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Can I crush Acetyl L Carnatine/ALA pills?

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    Can I crush Acetyl L Carnatine/ALA pills?

    I am having ALOT of problems swallowing pills, but I would like to take the Acetyl L Carnatine and ALA pills and they are HUGE!!!

    Can I crush them and add them to a protein drink or in applesauce or something like that?

    I just got some whole food vitamins that are supposed to be alot easier on my stomach (LPR) and they are pretty big too.

    Sometimes I feel like poking all my big supplement pills in a coffee grinder and making dust out of them.


    I don't think you can because I think they're time-released and have to be in capsule form to work. (I could be wrong.)

    Try taking them with either applesauce or a yogurt smoothie. I have problems with even tiny pills, but this really helps. Also, tilt your chin downwards toward your chest, not up when you're swallowing, and only take one pill at a time. (I'm really bad at throwing the whole handful in and trying to get them all down at once.)

    These are all tips from the speech therapist who did my swallow test.
    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      Maybe there is a way

      Hi I purchase my ALC and ALA in a combined pill at GNC. It's not a capsule but a solid pill. It seems that you could crush it and take with food. I take mine at bedtime...seems to work for me. Good luck
      Progressive Relapsing MS


        Alpha Lipoic Acid

        I recently took part in an OHSU study involving ALA in MS. I was given a one time dose of 1200mg and then had my blood tested at different intervals. After 3 days, and having only had that single dose, I woke up to about a 25 percent reduction in pain/numbness in my legs and feet. I went to my local Vitamin Shoppe and started taking 1200mg daily. That was a little over 2 months ago and since then, I have seen either a significant improvement or complete amelioration of just about every MS related symptom I have. This includes fatigue, tremor, electric-shock sensations, vision (after 3 bouts of optic neuritis,) cognitive (memory, attention, comprehension,) speech, urinary symptoms, vertigo/balance, night sweats, spasticity, pain/numbness/cold in my feet/legs, and on an on. Bonus "side effects" are clear skin, clear sinuses, over-all sense of well-being and regulated blood pressure and insulin levels.

        In addition to my success, I have turned on about a dozen people to taking ALA. Some have MS, some chronic fatigue, cancer and diabetic neuropathy. ALL of them have had similar results.

        One thing I would like to add though... I did at one point change to a different brand to save a little money, but within just a few days, I saw a return of my symptoms. After going back to my original brand, it took only a couple of days to return to where I was and the days just keep getting better and better! (This, for only about 12 dollars per month.)

        Through a little bit of research (actually, A LOT,) I have found that it is important to split dosages (I take 600mg first thing in the morning and 600mg two hours after eating lunch,) and the VERY IMPORTANT THING IS TO TAKE IT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. According the the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, taking ALA on an empty stomach, greatly increases it's bioavailability. Additionally, it is important to take ALA in CAPSULE FORM as opposed to tablet, and it should have a pungent, sulfur smell to it.

        ****Based on studies I have found, I take each dose with Evening Primrose Oil (said to increase ALA motility by 40%,) and at least 12 ounces of water on a completely empty stomach. Since ALA causes heartburn/stomach upset for me, I have found taking either a cinnamon supplement or 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, greatly reduces these symptoms. ******

        I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any questions I can answer and I would LOVE to hear of any success stories!


          I take the racemic form, as recommended by the Linus Pauling Institute. It's at least twice as potent as regular ALA.

          I take 400 mg a day (capsules) divided into two doses, always on an empty stomach, which works out to at least 800 mg a day of ALA.

          I'm a Type 2 diabetic, and taking R-Lipoic Acid has allowed me to completely eliminate the Metformin I was taking. Unlike Metformin, R-LA has minimal side effects.

          I haven't noticed any other benefits as far as MS is concerned, but I take several other supplements and it's hard to tell which is doing what.

          People having trouble with the large pills of ALA/ALCAR might want to consider taking the two supplements separately rather than combined.


            Thanks for all your posts and ideas!

            I just started taking ALA and ALC supplements yesterday. I am hoping it helps with some of my symptoms.

            This website/message board has been such a wealth of information for me, I wish I had found it years ago.
            Opiegirl, Dx 1991
            Have never used DMD's.

            LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
            Estriol 9/12-present
            Still Hopeful.


              I have a question about taking meds and supplements on an empty stomach (and you'd think I'd know this, since I used to be a nurse!)

              How long should you wait to eat after you take the meds?
              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


                You should wait one hour.


                  Fiona Jane
                  Which brand of ALA is it that works for you?

