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    Hi, my name is Mattie and I was diagnosed with SPMS 6/2002. I have continued to go down hill 'alot' since my diagnosis. My question to anyone of you on the boards is : Do you ever stutter out of nowhere? Lately I have these all over inside tremors ( kind of like a pulsating feeling inside my body) my right hand shakes and then my voice starts stuttering. This is kind of scary to me. It really is not new ' it is worse'.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    Stuttering & halted speech & tremors

    Mattie, I am new to the forum and am not officially diagnosed but currently being evaluated. Have had numerous symptoms for 30 years with 4 MRI's consistent with MS.

    A few months ago I became tremulous with vibrations mostly in my right hand. Within weeks, the tremors increased to be very visible in right arm/hand. I began to stutter and have a halting speech pattern.

    Last week, I returned to neuro who had told me I was "probable ms" 6 mos ago. She did not believe the tremors were physiological but asked for a speech pathologist to evaluate.

    The SP was somewhat alarmed as I had significant tremor in my tongue, lips, mouth, face, and vocal cords. I also have been choking on medications.

    The neuro has referred me to a tremor specialist for April 3. The tremors are now shifting to my left hand, and I feel the tremors in my face at times. My speech continues to be affected especially on the phone.

    I have been searching all the sites to see if anyone has similar problems. I wish so much that I could help you. My only counsel is to contact your doctor ASAP and be evaluated.

    I thought the tremor issue was limited to the nerve/muscle areas of the limbs. But the speech pathologist was very concerned. I will be seeing her for continued evaluation tomorrow and I believed she worked me in her busy schedule.

    I take calcium, magnesium, valerian root, 5 mg Valium which helps with the tremors.

    I wish you success in finding out more about your speech.

    Please continue to post, as maybe we can help each other. I hope anyone who has experience with visible tremors will post.

    Positive thoughts to you and yours.


      I stutter when I am really overtired or overheated.


        I stutter too. When I over do or get to hot the words just don't flow like they used to. I also have problems if my spasticity isn't under control. I've had the swallowing test, been evaluated and worked with a few speech therapists.

        If this isn't a new thing but a worsening one, you should ask your doctor about it. I ask mine about anything that gets worse just in case there is something we can do to keep it from going down hill any further-sometimes we find things to help-other times not. This way at least your doctor will be aware of the changes and you can get the information you need so that things may not seem so scary.


          My started stuttering ,slurring word,words and word finding got more noticeable about 2 years ago. So far my doctors are only giving me klonapan . I also have tremors that get pretty bad .
          Just told its part of the MS . Unfortunate for me theres no speech therapist for me to see here . Oh I can go down the hill to see them but its to far for me to travel.
          Mine do get worse being over heated or anxious. But otherwise they are just a bother. People don't like talking to me because of this. They even finishing sentences for me .
          It can be humiliating at times .
          dx.SPMS (baclofen,gabapenin,norco)
          started tecfidera 7/10/2013
          rituxan 11/13/2012 stopped due to side effect &it didn't help me (for RA and MS)
          copaxone started 4/2012 but stopped due to bad allergic reaction
          Matt.19;26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”



            Mine have com eon strong in the last 2 weeks. Stutters seem to go hand in hand with tremors in my case. Extreme shaking, such that cashiers have to get the credit card out for me in stores. My leg has inner tremors, my arm shakes very visibly, and I just cannot get words out. When I do, it is almost robotic in their slowness and lack of pitch.

            I swear, sometimes it's almost too much to keep what will pop up tomorrow???



              Lisa - tremors

              Your post sounded so much like what I am experiencing tho I am still "probable" MS. I cannot find much info on tremor activity & what to expect.

              My neuro appt three wks ago, I had tremor rt hand/arm, rt foot, face, tongue, vocal cords. Was given rx gabapentin and am gradually increasing 600 mg.

              But since I started meds, tremors will stop for about an hour then return more dramatic and mostly in my legs to the point I am using a cane. I bounce when I walk cuz each leg does a spastic tremor bouncing thing at each step.

              I want to call neuro, but DH suggests I shd wait. Do u hv similar activity in your legs, and is it transient - or is it a sign of deterioration - or do u think additional GABA will help and I shd consult neuro?

              Any advice? .... Is it real?


                Wheeliegirl--I feel for you! Sorry that everyone is always in such a hurry that they can't wait for you to finish your sentence.

                Have you investigated alternative therapies, if there are any?

                You need a Geoffrey Rush-type character such as the one featured in the movie "The King's Speech."


                  My arm and hand are visible tremors; my right leg has inner tremors which can be felt by others if they hold their hand on my leg, but it is primarily inner shakiness.

                  My stuttering went haywire last night, but I was overheated and the more I stuttered the more stress and the circle continued. The baclofen and gabopentin really do not seem to affect the stutters no tremors. Xanax does aid in slowing the the stutters by relaxing and de-stressing me. It seems that most medication that would deal with these issues causes lethargy. I refuse to live under a cloud. Life and it's quality are seemingly already shortened, I don't want the remainder to be like sleepwalking and miss something valuable and wonderful.

                  This is an emotionally difficult disease with which to live. For ourselves and those who love us. There is the pain we live with daily inside, and then there are the visible signs which pain those around us. I see it on their faces, watch their fear and uncertainty.


                    NYJenn- i've been wanting to check out that movie now is a good time to see it. Unfortunately I can't get occupational therapy here only PT is available . I've noticed that my speech gets worse when I'm nervous or overheated . There are time i can talk to my family and be clear as day.

                    People just don't understand MS and have it affects every body differently. I'll bet that if we all got a nickel for every time someone said to us that they have a friend or family member with MS but they can walk,talk,run,jump extra extra . We'd be so rich that we might have enough money to fund research for a cure for this beast.
                    dx.SPMS (baclofen,gabapenin,norco)
                    started tecfidera 7/10/2013
                    rituxan 11/13/2012 stopped due to side effect &it didn't help me (for RA and MS)
                    copaxone started 4/2012 but stopped due to bad allergic reaction
                    Matt.19;26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

