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How often do you nap?

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    Originally posted by NeuroNixed Craig View Post
    With my disease I don't "nap" but crash! I have interrupted sleep wake disorder since my stroke. I sleep for about 3 hours, up for 3-5 hours, crash again. It doesn't matter if I take strong sleeping meds or narcotic pain meds, still 3 hours sleep.
    I never sleep for more than 3 hours at a stretch myself; often it's only 2. That means I get 2, sometimes 3, sleep periods a night. Then I make up the difference with 3 naps during the day, a long one around noon and 2 shorter ones.

    When I'm wakeful during the night I try to make good use of the time rather than getting upset about not sleeping. I meditate, read, knit...quiet activities that won't get me revved up.


      NAPS. What a wonderful thing to be able to do. In the beginning of my diagnosis I napped everyday. Now, I have learned to plan my day better. I do not over due. I do important things in the morning when I have the energy. I will rest by lying down, reading a book or putting on a movie every day. But I do not need the sleep during the day that I used to before I began treatment. I have learned to say NO to things that I know my body cannot do. I listen and obey because this is the only body I have been given.
      This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

      Have a great day, Leola


        Sometimes I am fine all day for weeks. Then like now, I feel tired all the time. I go through every kind of tired, the dead weight feeling, the brain numbness, the I can't keep my eyes open, to my body is tired but my brain is not, so no use trying to sleep but need to lay down.

        I will nap in the afternoon, or evening, or try to be in bed for 10 hrs at a time. But sometimes I feel like, the more I am in bed the less likely I will feel better, and being out on a drive helps.
        When I am well, I can sleep 8 hrs or so and be fine all day.

        I guess that is why it is relapsing.


          Hi Gang

          I’m a old man so I nap every day around 1 P.M. after using the pool's at my club for exercise.

          Keeps the body, moving. Have a great day to all my friends.
          Pray for Peace


            i sleep like a newborn

            I wake up and take my kids to school and come home and sleep until it's time to pick them up at school. And believe it or not, I'm still sleepy. I wish this stupid debilitating fatigue would go and find an insomniac and give it to them! Lol. I also sleep about 10 hrs @nite. Ugh


              The Nap(s)

              I wake up between 3 and 4 times a nite. I take a nap around 11:30 or 12. If I don't, my eyes want toclose at 2 or 3. Still by 7 my eyes are watering and I am so tired.


                I have two kids. My youngest is in pre-school three days a week. If I have the energy I go to the gym, but a lot of times I have to nap for an hour. When I don't get to nap I usually crash on the couch for a few min before I go to work in the afternoon. Additionally, I just found out yesterday that I have sleep apnea, so i'm sure that has a lot to do with my fatigue as well.


                  I sleep 10-12 hours per night too. I don't work. I take it really easy on myself. I do get fatigued enough to nap during the day, but I refuse to allow it to consume me.


                    Lunch time nap

                    I work at an elementary school and I take a quick cat nap in my car during my lunch time. The extra 20 minutes can sometimes boost my energy (note the word "sometimes"). I have to say that I am not looking forward to sleeping in the car when it is below freezing.


                      I wish I could "power nap", but I can't. If I take a nap, I feel gruesome the rest of the day, and it messes up my sleep schedule for three days. Not worth it.

                      The only time I nap is if I'm sick and have no choice. Sometimes, if I'm totally falling apart, I'll semi-doze, but it isn't really very beneficial.
                      "I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future."



                        Blessings2You said:

                        I wish I could "power nap", but I can't. If I take a nap, I feel gruesome the rest of the day, and it messes up my sleep schedule for three days. Not worth it.

                        The only time I nap is if I'm sick and have no choice. Sometimes, if I'm totally falling apart, I'll semi-doze, but it isn't really very beneficial.
                        That's my experience too! Especially the I feel gruesome the rest of the day part.

                        Take care,
                        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
                        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


                          I don't nap at all. Not that I wouldn't like to. On weekends I may sleep in a little later than normal, or occasionally catch a cat nap in a comfy chair but that it about it.

                          I've been getting vitamin B-12 injections for the last month and they seem to help with the fatigue


                            a day with 2 naps is a great day

                            Hey all of you! I'm jealous. Naps! I want one!

                            Seriously, I have trouble sleeping so some days I get home from work and collapse. I don't stop myself from sleeping then because for some reason sleeping at night is an iffy situation for me.

                            Then there are the days where even though I am so exhausted I could cry, I start to fall asleep and I can't. I hate pills but the only thing that helps is Ambien.

                            so... a day with 1 nap is a good day. A day with 2 naps is a great day! Problem is they turn into 4 hour stretches.... Oh well.


                              I also find myself on the computer or working in puzzle books or so I can stay awake. I try to make use of whatever time I have.

                              There's a good article in the Momentum about fatigue etc. Hope it's ok to put that here. I need to reread the rules again.
                              What if trials of this life
                              Are Your mercies in disguise?
                              "Blessings; Laura Story"


                                For some reason, I seem to have an aversion to sleeping. I fight going to bed like a little kid would. I work nights and get home around 10 p.m. and usually stay up until 3 or 4 a.m. then get up around 9 or 10 a.m.

                                Very rarely do I ever take a nap, and if I do, it's usually around 3 p.m. My fatigue doesn't seem to be the "I'm sleepy" kind, but more of an energy-draining type, like a battery that has run down.

                                However, since using the supplements in my signature below, that fatigue is a thing of the past. And oh, what a blessing that is!
                                Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                                Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                                Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

