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Explaining your MS type to Urologist

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    Explaining your MS type to Urologist

    I have a SP cath for 7 years. Had an infection for 3 months taking antibiotics 3 times. Infection started in bladder then went to e coli in kidneys. After becoming confused & losing all memory for several days, I finally broke down to see urologist.

    How do you explain what the MS effects do to your life? Need to make new doc see that this is serious even tho I don't have fever.



    I'm sorry you have had such a terrible issue with this infection. Your new urologist should know that having an infection for three months with three different antibiotics is bad medicine. I assume he can review your urine culture results and make sure you are treated properly in the future. It is hard enough coping with MS challenges without unnecessary complications. I hope your new dr is aware of and especially sympathetic to your situation. It's not too much to ask that our physicians are understanding and caring.
    lori I


      At least he was young & cute!

      I went to see him. When he found out that I had to pay a taxi $40 for the visit, he decided that my sonogram results would be given over the phone. My PCP & I email each other often.

      He doesn't want me on antibiotics unless I have a fever. Most MSer's have a lower than normal body temp. So that means I have to have all the MS symptoms hit before I can attempt to get rid of the bug.

      Oh well. It was nice to look at the eye candy!



        I had my neurologist reccomend a urologist that has experience with MS patients.

        He understood my symptoms without alot of detail and knew exactly what to do for me. Which in my case was Nothing for the time being... I had a significant change in sensation in the area and just needed to confirm that everything was "working properly". :-)

        So, my plumbing's fine just the sensory nerves are messed up.

        He set up yearly appointments to review my situation and said to call him whenever I had any concerns.

        The point was he took my MS concerns seriously and took the time to explain the types of problems MS can cause and what to be on the look out for.



          Kelly my urologist wrote me a script for macrobid.
          I am to take it for 3 days whenever i feel sxs of a uti.

          Ask your neuro to refer you to a uro that knows M.S.

          Makes a big difference.
          The first uro I saw tried to tell me my problems were becuase I delivered 4 large babies and to just do Kiegle exercises. Grr.
          Faith, Hope & Love
          MS 1988 SPMS 2005

