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How do you stay positive?

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    How do you stay positive?

    I am very lucky to have not experienced many setbacks since my dx, so I feel that maybe I should not be down today and whining, but right now I am having a small relapse or pseudo-relapse, waiting to see if symptoms get better today instead of worse, and this puts me in a slump. Because I am useless for now I feel like a loser to my family and my job. Any positive words of encouragement?

    I know it's really hard to be upbeat when you're not feeling well. It's ok to feel bad whether there are others in worse shape or not. No guilt, ok.

    I try to look at nature, to relax and accept that my body is what it is and that makes me unique too, to take deep slow breaths and just rest if poosible. I play with my pups and cuddle them, too. There are studies that shows that pets do help with stress. Mostly, take care of yourself.
    What if trials of this life
    Are Your mercies in disguise?
    "Blessings; Laura Story"


      What can I say? Having MS has made me realize what is really important in life, and to keep my perspective. Sometimes distraction is the best you can hope for, so maybe find something to do?
      I also feel like a loser sometimes, and then I make myself laugh with a song I heard on the radio--(I have a teen son, so its sort of punkish rock):
      Soy un perdidor
      I'm a loser baby,
      So why doncha kill me?
      The rest of the lyrics are pretty rough (also), but it hits home for me, and makes me laugh at myself for calling myself a loser....


        Lemstar..I love that song!

        Jackiey...I don't think it is wrong to engage in a pity party now and then. As long as you do it well and then get it over with. I don't feel guilty about it anymore. I revel in my self pity and then feel somewhat silly and just quit.

        When I am really down I pray. I always get answers and it is such a relief to hand my problems over.
        Diagnosed with MS spring 2010; Still loving life


          i feel ya' me who is usually quite positive hit a wall a few days ago. Mostly triggered by my family, and them not making any allowances for my ms.

          long story short I agree you have to gain a new perspective on things, seperate a little from yourself as they said look at nature, relax etc.

          If you let it ms can bring unexpected goodness into your world. I know I had it going on for a while, the new appreciation for life. Now i'm in a bit of a slump so i'm faking it till i make it again.

          do you know they did a study and found out people who were depressed that faked smiling, being happy came out of their slump much quicker and easier.

          hang in there...... sometimes we are all allowed to be down. Someone once said I have MS, MS doesn't have me.

          And I think we have to remember we have so much to offer besides our physical abilities, that is just the tip of the iceberg!
          Jen Dx'd 5/11
          "Live each day as if it were your last"

