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my mountain....

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    my mountain....

    Had the DH take me on a trip this weekend and we went to upper michigan. Thought that it would be cooler by the lake. And it was great! The weather was good and it was much cooler. I was feeling better than I had in days because of the heat here.

    Always wanted to go to the top of a lighthouse and we found one that lets you climb up and stand by the light. The DH was very concerned about me attempting it, it was almost 100 steps to the top. I told him that this was to be my mountain and I needed to do this. I also asked him if he'd forgive me because I wasn't sure how this was gonna go and he may have to pick up the pieces. That wonderful man said if I needed to do this, he was all for it no matter what. Well, I did it and it was worth it! But let me tell you, when we hit bottem, I really hit bottom. We got down ok, but the step out of the building brought me to my knees with the most severe cramps I have ever had. And today my legs hurt worse than they ever have. But I tackled my mountain!!!

    This isn't to really tell you about the cramps, its to tell you that there is such beauty in this world that for some, when you pick your won't regret it for any price you pay. I will have that beautiful memory always and I don't mind the price I'm paying for having seen it.

    The second best thing I saw was a marsh pond that was covered in water lilies. Never saw so many in one place. It was georgeous.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend!!

    This is very inspiring...making me want to go find "my mountain."
    Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. Unknown


      Love your story, fleetgirl!! Recup well and find another "mountain" to climb.

      I used to love to climb up actual mountains here in the pacific northwest. It's been years, but even a "small hill" or a long low-level smooth path, as long as it's with nature among tall trees would work.
      1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
      Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


        Congratulations on climbing your mountain!!! It's a great feeling isn't it (well, except the pain afterwards), but that rewarding sense of accomplishment and having pushed beyond the pain and MS to do something you want to do is indescribable.

        I climbed my mountain a few weeks ago when I made it up a half-mile almost vertical path to the top of Clingmans Dome, then up the ramp to the observation tower where there was the most breathtaking view of the Smoky Mountains imaginable. I had to stop about 20 times on the way up and sit down to rest and it took me over an hour, but I made it! (And I made it back down too, which was almost harder.)

        Sometimes you just have to get out there and live!!!
        Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
        Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
        Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


          "mountains" are important

          Congrads on climbing the lighthouse. I bet you had a great view. My mountain is the tower in Door County's Peninsula State Park. The view up there is great. I always make sure we do the climb first thing in the morning, that's when I have the best energy. Because the stairs are narrow I even leave my cane in the car. Last year we took our time, I even sat on the steps to take a break. I love watching & listening to the little kids as they climb or choose not to climb.

          I consider it my annual goal to climb the tower & take a picture from the top. The framed picture makes me smile during the cold days of winter.


          DX 1986 currently on TY
          Copaxone 2003 to February 2015



            nightflyer, i hope someday you do find your mountain and have the strength/stamina to do it!

            seasha, i have been in your area ( pacific northwest - my oldest son lives that way ) and i know what you mean about the mountains - breathtaking! i found that a bench on the edge of the woods works well too ( the DH and son always go mountain climbing when we go out to visit. i'm happy to just sit and wait for them to come back.)

            shashi, i read your thread on your climb and cheered for you all the way! and despite the aches, it was worth it - wasn't it.

            toot, i have been to that tower myself. as a matter of fact, it was the last thing my DH and i did before he left for his out of country job and all of this hit me. we had a nice couple take our picture for us and i look at that off and on. i remember that we kinda laughed because i was so wiped out on the climb.....who'd of guessed what lurked on that trip. have a good climb this year!

            my legs still hurt and i've never felt so wiped out. but let me tell you, i close my eyes, see that sight and it all goes away for a bit.....yep, worth it.

            (((hugs))) to all !!


              In my late teens ....

              and early 20's I backpacked and hiked and made it to top of several mountains. ~ Those certainly were the days ~

              Colorado & Wyoming were my regular hang outs then.

              If only I still could do that.....good memories though.
              T-tk (dx RR 10/08 Copax.2008)
              Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way.


                Yee-haa, good for you girl!! What an accomplishment!


                  I recently climbed to the top of helen hunt falls in colorado springs. I had to stop once, and it was slow going but I did it. It's an elevation of 7,600 feet so I am dang proud.

                  Going down was tough I lost my footing a few times, but my sweet 18 year old son stayed with me the whole way down. He linked his arm in mine - it made me proud that he's turned out to be such a great guy!

