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If you could get rid of just one SX of MS

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    My dizziness, it really scares me sometimes and when it hits (which is not daily but for sure often times through-out the week) it is totally disabling. I can't do a think while the room is moving. It stinks.

    MS Does Not Define Me.....My Love of Tea Does! LOL!


      Out of what I'm experiencing right now, I would have to say fatigue. It is so debilitating. Second would be heat intolerance. I live in North FL and it gets extremely hot and humid here in the summer.


        Fatigue for me as well. It would make a lot of the other symptoms easier to deal with if I wasn't sooo darn tired all the time!
        , T2B

        "I have a lot of pain in my microwave".


          Can I change my answer? Right now, I'd like to lose this blasted burning pain in my left foot, left leg, left arm, and left hand and the burning/numbness that's working it's way up my face! How annoying and painful!
          Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
          Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
          Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


            It changes, first I thought the bowel/bladder issues, but that was until my walking took a dive, and then on and on now the worst symptom by far is relentless killer spasms and insomnia, if not one then the other prevents me from sleeping, I cannot remember the last time I slept for several hours in a row. Nothing works.


              If I could get rid of one sx it would be walking/balance issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Okay, I want to change my answer...

                Like some others, I have a lot of SX and, based on yesterday and today, I want to walk normal again!

                I think that traveling the festival in a wheelchair and needing a hand/arm to get across the parking lot are just a little too much for me right now.


                  Fatigue.... I just want to be able to do normal things like play with my daughter and take my dogs for walks and not be constantly exhausted...... i am so tired of being tired....

                  So long and thanks for all the fish!....


                    Toss up between fatigue and heat. I sweat so bad.


                      This is a no-brainer for me...FATIGUE, definately!!!!!!!!
                      Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 2004; First sign of trouble: 1994


                        great question!

                        Heat sensitivity followed closely by pain and fatigue..

                        dx 7/2002 - on Rebif since dx...just changed to Copaxone 1/2011

                        "There is a difference between acceptance and approval"


                          For me it would be the pain and numbness in my legs and feet.I can not find a pair of shoes that feel comfortable.


                            My left leg is pretty weak so walking, balance, etc are compromised. I think the struggle to walk ultimately aggravates fatigue, it takes more energy to do simple things and build up stamina. A downward spiral.
                            sometimes you can't make it on your own


                              I would say for sure the brain fog and the balance issues...I get so tired of bumping into stuff.....
                              "Once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby


                                Balance! If I had normal balance, I could walk, jump, dance.......

