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Tattoo idea's??

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    Your idea is great and appreciable. I also got a foot tattoo of the dragon and it gives a fantastic look. There are many designs also you can find easily on the net of the foot tattoos. Your purpose of getting tattoo on foot is also mind blowing.


      Hello everyone, My mom has Primary Progressive MS and has had it for 10 years now,
      I was wanting to get a tattoo just to show her I love her and am proud of how strong she has been through all she has been through and that I support MS,
      I was thinking of getting a ribbon with Mom in it but was looking online last night and some pages said the ribbon was pearl and some said it was orange,
      I saw on the national MS site that everything is orange so was guessing orange is the correct color but I wanted to get a majority vote so I'd know its safe to go with an orange ribbon lol. thanks everyone
      ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **


        sounds like there are some beautiful tats represented here.

        as far as i know- the general consensus is that orange is the MS ribbon color.
        it was debated several years ago and from what i remember, everyone agreed on orange. though, of course, not everyone ever agrees on anything!

        i'm sure your mom would be honored with whatever you decide to show her how much you admire her.

        BTW, telling her is a BIG boost to a mom's ego! ik, i love when my girl's tell me!

        she's fortunate to have such a loving and devoted daughter!

        take care and God bless ya!
        "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


          Originally posted by Seasha View Post
          My daughter has a tattoo of a Phoenix on her upper arm - you know the bird that keeps rising out of ashes? She had one done to represent me and my journey through the ups and downs while I was RRMS. It's colorful and beautiful. She also has an ankle tat and says they are the most painful, so whatever you decide, you might want to make it small-ish.

          (now I am SPMS, does that mean I've been reduced to ashes?)
          the letters don'tmean a thing! you and your wonderful attitude definitely are rising! like mermaid would say you 'lift me up'!

          sounds like you've got a great daughter!
          must take after her mother!

          take care and God bless ya'll!
          "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus

