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ok hope i can put this here...does anyone use cannabis for spasms?

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    ok hope i can put this here...does anyone use cannabis for spasms?


    Hope i spelled that right lol. I was watching some interesting videos on the use of cannibis for ms. How it helps with muscle spasms, spacisity etc. some neurologist has done clinical trials for years on the med. I also had to laugh watching montel williams up on capitol hill getting interviewed by news reporter and saying legalize it. struck me funny.

    it seems now there is a new med trial, cupid they're calling it, which is them using it to treat ms patients.

    so, yes i'm asking does anyone here use it, if so is it helpful? I am noticing that each night around same time i begin to twitch. used to be just my legs now it's a whole body spasm thing. I can actually feel it coming than when it hits you just gotta ride it out. doesn't last all night thank goodness.

    yet, yes thinking of taking some as opposed to popping meds to calm the body at night.

    so, does anyone use it?
    Jen Dx'd 5/11
    "Live each day as if it were your last"

    Nope, it didn't belong in Tara's forum.

    I've moved it to Medications since marijuana is legal in some states and is being prescribed for MS symptoms.

    Haven't tried it myself, but I hear good things.


      thanks i'm sorry........ i was on the fence where does it go? lol.
      Jen Dx'd 5/11
      "Live each day as if it were your last"


        Me. I use it. Yes, it helps me. Helps me emotionally as well. I mean, wait, um...I would use it if it were legal is what I meant to say...yeah, that's it....if it was legal....


          good for you and yes i know i posted and said hmm how will ppl answer this?? LOL

          in all honesty there are all these meds with all these side effects that many take and i will be taking also i've decided. so if we can find something that literally is natural and it is to help us than why not?

          its ridiculous that it's illegal. i watch ppl getting ridiculously drunk the few times i've chosen to go out than getting in their cars yet medical mj isn't "legal" in so many states for ppl who need what it can infact do.
          Jen Dx'd 5/11
          "Live each day as if it were your last"


            I use marijuana for vertigo, nausea, and spasticity/muscle spasms. While it's not legal in my state yet, all my doctors know why and how much I use and they're all fully supportive of my decision. I hope one day I'll be able to use this and NOT be considered a criminal..
            I choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through.


              i know right? lol. let's just say i almost last night than i got nervous like a little kid and backed out.

              we'll see..... i'm just looking to sleep at night now, i need more rest and the whole body spasms although interesting and i had no idea i could move that way lol well they gotta go!
              Jen Dx'd 5/11
              "Live each day as if it were your last"


                all i can say is yup it works! best night of sleep i've had in years. 7 hours uninterrupted and literally on pain, or fatigue or aching.

                Montel's onto something
                Jen Dx'd 5/11
                "Live each day as if it were your last"


                  Hi Sunshine
                  Have you ever heard of Marinol it is the pill form of marijuana, I'm not sure what states it's legal in, I have a friend that lives in Florida and has aides and gets a script for it. No smell, no bad taste,fat free and easier to hide if you find on the side


                    I did check and it says Marinol is available in all 50 states and if you go here find pros and cons compared to marijuana



                      I love this'll all have to move to Ca....anyone who wants it (my son and his girlfriend have one) has a medical marijuana card, I guess there's dispenseries all over.
                      Spatisicity is one of my main problems, I am upright, but boy these muscles sure feel tight! I just keep telling myself "It's just a feeling".

                      I'll have to ask about marinol..thanks!
                      Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


                        Thanks for the info maximumlite! I thought marinol was only available in states with access to medicinal marijuana so naturally I didn't bother looking into that option. I'll have to do some more reading on it and talk to my doc about trying it. I would absolutely love to not have to run the risk of my husband or I getting arrested just so I can get some symptom relief. I think it's absurd that I am not LEGALLY allowed to use the one thing that I've found that works for me while not incapacitating me at the same time. Ok.. I'm done.. *steps off soap box*
                        I choose to live and to grow, take and give and to move, learn and love and to cry, kill and die and to be paranoid and to lie, hate and fear and to do what it takes to move through.


                          Just want to say something about Marinol and MMJ I'm not sure about the Marinol and its makeup but I had to go to a different doc to get my card that makes it legal for me to use mmj, but because I've been on opiates I had to sign a long term opiate agreement that I would not use illegal drugs, and if I do I lose my right to opiates for pain because Federal Laws vs State Laws and that forces me to limit what really helps for certain symtoms of MS. I am subject to drug test anytime I pick up my script and I get them a lot. I have passed everyone but that is because I limit myself and when I say in a post that it is seldom I use that is why, otherwise I would live a much better life, I really never thought about brining up Marinol to my doc only mmj, maybe I'll try this once and see what he says. Right now he tells me if Uof M says there is benefit he would back it 100% mmj that is, but now I have 2 options PCP and neuro so I will try both in the coming months and would like to hear from someone on marinol on this board.
                          Maybe people are afraid to speak up because Marinol and aides are so close related and they don't want the tie together the two or whatever word you use


                            It will be legal, just not soon enough

                            I have to say this post is interesting. I can see a marijuans dispencery across the street. Move to Cali or Colo or even Arizona these days and it is pretty legit. 2 things I have noticed are that yes, many people benefit from the use of it and yes, many people are full of it and just like to smoke pot.

                            Here you can get a card. MS is actually one of the black and white check boxes, not "other" when filling out the form as are cancer, AIDS, muscle spasticity and one more (not insomnia).

                            We have a town of 16,000 and 8 dispenseries. They are like a local gift shop and you just need a liscense (MMJ) to walk in as you would walking onto an airplane.

                            On the issue of Marinol, my understanding is that it is quite expensive. At these dispensaries there are food items and THC capsules that mimick Marinol. Move people, these staes are way cooler anyhow!

                            Would be happy to answer any questions concerning this, my husband may or may not know plenty about possessing one.


                              would love to move

                              but we can't, and not move just for a mj card lol, yet also its' too expensive here in general. yet we are bound to ny by our ex's....

                              interesting information i'm glad i posted this. I was a bit nervous to at first. I have to be honest worked great first night, second didnt'. I didn't use much which is probably the problem.

                              Yet I too feel like a criminal and i've never done anything like this before and it just feels wrong. It shouldn't yet it does.

                              than my oldest daughter found out and she thought i was insane and i tried to explain the reasons yet she's 18 and totally against drugs and just thought i was as i said insane.

                              shouldn't be this way.....should be easier.
                              Jen Dx'd 5/11
                              "Live each day as if it were your last"

