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Salt Flush for constipation - need info

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    Salt Flush for constipation - need info

    I think I saw the salt flush mentioned here but I can't find it.

    I think it was 1 tsp sea salt with one cup of water first thing in the morning. Then lay on your right for twenty minutes.

    Now I have a lot of questions

    1- I think my muscles just aren't strong enough to push anything out (sorry if TMI) - Is this the right thing to help that (if not, what is?)

    2- It takes 3 weeks till it starts working? what then? Just stop and everything will be fine? Everyday for 3 weeks?

    3- A cup of salt water is disgusting. I can't drink that. Can I eat a spoonful of salt and then right away drink the cup of water? (or dissolve the spoonful of salt in a tiny bit of water and then drink the cupful of water after?)

    4- It has to be first thing in the morning? Can I drink coffee first?
    Dx 1/86 at age 23
    Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
    Tysabri - 2011 - present

    I haven't heard of the specific salt treatment you are referring to, however I have been told my my nutritionist to have a cup of boiling water with a slice of lemon or lime, first thing in the morning. Yes, before coffee and before anything else. Evidently it helps detox our system to get things moving.

    I did try it for a while and it worked some but I find just drinking water works the same for me. I drink a lot of plain water and it helps, but I'm at the point even cleanses, meds, yoga bla bla just aren't getting things moving. They're slow.

    My diet is extremely healthy and has been for many years, I just walk around with a huge bubble in my stomach constantly and when I can go to the bathroom it feels like Christmas...

    Has anyone heard of Triphala? A natural supplement to help detoxify GI tract and help in digestion? I! thinking of trying it and wondering any reviews from people with MS?
    There is always a rainbow!


      I do this.
      Tara's "recipe" is for 1/2-1 t sea salt in 8 oz of water. I mix mine up before I go to bed at night, set it bedside then drink it when the alarm goes off before rolling over & snoozing for another 20+ min.
      For me it did take 1-2 weeks to start working. After things start "moving" every day wasn't necessary.
      DX 10/2008
      Beta Babe 12/2008-07/2013
      Tecfidera 07/2013-01/2018
      Aubagio 01/18-09/20

      Ocrevus 09/20-present


        But how did you drink that salty water? (Yuchhh). Can I mix it with just two sips of water and drink a full cup of water right after?
        Dx 1/86 at age 23
        Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
        Tysabri - 2011 - present


          Originally posted by DonnaD View Post
          I think I saw the salt flush mentioned here but I can't find it.

          Now I have a lot of questions

          2- It takes 3 weeks till it starts working? what then? Just stop and everything will be fine? Everyday for 3 weeks?

          3- A cup of salt water is disgusting. I can't drink that. Can I eat a spoonful of salt and then right away drink the cup of water? (or dissolve the spoonful of salt in a tiny bit of water and then drink the cupful of water after?)

          4- It has to be first thing in the morning? Can I drink coffee first?
          DonnaD this is SO not a funny topic or place anyone wants to be in. BUT I had to smile at your responses to the method listed for this. I think that the " no coffee first?" was the part that I actually had to lol at.

          And since you seem to be like me in wanting things to work out your way, I can almost hear you muttering "and I dont even know that this is going to work!"

          Good luck (if you can get past drinking salt water before coffee every day for 3 weeks).


            Don't think it will work for me? I even bought the sea salt. Maybe I'll just start eating oatmeal instead (but not before coffee).
            Dx 1/86 at age 23
            Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
            Tysabri - 2011 - present


              DonnaD, I have no opinion on whether this will work or not for you - my problem is the complete opposite of yours .

              I just totally related to wanting to do things MY WAY. And, like you, coffee is the first thing I think about in the mornings, the first place I head to (well I do stop to empty bladder in route to coffee). The only exception will be if DH brings a glass of tea to set on bedside table before waking me, but even then that is just to get me to COFFEE


                If you want something more palatable and that moves things along, try either flax seed puddings or chia seed puddings. Dig in and know where the loo is. The flax seed should be ground in your coffee grinder- put a generous amount in the mix. Chia seeds can be dumped in whole, but take a while to plump up. I´ve made a blueberry pudding and a pumpkin one with coconut milk, stevia, and cinnamon- and frozen blueberries or frozen pumpkin cubes. It works within a day. It is dose dependent- the more you eat, the more ya poo.


                  On an empty stomach (first thing in the morning, or 4 hours after a meal), drink 1 quart of warm water with 2 teaspoons of salt. You have to drink this 1 quart of salt water within 10 mins. 20 to 30 mins after the salt water, drink some plain water.

                  I never heard of it taking two weeks to work. It took 3 to 4 hours the second time I tried it. (The first time it did not work at all. I was told that was because I was so dehydrated and my body absorbed the water.) It’s really supposed to just take 35 to 40 minutes, but I think that is for healthy people.

                  Oh, another time, I threw everything up after drinking the saltwater. You have to experiment with the amount of salt.

                  I thought it was going to be helpful, and if things happened all at once, I might have continued. But spending 3 to 4 hours out of the day next to the bathroom doesn’t work for me!

                  Now I’m trying Linzess.


                    Originally posted by msgijo View Post
                    DonnaD, I have no opinion on whether this will work or not for you - my problem is the complete opposite of yours .

                    I just totally related to wanting to do things MY WAY. And, like you, coffee is the first thing I think about in the mornings, the first place I head to (well I do stop to empty bladder in route to coffee). The only exception will be if DH brings a glass of tea to set on bedside table before waking me, but even then that is just to get me to COFFEE
                    My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning!! Always did (we're married 29 years). He's such a morning person and I'm not at all. I'm pretty miserable till I've had coffee so it's really worth it for him to make sure I've had coffee first thing (tomorrow morning I have to go for a blood test - My primary Dr. who has to request it [that's how health insurance works here] tells me to remember to fast before. The blood tests are for tysabri and they say i don't have to fast. So it's always so tempting to have that coffee before.) So do I have the coffee before??
                    Dx 1/86 at age 23
                    Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
                    Tysabri - 2011 - present


                      Originally posted by Temagami View Post
                      If you want something more palatable and that moves things along, try either flax seed puddings or chia seed puddings. Dig in and know where the loo is. The flax seed should be ground in your coffee grinder-
                      Oh, the nurse where I get tysabri mentioned flax seed too. With all my coffee talk, I don't have a coffee grinder but I'm going to look into it - thanks
                      Dx 1/86 at age 23
                      Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
                      Tysabri - 2011 - present


                        Originally posted by Turmeric View Post
                        On an empty stomach (first thing in the morning, or 4 hours after a meal), drink 1 quart of warm water with 2 teaspoons of salt. You have to drink this 1 quart of salt water within 10 mins. 20 to 30 mins after the salt water, drink some plain water.
                        I can't imagine drinking a whole quart of warm salty water
                        Originally posted by Turmeric View Post
                        Oh, another time, I threw everything up after drinking the saltwater.
                        Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I think I've heard enough about this salt flush idea - thanks
                        Dx 1/86 at age 23
                        Copaxone 1993 - 2011 (except when I was pregnant or nursing)
                        Tysabri - 2011 - present


                          Originally posted by DonnaD View Post
                          Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up. I think I've heard enough about this salt flush idea - thanks
                          Well, I didn't want to sound discouraging, Donna. We desperate folks are willing to try just about anything, right? But maybe my experience will save you from a bad experience.

