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I need help !!!

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    Originally posted by rosepetals View Post
    Is incontinence considered a flair? It is new for me.
    I don't know if it is caused by a flair in you but I have read of many people whose onset symptom that caused diagnosis in them was incontinence---so you had better say something to your neuro about it.

    After I was diagnosed the doc asked about episodes I had in the past that "could have been MS" and I had a period of time when I was very incontinent and that could have been caused by MS. I never saw a doc about it I was too embarassed, but if I had my MS might have been diagnosed sooner.

    Say something about it to your neuro when YOU SEE HIM & also tell him you have an appointment with a urologist and ask him if he will want the records from the urologist.
    My neuro has all my doc names & you have just gotten a new one. He might want that. It is an important symptom, I'm not certain I would call and make an appointment specifically for it----but it is nice that you already have your 6 month appointment soon.

    Increased leg buckling & burning fett could also be fro a cervical spine lesion.

    Did you have cervical spine lesions before? My feet recently became heavy-a changed sensation for me. The doc did an MRI of my neck, because thats were feet sensations are most likely from. No new lesions. She said it was likely the lesion I already had acting up in a different manner than before and causing a "new" sensation for me but same old lesions causing the "new" sensation.

