


We began with a mission and purpose to help others living with MS.

We were excited to get going!

And hit a few bumps along the way…

However, in all seriousness, we remain grateful for our amazing volunteers, members & all who have made MSWorld a valuable resource for all!

July 10, 2024, we celebrated the goodness of these past 28 years. With a heavy heart, we will be ending our services.

We need a financial miracle to keep going forward.

We thank all for your support.

MSWorld's website will close on October 16, 2024.

“I personally want to wish all of you the guidance to find this type of support, as so many do here. Also, my prayers and love extends beyond my understanding. It has been a pleasure to steward this journey.”

God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

we leave knowing that
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    right now I'm reading the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, by Stephen R. Donaldson.

    I have six books in the set, and am on volume 5... but I read online that he's started a NEW set of four, in that universe.

    it's an amazingly deep story of a man with Hansen's Disease (leprosy) who gets "translated" to another world, and has to deal with his anger at his illness (leper - outcast - unclean) and manage to overcome his disability, and still save the world.

    I was fascinated to see the author has the character Thomas (in an interior monologue) mention Multiple Sclerosis, in the context of the unfairness and alienation of having a serious, and poorly understood illness.

    here's the names of the books:

    First Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever

    Lord Foul's Bane
    The Illearth War
    The Power That Preserves

    Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever

    The Wounded Land
    The One Tree
    White Gold Wielder

    and the new set, not all published yet):

    Third Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever

    The Runes of the Earth (2005)
    Fatal Revenant (?)
    Shall Pass Utterly (?)
    The Last Dark (?)

    so now, I'll have to find somebody in the US to send me the new ones in the series!
    Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. ~ Erica Jong


      Originally posted by kayo
      right now I'm reading the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever, by Stephen R. Donaldson.

      I have six books in the set, and am on volume 5... but I read online that he's started a NEW set of four, in that universe.

      it's an amazingly deep story of a man with Hansen's Disease (leprosy) who gets "translated" to another world, and has to deal with his anger at his illness (leper - outcast - unclean) and manage to overcome his disability, and still save the world.

      Sounds awesome but a little too sci-fi for me.


        well, I noticed that a few folks were reading Arthur C. Clark, and Phillip K. Dick, so, I thought there might be some interest in that "area" lol.

        it's actually more fantasy, than sci-fi...

        on a more general note, I recently read the Sue Monk Kidd book - Secret Life of Bees, enjoyed it very much.

        I live in the jungle, and books are hard to come by here, so, I'm grateful for whatever I can get my hands on.
        Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't. ~ Erica Jong


          I read the First and Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever MANY, MANY years ago. I'll have to go back and look for his reference to MS.

          One of the last books I read was "Fire on the Mountain: The True Story of the South Canyon Fire" by John N. Maclean. (He is the son of Norman Maclean who wrote "A River Runs Through It")


            I am reading Immoral by Brian Freeman. It is a "riveting debut thriller". Also, I'm reading A Furnace Afloat by Joe Jackson, which is about the wreck of the Hornet (a clipper ship) in 1866. They are both great.

            MS diagnosed 1989


              I'm reading Marley & Me by John Grogan. It's very good. Any of you who have labrador retrievers would love it. Very heartwarming!
              "However self sufficient we are, our strength is always being supplied by others unknown to us whose paths led them to our house at the moment we needed the light they could give."~Howard Thurman~


                The Death Committee by Noah Gordon.

                I have enjoyed every one of Gordon's books. I just finished the Death Committee, it was great.

                MS diagnosed 1989


                  Vanish by Tess Gerritsen.

                  I'm currently reading Vanish, and I recommend it if you like thrillers. In fact, I recommend everything Gerritsen has written. I think she's a great author.

                  MS diagnosed 1989


                    James A. Michner - Journey

                    OK. I read my first Michner in '77 and it took forever to get over it. Once he gets going his story telling is really good but I had to learn to flip over the pages about mountains thrusting in to the sky and then being eroded by wind, rain and ice, not to mention the primal slime at the begining of some of his books! It was published in '88 I think - I got it from a trash can - WHAT A GREAT BOOK! No history about the forming of the continent. Not so many characters that you can't remember names, and his writing style had me going along on the Journey!

                    I'd read it again - and I hate to re read books!

                    I'm also going to get a library card! I no longer seem to get out on trash day.


                      yeah, i'm very excited, i finally got my copy of 'the kite runner' to read!!!!!!
                      Dx'd: 4/5/99 RRMS,TYSABRI STARTED 9/06
                      MY MS IS DOING VERY BADLY!!!


                        I'm in the middle of reading Tuesdays with morrie. It's really good so far.


                          I'm reading Jonathan Kellerman Rage,it's taken me quite awhile,l've lost interest near the end.


                            I'm reading Michael J. Fox's book Lucky Man right now. Just started it so, can't comment too much on it yet.
                            "However self sufficient we are, our strength is always being supplied by others unknown to us whose paths led them to our house at the moment we needed the light they could give."~Howard Thurman~


                              Originally posted by lcrose
                              OK. I read my first Michner in '77 and it took forever to get over it. Once he gets going his story telling is really good but I had to learn to flip over the pages about mountains thrusting in to the sky and then being eroded by wind, rain and ice, not to mention the primal slime at the begining of some of his books!
                              I had to laugh at the mountains thrusting into the sky. My DH is the same way when he reads Dean Koontz, complaining about the descriptions of rain, grass, whatever. He's gotten to where he just skips the long descriptive paragraphs.

                              I'm reading a nice book right now...The Inspector and Mrs. Jeffries by Emily Brightwell. It's the first in a series of Victorian mysteries, at least I'm pretty sure it's the first one. I read the latest awhile ago and liked it, so decided to read the series in order.

                              MS diagnosed 1989


                                I finally finished my "Kite Runner", x-cellent book. Now I'm gonna start my "Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly. I've read everything Bill's done. I think he is a great man.
                                Dx'd: 4/5/99 RRMS,TYSABRI STARTED 9/06
                                MY MS IS DOING VERY BADLY!!!
                                I AM HAVING ALOT OF DIFFICULTY ACCEPTING THIS, TOO MUCH!!!:

