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Tolerate cold temps?

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    I can't do extremes of either.
    In the heat my skins feels prickly instantly and I get very weak and tingly, my legs will begin to give out.
    In the cold it is as if I am turning to stone. Every muscle in my body tightens up.
    DX 10/26/11


      The cold is much worse for me, I have better heat tolerance since I started ampyra. The cold gets me and no matter what I do I can't get warm, my wife is having her personal summers and I'm freezing, we fight over the thermostat all the time.
      Plan for the future, but not too hard; it’s not your decision anyway


        I cross-country ski in really cold weather with no prob, but in summer cold water at the beach causes my left foot tofreeze up and have trouble gettingout of the water. Water has to be at least 65 degrees at the beach.


          Originally posted by Scooter24 View Post
          The cold is much worse for me, I have better heat tolerance since I started ampyra. The cold gets me and no matter what I do I can't get warm, my wife is having her personal summers and I'm freezing, we fight over the thermostat all the time.

          This is me also. I am happy only a few months out of the year since I live in Chicago But I am on a boat all summer in the water so that makes up for that but I like to say in the winter I feel like the Tin Man I LIVE under a heating blanket and I keep my heat up really high...drives my husband crazy! I hate when I have to leave the house to drop or pick up the kids from school and have to stand outside.....Winter has just begun here inn Chicago this week


            I have different symptoms for the different seasons. In the extreme heat my cognitive issues get worse. I feel like I am drunk.

            In the cold I have physical issues. My numb hand is worse and I can not hold anything in it. My legs are horrible also, like they are freezing up it is hard to move them.


              Thanks to everyone for the responses! Interesting to see the varying replies and how everyone is affected!
              Diagnosed: May 2012
              Medications: Avonex - stopped 12/14
              Plegridy - starting 12/14


                My worse is cold! People come into my house and swear it's a "hothouse" (even though all my plants are dying!). I keep the temperture about 76 when I'm home. Not real sure how the heat will affect me. This is my first "relapse" and it started in September (giving up hope that it will ever end). I do hope heat doesn't effect me to much, summer is what I wait for all year.


                  Cold is the worst!

                  My main symptom is pain and cold makes it worse. When it started it had to be very cold, like holding a glass of ice cold water...ouch! Now, the wagging of my dog's tail causes additional pain. Air conditioning in the summer is agony and going outside in the winter is agony. Currently taking several pain meds to try to combat it.

                  You are not alone.


                    i get shaky and fatigued in the heat. it also brings on the itching in my legs.

                    anything cold, be it air, ice, cold foods that comes in contact with my hands makes them hurt. alot. same with my feet. this was something that began years ago but i didn't know it was MS. i was on a hiking trip in aspen and parts of the trail were flooded by ice cold snow run-off and we were walking through it. the pain was so intense. my friend was having no issues but i could only stay in the water for a few seconds before it was excruciatingly painful.

                    i am like many others here in that i do best in mild temps. either extreme does not work well for me.
                    dx: RRMS 9/8/11 copaxone 12/5/11


                      one more thought

                      This only occurs to me b/c I am going through it right now; have you had your thyroid checked? I do see, and have often heard, that many people with chronic illnesses have difficulty w/ cold weather.

                      I couldn't figure out why my house was so unusually cold this year. When I was in the hospital with this last relapse, they happened to discover that I also had an underactive thyroid. And I just had it checked (regular part of my bloodwork) earlier this fall.

                      Other symptoms of underactive thyroid include: weakness, fatigue, mood swings...sound familiar? Blends right in, rather sneakily, with MS symptoms.

                      Hoping you don't have an additional medical condition like this, but thought I'd "throw it out there" for you; just in case. Never hurts to check on something like that.

