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    NO TRIKE!!!!

    Yesterday hubby and I took a ride on a trike. He actually took one for a ride about 10 days ago, but I wasn't with him then. It was ok, but afterward I told him no, I wanted to keep the bike we have.

    He says that I'm thinking about what he wants - and yes I am. Alot of things I can no longer control with this stupid disease, but this it one thing I can. I know he would get the trike for my sake, but the answer is a big NO!!!

    We can still keep riding on the bike we both love, we just won't go as far and as often. I feel ( and know) that he has had to sacrifice alot since there are so many things I can't do anymore. But I will NOT let this be one of them.

    This fall we will be married 40 years No, I wasn't a child bride (he-he)! Riding on a trike is just not the same. Those of you who ride, know what I mean. This is one thing I can still share with the man of my dreams-- riding on a Harley with a bit of danger and the wind blowing thru my hair. In my heart I know this is the right thing to do-to keep the bike we both love and let the chips fall where they may!!

    We've been married 42 years and I feel the same way. Enough has been taken away from him from this disease and as long as I am well enough I will continue to suffer through the discomfort for what he loves to do. We are into old cars and cruise inn's etc. I can always go inside somewhere in the a/c while he socializes and looks at the cars!


      Hi Josie, thanks for the reply! We used to be into the old cars too- from 1991- 2005. Hubby, myself and our teenage son all had Mopars. What alot of fun, and a good way to spend time together. Our son was 17 at the time, so only went to shows for a couple years, then he still had the car, but didn't go shows, had other interests- like becoming a police officer. His car was pretty obvious- it was the Plum Crazy purple- girls and women loved it.

      I started having ms symptoms in Aug of 94, walking for a month or two, then just little episodes off and on over the years. The docs didnd't know what was wrong with me. Good thing it wasn't bad- sometimes we would go the 20-30 shows a season!!! Went to Ohio alot, Penn, Indiana, Michigan, besides all the ones here in Wis. Met alot of wonderful people over the years!!

      What kind of car do you and hubby have? It sure is fun isn't it? Now, I have a weak leg and horrible balance, haven't walked on the grass in 2 years. Guess I could never go to a car show again heh?!! Course some are mainly on pavement.

      Have a great summer at the shows!! Enjoy those cars-- we still love seeing them on the streets cruising around!


        Hey Kathy, I have had symptons for 20 years and was told it was probably MS but dr. would not diagonose because of jobs and insurance and back they there was little medications. Smart man althought I did not think so at the time. I had two total hip replacements in the past two years so I contributed a lot of my symptons on that. In October had the worse relapse I've ever had so the testing began and 7 months later I had the official diag. Right now I am doing well, only fatigue, attention span and heat are my major problems. I am 61 so some of that could be age too. I am fortunate to have 20 years of being remission. My husband has been into street rods for 40 years. He and my son have a restoration shop in Florida. We've gone to car shows all of those years. My favorite is Shades of the Past in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We go every fall. Right now we have a 1941 Mercury Convertible. A/C of course. Hope to talk to you soon! Enjoy the bikes!!!


          Hi Josie, our stories are similar, in that we both had sx over the years, but no answers. Guess this happens quite often from what I hear.

          Mike has been looking at rods on his computer lately and there are some awesome ones!! It's great that you guys have your own shop! They just don't make cars like those old ones anymore- now they all look the same.

          Gotta start getting things ready for supper. Talk to you soon! CasinoKathy


            Is a side-car out of the questian?
            You could keep the same bike and only use it for long rides. (they can be removed and attached easily.)
            They look cool and are an adventure in themselves.


              you go girl! I dont blame you one bit. I am a cyclist and my husband bought me a big old lady cruiser bike with baskets after I fell in the driveway getting on my road bike.

              I rode it for a while, and then said forget this. I want to ride on the street, wind in my hair, bugs sticking to my sun screen. I may not go as fast as I once did, or ride as much because of the heat, but when I can I am going to...

              and NO one or nothing will stop me.

              Keep riding lady.

