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Speech Problems

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    For Hunterd

    Exactly we have to laugh at it otherwise it may get worse from being upset. I am glad you laugh it off. When I flip words around like... If I say to my son "can you dishwasher empty"! He will correct me and say you mean empty the dishwasher. I say " ya what ever you know what I meant"! Lol see after awhile they can translate our "new language"! Lol


      My favorite is messing up words. In my house my family has decided to keep a few of my common mess up word so grapefruit is now known as "groupfrait" and shoe strings are known as "stringshoes"

      When I mess up sentences really bad my 12 yr old will actually do EXACTUALLY what I said. Like when I told him to "go sit on the table" I ment "go set the table", I was cooking dinner at the time. He went and sat on the table and when I finally noticed he was laughing like crazy. He kept saying I'm just doing what you said lol I guess we all have learned to just laugh and go on with life


        I have had all of these moments you are all mentioning.
        I had the "crickets chirping" moment during an interview at work. I totally lost all train of thought and I swear my head was a complete black hole, not even a thought running through it. I did get the job though so maybe it was as bad as it seemed to me at the moment.
        I have been known to replace words with other words that have no business even being in the sentence I am speaking.
        One time when I did this at work, not long after my diagnosis, the word that came out was very funny and the 2 mechanics I was speaking to laughed hysterically. I was laughing too and just said "Oh, shut up I have MS!!"
        One mechanic asked me through his laughter "Yeah how long are you going to use THAT excuse?"
        I said in my most serious voice "For the REST of my life"
        and we all continued to laugh.
        I tend to laugh at myself when this happens, but it can be frustrating also when I am just having a bad day.
        DX 10/26/11


          I do some of these things too but never realized it was due to MS. When I am tired I slur. Also, I find that the way I pronounce things is often misunderstood but I think much of that is my Pennsylvania accent showing (I live in Minnesota now). And my own personal favorite: knowing what word I am trying to say but hearing a different one come out of my mouth. Saying "helicopter" when you mean "photocopier" at work can really leave co-workers scratching their heads.

          Ain't lost yet, so I gotta be a winner.
          - The Replacements


            Doonesbury cartoon

            Anyone been reading Doonesbury? He has been showing a character with speech problems. Hope it is educating others with speech/brain issues.


