do it and quite frankly I have had enough experience with friends and aquaintences doing it socially in college that until I was diagnosed I felt only losers smoked it.

        But Freedom we are in a different ball game. There is no cure for what we have and it's going to progress so why not take care of yourself. I say do it.
        I know that once I start to have issues like you are describing with my body I am absolutley going to smoke. I'm a smoker and just quit after starting Avonex. I am really craving a cig- so if I ever get the chance again- I'm going to smoke.
        That's my opinion- but you have to do what you think is best.
        ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
        Dx the first time: 10/25/11
        Avonex 1/12-10/12
        Revaluation of Dx 10/12
        Rediagnosis 7/14


          I never used marijuana before two months ago and I'm 43. I'm very lucky to live in an mmj state so I went and got my card. My spasticity doesn't show up that often, so I really don't want to have to be on another drug full-time to take care of a part-time problem.

          I do not smoke it, I use a vaporizer. Vaporizing is great because you get all the medicine without all the smell. Plus, I'm already a smoker, so I really don't need more tar in my lungs. I also use tincture in my tea or hot chocolate, and this is great because its not psychoactive, so I can use it during the day and stay clear-headed.


            Natural medication!

            Yes, unfortunately I do not live in a state where medical use is legal, however I do everything I can to back legislation to get it on the ballot each time it comes up. As a law abiding citizen I sure wouldn't want to consume a product that is illegal just because it relieves so many of my otherwise unrelievable symptoms. (She says sarcastically)Actually it upsets me terribly that it is legal for me to consume chemicals with so many side effects I am fearful of every new RX, yet it is illegal to consume a plant that has been used medically for centuries.
            Do I, yes, does it help, YES!


              medical Bud

              I heard it is expensive. Is that true? I live in Michigan and it is everywhere both legal and not. I don't use and hope I never have to but I will not pay $ 300 for something I can get for $120.
              limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.


                It is a lot more expensive for people that use it for "fun" or live where it is not legal. When I tried it , it was the first time I moved without pain in a year. I would move to where medical THC is legal if I could. Since I know no one here and barely can leave the house I will stay on Oxycodone. I thought hippies just wanted it legal. I thought wrong.


                  Originally posted by ladibabe View Post
                  I heard it is expensive. Is that true? I live in Michigan and it is everywhere both legal and not. I don't use and hope I never have to but I will not pay $ 300 for something I can get for $120.
                  I don't know what mmj prices are in MI, but I can tell you prices will come down once the mmj industry really takes hold there. I'm told they used to be really high in the dispensaries here in CO, but now that there are lots of dispensaries and an abundant supply, prices are pretty good.

                  Even if the prices are higher than street prices, its worth it to me because I can walk into a pretty, clean store and pick and choose which strains work best for me. I'm grateful for this luxury because I've already discovered that sativa-dominant strains activate some of my symptoms. I tried one and I had vertigo and my right arm buzzed for 2-3 hours. I've never bought on the street and I'm glad I'll never have to take that chance after that experience.


                    Sometime I wish I could use it. I have a great deal of anxiety and the last few times I had used marijuana I got completely out of control with panic attacks. *sigh* I cant even be around the it without having a panic attack! I hate that! I used to be fine with it and I feel like it would help so many of us with MS symptoms. Oy Vey!
                    DX:1/6/12 "Bad becomes better when worse happens."


                      I used Marinol for two months for spasticity, but I grew a tolerance for it, so I have taken a break from it. Since it's only $10 with my insurance I continue to stock pile it, and will continue use when I can no longer get the real thing. .
                      In the meantime I (illegally) use the real thing and it works better than Marinol. I actually medicate with hash more. It seems to give me more of a full body, than going to my head and locking me down (that is likely more to do with the strand used to make the hash).

                      Since I am in a state where it is not legal I do not have regular access to the various forms that cannabis is available.
                      I think the edibles was the best thing for sleeping. I could eat something and it would work as I sleep. Much better than the Zanaflex which is addictive, and shuts down the part of your brain that controls muscles, and leads to muscle tone loss. I have also gained a tolerance for Zanaflex so I rarely take it and deal with being woken up at night with spasms rather than develop a substance abuse problem (thanks Uncle Sam).
                      Please visit profile for my blog address.


                        in my area you have to summit to random drug test also to receive your pain meds, haven't heard of it being dispensed around here at least legally.


                          it will be legal in the states eventually. there is nothing morally wrong with smoking a naturally occurring plant. people are against it because its illegal, and they dont understand it. alcohol is a billion times more destructive, yet its generally excepted. um..?.

                          i strongly encourage you to continue smoking, or better yet eating some ganja food. food with thc in it will give you more of a body high than head high, if thats what youre looking for. its very relaxing.. enjoy


                            I really enjoyed reading these posts. I am an ex cop and narcotics detective. I have seen alot of marijuana.

                            I hate the "war on drugs" because it is a battle that absolutely cannot be won. We as a country spend time and billions of dollars acomplishing nothing.

                            I live in a state where mj is legal. Yet mj is illegal federally.

                            I don't use it. I just can't bring myself to do it because of my background. But I intend to!

                            And, for those who might think mj is "laced"...I don't think that happens. Most growers are pretty proud of their product and don't need to do that. As mentioned the mj of today is much different than when I grew up in the 70's..very powerful stuff comparatively. I think the key is to know where you product comes from. There is certainly a producer in your immediate neighborhood

                            Fun topic!

                            Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life

