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Ok, I'll See if I can Remember Them All......

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    Ok, I'll See if I can Remember Them All......

    I read a lot, period. I think my book count is up to about 340? And those are just MY books!
    I read anything that catches my interest. I seem to have a thing for medical mysteries though.
    These are some of the authors I read......
    Robin Cook, John Saul, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Jean M. Auel, Daniel Kalla, Jeffrey Lindsey, Anne Rice, James Patterson, Douglas Adams, what's herame ...the Harry Potter books...there ARE more, but it is 5:30 am, so forgive me, lol. Just finished reading John Sauls "Right hand of evil" and am re-reading House of Reckoning.
    Going this pay day to add to my Koontz and Patterson collection, and will see about any new Cornwell.

    You sound as book obsessed as I am... though I tend to lean more toward "cozy" mysteries. Have you read the Donna Andrews mysteries? They're funny version of the medical mystery/cozy (the doctor is a side character - the main character's father).



      dren, Who's the author of House of Reckoning?
      As an exciting adventure series, I recommend Clive Cussler's
      NUMA SERIES! Someone gave me The Lost City and it was
      exciting as well as interesting. I found out (google) that it
      was the 5th in a series of 8! I'm going to get the 1st 2
      in a week or so. Can't wait.
      hugs, angel


        Out of your list, Dren, I'd have to say that I absolutely LOVE Douglas Adams (also, John Saul though I rarely read horror anymore). I've also read hundreds of books if not more. Going to the library nearly makes me throw my back out with all the books that I get at one time. I love them.

        I read a lot of fantasy. Terry Prachett, Diana Wynne Jones, Neil Gaiman, Ursula K LeGuin, to name a few.

        Some mystery. Barbara Michaels, Victoria Holt, and Nancy Atherton.

        Also, I have to admit on my really dreary days when my brain just doesn't feel like working on complicated plots or I need a boost I read those teenage supernatural romance books. I just read one called Nevermore about a cheerleader and a goth boy and it's based on Edgar Allen Poe's stories. It's a guilty pleasure of mine but they're like potato chips. Not really a meal but fun to eat and you can't have just one.

