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    I am taking 4000 MG D-3, B-50, Omega-3 1000MG, Potasium 500MG, C 500MG CoQ10- 100MG. I have Spasticity to the point that my right leg will not bend at the knee, especially when I need to get in a car. Could these supplements be hurting me or should I add to it?

    The drugs like Baclophen etc just make me tired. I try to exercise 2-3 times per week but if I do to much i'm exhausted. I can stand, walk a little with aid but the drop foot makes it so difficult I use a power chair. I am a mess and can't seem to find answers. Please any advice would be appreciated!

    Relating to being stiff

    I too get stiffness in my legs esopeciallly when I try to stand from a chair of normal height--can't seem to get it done without holding on to something or someone...So I've been exercising to strengthen my core back muscles and practice standing from a slightly taller table...In the pool I do squats (about twenty) hurts but i'm still trying to strengthen muscles to move from sitting to standing...I take most the the same supplements ...but more..,.I think I may need to try a drug...maybe baclofen....I heard it was difficult to get the dosage correct..don't give to your neuro
    Progressive Relapsing MS


      You don't list any minerals?(except potassium) why are you taking that? Unless you're using a diurectic or do not eat ANY fruits or vegetables? I wouldn't have you taking a potassium by itself.
      You need a blend of calcium and magnesium: for spasticity a 1:1 ratio. And more omega 3 and EPA, DHA. These EFAs are important for the diffusion of calcium and magnesium into the tissues. I see woman on the "1500mg calcium" generic list and they have stiffness because the calcium is not mobilized into the tissues.
      Make sure the C has bioflavanoids in it.
      Eat better, feel better and be richer for it.

