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God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

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Calling all Canadians

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    Woot you Canadians are helping to keep this thread active.

    I looked around the web for a MS site. And this seemed to be the most active and helpful. Though I really wanted a Canadian one. I decided this one because it is so friendly. Maybe the can have a sub category for information needed for Canadians. Oh MS Canadian Site they do have a link to this board

    Wonder why in 11 years they do not have one. Maybe they tried and it did not work?
    Calling all Canadians!!! Come on over and check out this new forum Multiple Sclerosis Canada


      Great idea!

      How do we do that? I mean a sub-category for us canucks would be great.
      I mean they have one for everything else..

      When a cow laughs, does milk come up his nose?


        I don't think our friends from the U.S understand how difficult it is to find a good doctor here.

        At least in the states if you don't like the care you're receiving you switch docs.. here if your doc is not doing his/her job you're screwed and they know it.

        At least in my case, i feel like he doesn't want to do the extra work to find out what's wrong with me.

        It's just frustrating.. mine goes back and forth... MS not MS.. neurological in nature to.. it could be anyting.... to its stress take this anti-depresant...

        When a cow laughs, does milk come up his nose?


          Hmm Odd that it was moved! There is another one there calling for residents of a US state to respond and it wasnt moved.

          Anyhow, glad you started this!


            I guess we need to ask. Maybe there is not a moderator for it. Since they may not have enough already. I think we are all pretty new here. Maybe if I we keep posting a lot one of us can be.
            Calling all Canadians!!! Come on over and check out this new forum Multiple Sclerosis Canada


              So my first question is. Since we have all said hello.

              I really wish they had not moved this

              How do you Canadians with MS pay for the drugs. Does your employment drug plan cover it or is there a place for government assistance and how much do they cover.
              Calling all Canadians!!! Come on over and check out this new forum Multiple Sclerosis Canada


                I'm not working right now, will do daycare in the fall.
                I have no medical coverage.
                Hubby has a back injury so whatever meds he needs is paid through comp.

                i know they have trillium for med coverage but you still have to pay a certain percentage.. not sure how much.
                I think it's based on your earnings.

                I'm sure that's the route i'll have to go if i ever do go on any type of meds.

                When a cow laughs, does milk come up his nose?


                  If your drug costs are high in relation to your income (ie Rebif) you can apply to the provincial government for the Special Support Program. Your contribution is based on your previous year's income adjusted for size of family. I pay 16% of the cost of my drugs, with the remainder paid by the provincial gov't (Sask.) I think most provinces have something fairly similar.


                    I am also fortunate to have a drug plan through my work that covers most of my remaining drug costs.


                      Hi, Littlebelle, Just saying hello from vancouver island just moved here from Winnipeg. Yes our health care system is different from US. Luckily it is free but it definitely is frusterating at times. Cheers


                        Originally posted by laurasecord View Post
                        I am also fortunate to have a drug plan through my work that covers most of my remaining drug costs.
                        So are you taking any drugs like rebif and if so does it get covered under your work health care plan. And then do you apply to the government for help with the other half.?
                        Calling all Canadians!!! Come on over and check out this new forum Multiple Sclerosis Canada


                          Once I was approved for coverage thru the Special Support Program, I only paid the 16% ($300) when I picked the Rebif up at the pharmacy. From there, I send it in to my work drug plan to be reimbursed for most of that.
                          In Sask. once you are approved for special support, it applies to all of your family's medication - so we only pay 16% of the cost of any medications for myself, hubby, or kids.


                            You don't have to stick with a Neuro you don't like - as long as you find a Dr to refer you to a different one. I wasn't happy with my last neuro, so my Dr referred me to a different one.


                              Thanks Laurasecord it is good to know. I was worried if I do need to take those drugs how to pay for them as I work for a small company and if you added my meds it would get very expensive.
                              Calling all Canadians!!! Come on over and check out this new forum Multiple Sclerosis Canada


                                Thanks, that is good to know..

                                We have no medical coverage and with 3 kids it could get expensive.

                                Luckily they haven't really been sick enough to require expensive meds.

                                I think i will look into special coverage though since our 7 yr old dd may have add/adhd and may needs meds.

                                My doc can't prescribe anything for me that might help with the nerve pain because of no health coverage.

                                He had suggested neurontin, or maybe lyrica but lyrica is something like $900 /month.

                                So i'm back trying elavil again.. in know littlebelle i should give it a chance.... i just feel soo loopy and groggy and dizzy and the pain is still there...

                                But thanks for the info i'll look into the special coverage.
                                I didn't know i could do that.

                                When a cow laughs, does milk come up his nose?

