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Anyone with Osteoporosis?

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    I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis from the steroids they gave me. They wanted me to take forteo shots as dr feels I am not a candidate for things like Boniva etc due to some bone loss in jaw. I was going to take it until a friend of mine died from it. My pharmacist told me that theres no way she would take it and gave me a lot of information on it. I decided that day that no way will I take any of those poisons. I take calcium and Vit D and try as best I can to exercise. Will I break a bone one day? Maybe but I would rather risk that than they nasty poison in those drugs. I am extra careful to take precautions not to fall too. Think its an individual choice.


      Originally posted by Beema View Post
      I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis from the steroids they gave me. They wanted me to take forteo shots as dr feels I am not a candidate for things like Boniva etc due to some bone loss in jaw. I was going to take it until a friend of mine died from it. My pharmacist told me that theres no way she would take it and gave me a lot of information on it. I decided that day that no way will I take any of those poisons. I take calcium and Vit D and try as best I can to exercise. Will I break a bone one day? Maybe but I would rather risk that than they nasty poison in those drugs. I am extra careful to take precautions not to fall too. Think its an individual choice.

      Thank you Beema. This is the same advice I've gotten from several people. But, my old MS doctor just went thru some very serious neck surgery due to her osteo. She really wants me to take the Prolia, but so far I've resisted. She has taken meds for 20 years and is still breaking bones and having lots of problems. Oh.. she also has MS. She urged me to get back on the Copaxone which I did. I tend to take vacations from it. Everything I've read about these osteo drugs is scary!!

      The only cure for insomnia is to get more sleep.


        I agree Marti they are scary. I have a dear friend who took the class of drugs that Boniva is in. Sorry can't remember the name. She got the necrosis of the jawbone and shes in terrible shape now. Disfigured and has to have feeding tube etc. Its terrible! Another friend who died took forteo shots and each time it would speed her heart up right after she took it. She was told this is a normal side effect and to keep taking it. She went into a fatal arrthymia after one shot and died. My dr keeps telling me that if I break a hip it will most likely kill me but I would rather take my chances then put this stuff into my body. I think they need to test these drugs better before giving them to humans.

        I do take my injections for MS and I have enough side effects from that. I don't think a little vacation from them once in awhile is a bad thing. I haven't but it has crossed my mind.


          Hi Marti,

          My pain is 90% due to spasticity 10% nerve pain. Slow and steady has worked for me. A warm up without much fanfare, just trying to feel a bit "loose" (which isn't that recognizable with MS!) helps.

          I give it my best and then proceed with either strength or cardio or just simple stretching.... a good alternative sometimes.

          Key is the machines or free weights, legs & arms... just do what you can but do it religiously. Don't worry about adding weight to the reps, maybe add a set instead.

          Doing this, regardless of how I feel going in, gives me a better attitude. Having accomplished something! The pain can almost be forgotten. Most of all I think you improve endurance!

          Good luck.



            i had a fall about 6 yrs ago and i sustained 3 crushed lumbar vertebrae- i was found to be on the borderline between osteopenia and osteoprosis, further tests showed vitamin D levels a bit low

            i had been have intrathecal medication for chronic pain since 2001 via a spinal pump. giving the meds this way affected pituitary hormone levels and i stopped having periods even though i was not quite 40, it seems i had undergone drug induced menopause. i was sent to see an endocrine specialist and was sure i would be put on something like fosamax but infact he opted for HRT!

            his logic was that it was early menopause that caused the problems so there was no problem with just reversing the menopause using HRT until i would be expcted to go through the change, then he would consider the other meds. I also take a calcium supplememt and vit d- i am nearly 52 and so far i have been coninued on HRT but it will be reviwed at next appoint this april. the logic about HRT until an age i would expect tge change made sense and that was mid fifties for mum and at least 2 of her 6 sisters

            ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

