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Dizziness and Tilted Furniture

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    Dizziness and Tilted Furniture

    Odd title yes, but I don't know what else to call it or what the medical term is.

    Mom for the past couple of weeks has been waking up around 3:00am with the fear that she's falling and when she looks at her side table it's tilted, not fractured or split screen but tilted to its side.

    Mom had gamma knife surgery seven years ago and she acquired chronic vertigo from that=bad outcome.

    Is this a MS symptom? Has anyone out there experienced the same?

    It's hard to say whether what your mom is experiencing is from MS when she already has chronic vertigo from another cause. Those are neurological symptoms that could be caused by MS because MS is a neurological disease, but other neurological conditions could cause the same symptoms. So they might be from MS, they might not be. Your mom's neurologist would be the person to ask since s/he knows her medical history. Since this is something new, has she been seen by her neurologist?


      Mom has had this symptom on and off since the gamma knife in 2005 where she actually would see common household items upside down (like a telephone). Her neuro retired; she has an appointment in 2 weeks with a new guy. At one point that many years ago she was seen by a neuropsychiatrist. Mom was so beyond their knowledge and experience...oh, yeah there was also a bit of a gamma knife MD coverup. Buckets o' fun.


        Originally posted by Swimgirl View Post
        Mom has had this symptom on and off since the gamma knife in 2005 where she actually would see common household items upside down (like a telephone).
        I think you may have just answered your own question. Tilted is part of the way to (or from) upside down.

