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    When reading posts it seems most are ambulatory. That is

    a good thing; keep going!

    Are there ms'ers who can no longer walk?

    I haven't stood for 15 yrs. It happened rather suddenly;

    thought I was taking a positive "step" in undergoing a

    treatment (cytoxin). It was not approved at that time.

    I walked into the hospital but not out.

    I didn't let it prevent me from doing my daily activities,

    though. I did all the activities, only differently.

    Fifteen yrs later I'm wondering where that person went.

    Now I feel small, useless and helpless.

    How do I get the vigor, the "nothing's gonna stop me"

    attitude back? Can or will I ever feel that way again?

    This MonSter's taken everything away. I can't let it have

    my spirit.

    hugs, angel

    Aw, Angel, honey, I get it. I really do. I started out YOUNG diagnosed RRMS, and after 32 years I'm wheelchair dependent. I tried everything NOT to make that happen, but happen it did.

    I recently had a very negative life event happen to me, but we're strong women. We CAN do the best we can and ask for nothing else. I don't know if you (or I) will ever walk (or DANCE) again, but we can still think and advocate for ourselves. We can all be here for each other, and that's a start...

    Stay strong, sweetie!
    “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway
    Diagnosed 1979

