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I need help !!!

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    I need help !!!

    I am losing control, I am embarrassed and ashamed and I don't know what to do about it. It is happening everyday. It all started around my last flare and has progressively gotten worse.

    I am leaking urine. It is a slow drip that usually I don't feel. By the time I notice I am wet. It seems like it is happening 3-4 times a day. I have to wear pads now.

    I see the neuro mid week for my 6 month checkup. Is it something that can be fixed? I am soooo ashamed that it is happening to me.

    How do you explain it to your husband that you are losing bladder control? I don't want to turn him off. We have been married a year and a half. It's embarrassing.

    During the day I feel like I have to pee and usually have a small amount coming out when I go. At night I pee for longer periods of time. I am dry so far at night.

    I have been checked for a UTI and am negative.

    Also what is a urologist appointment like and what should I expect? The GP said I needed to see one.

    Over the last few days I have had increasing leg buckling and burning pain in my foot. It is bad enough to wake me up at night.

    The urine thing has been going on for months, but all of a sudden it is increasing. The doc. didn't believe me that I was having symptoms of a flare the last time I called. I see someone different this time.

    Please help me.

    Rosepetals, I am so sorry that at your young age you are experiencing this.

    I too have had this issue. It started much later in my marriage for me and there are no secrets any longer between us. We have helped each other with many health issues now. However, I was still very embarrassed to let anyone else know and to make an appt. with uro.

    I had my appt. 3 weeks ago and am so glad. I went to female uro. recommended by my MS spec. This woman was so kind and relieved my anxieties completely. The visit was not that different from a yearly woman exam. I however have been scheduled for a urodynamic test. You can go to the ladies section and read up on posts about incontinence and urology appts.

    I pray that you can allow your husband to know what it going on and that he is one of the good ones who love you no matter what.

    My prayers and positive thoughts go out for you.
    "...the joy of the Lord is your (my) strength." Nehemiah 8:10


      Howdy rosepetals

      There are some small works out that can strengthen bladder muscles and control, I know that much do one daily myself. Think there are also neds for such and some meds we take for sxs of ms can increase some problems to having to do with what you are talking about, so may not be all the flares fault.

      Bring it up to your main doctor has well has you neurologist. Also may want to talk urologist has well better safe then sorry.

      Sorry for any typos and hope you get the problem under control.


        Bless your heart. I am ao aorry that you are haveing to go through this.

        I am also haveing bladder problems myself. I wish is had some advice but i am just at the same point you are at with the docor.

        I think what cocogirl said was a big help. I hope you can sit down and talk with your DH. He loves you and i am sure he would want to know. I am sure it would make you feel better.

        Lots of (((((hugs))))). I am praying for you.



          I am going through the same thing as you are. when i go to the restroom and finish I stand up and pull my clothes it comes!!! it happens all through the day and i feel so nasty. i have to change often during the day. i am holding out until i see my neuro on the 16th and explain this all to him. i hope he will refer me to a uro. Any way, you are not alne!!!!


            rosepetals, i am feeling for you. i have the same issue, but i leak slower and everything evaporates. all that`s left is the odor there are meds and things you can take to slow it`s progress. i pray that ithose things work for you.
            definatly mention ALL SYMPTOMS to your dr this week.
            as far as your husband goes, just explain how e,barrasing it is for you, he`ll understand. also invite him to the dr appt(all of them), he may gain more undferstanding from the appt.
            bast of luck. sending prayers and well wishes.

            MS World
            PPMS DX 2001



              Many of us have been evaluated by a urologist for problems, and there are some fixes depending on what it is going on. There are a few threads over in the Ladies room recently, specifically about bladder problems and tests that are done.
              You might want to go over and read some of them for more info.

              My first urology appointment, they checked me for retention with an ultrasound. I then had a urodynamics test that checked everything out so you know what you are dealing with.

              It is so common to have these troubles, you are not alone!



                I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'm new to this forum but know that I am sending good thoughts and hugs your way.


                  I too experienced this problem, and saw a urologist. It lead to me having my bladder lifted, like putting it on a hammock or sorts. I went through that surgery, and the problem came back. This led to every test imagineable and after no apparent problems arose, he told me that my bladder was going atonomic! What does that mean? Simply that it has a mind of it's own now with the MS. I'm continuing to seek help while I wear my little pads! Ugh!


                    Do you have urinary hesitancy? or urinary urgency?
                    Probably urinary retention.

                    I was told it is possible for a bladder to over flow from incomplete voiding and that leaking was gonna happen & I couldn't stop it.

                    He had me start cathing myself to make sure my bladder was empty after voiding. He set me up to have the uro dynamic tests---but I didn't.
                    That was probably the only time I was happy to not have insurance. They don't argue with you when you say you can't do a test because you have no insurance.

                    Pads are pretty standard in MS.

                    6 years ago he told me to cath myself, 4 x a day. I thought it was forever. But eventually it wasn't.

                    Now I'm glad I know how to do it when I want to for comfort-normally when I have the feeling I have to go all the time, even when I just went. That usually happens during my hormone cycle. And if I know I'm likely to leak, after excersize I tend to leak so I might cath myself before.

                    6 years ago I was retaining much urine & I didn't dribble-it was a damn flood So I would cath myself to avoid the flood in public.

                    That comes from lesions in the neck. Say something to your neuro.

                    I can't tell you what a normal uro appointment is like, because I saw him in the hospital when I was diagnosed and he had a walking foley catheter put i me. Then I went to his office and his nurse removed the walking foley catheter and taught me how to self cath. After the foley was removed he scheduled me for the uro dynamic test.

                    I went for that at a separate appointment in his office.

                    The nurse told me to disrobe my lower half, put the gown on then go to the table...well I was so incontinent i could see no way I could walk to the table without a pad. So I just walked out...I never complain about urinary issues, anymore because I have already been sent to the uro. I just didn't stay.

                    When he ordered the uro dynamic tests he gave me a pamphlet describing the test---so that is something that is scheduled, you won't walk into the appointment and have that done unexpectedly.

                    I don't know what a normal uro appointment is like. I avoid them now. I suppose if I ever get uncomfortable enough I'll stop avoiding them.

                    A person told me on another board she was doing the kegel excersizes. The uro told me they wouldn't help me to prevent to leaking/flood--but she says it has helped her to empty her bladder completely so she doesn't get the urinary retention.- hence the leaking. The kegel excersizes don't stop the leaking for her, they help her more completly empty her bladder when she voids? A different way to look at kegel excersizes that I hadn't thought of before.


                      Is incontinence considered a flair? It is new for me.


                        little pads

                        Originally posted by lchoppel View Post
                        I too experienced this problem, and saw a urologist. It lead to me having my bladder lifted, like putting it on a hammock or sorts. I went through that surgery, and the problem came back. This led to every test imagineable and after no apparent problems arose, he told me that my bladder was going atonomic! What does that mean? Simply that it has a mind of it's own now with the MS. I'm continuing to seek help while I wear my little pads! Ugh!
                        little pad?! i have to wear heavy duty poise pads and use a bed pad because i've wet the bed a few times.I'm only 55.
                        my bladder doesn't empty all the way either,so i can't take incontinence meds, seeking botox treatment. i'll see what mt doc says. i hope yours can be "fixed" with a little pill.feeling like i'm three again.............theresa


                          Originally posted by theresa106 View Post
                          little pad?! i have to wear heavy duty poise pads and use a bed pad because i've wet the bed a few times.I'm only 55.
                          Do you notice that the female menstrual pads absorb blood better but not so well at urine, then the urirnary incontinence pad do well with urine but not so well with menstraul flow?....I have pads at each aborbancy level for each. My closet is like a candy shop of pads, heavy flow days, light flow days, ultra plus, extra, light in both kinds. Yike they are very much made to absorb the specific fluid..I gotta say that much about them. In their TV ads they say that and they are optimized for each fluid. I'm not sure maybe I need to wear both, two pads, during that time of the month?


                            Hi Rosepetals, sorry your going thru this! I don't think incontinence is considered a flare. However, I'm not a doctor.

                            I used to always wear just a liner, for freshness. Since I was dx about 3 years ago, and my sx got worse, I started to wear a monthly pad just "in case" alittle leaked out before I made it to the can.

                            Afew months ago, I noticed that the monthly pads just weren't absorbing good enough and tended to fall apart! I then started buying the "poise" pads. I saw an ad for them with a web site, got on that and signed up for a free trial pack. I am really pleased with the way they absorb. I highly recommend them!

                            From your post and the responses you received, my problem sounds minor compared to others.

                            Ever since I can remember, I have always had to 'go" about every 2 hours, and not much either. I guess that's just the way my body is. And I love drinking lotsa water, so when I know I'm going anywhere, I really have to cut back. Never had a UTI.

                            I hope you find an answer soon and your problem gets better. I know how frustrating it can be! (((HUGS))) Kathy


                              I'm sharing this in hopes that someone can avoid what I went through. I was getting constant UTIs so my doctor sent me to a uro. He did an ultrasound and said I had extreme urinary retention. I never had any leaking before then. He put in a foley catheter for 2 days and it did some real damage. I've never been able to regain continence since then but it's better than it was. I have to cath now but that's OK. My advice is NO FOLEY CATHETER!

                              At the time [a year ago] I didn't know I had MS. But it is what led me to go to a neuro.

                              Thanks to everyone who visits this site. I want to formally introduce myself but havent had time/energy yet.

