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    Anyone out there using this amino acid compound? I know nothing about it, but my daughter keeps pestering me to try it for mood enhancement and just overall feeling better. I tend to avoid supplements for the most part...


    Originally posted by andi b View Post
    Anyone out there using this amino acid compound? I know nothing about it, but my daughter keeps pestering me to try it for mood enhancement and just overall feeling better. I tend to avoid supplements for the most part...

    It says a lot, to my way of thinking, that every single entry on the first two pages of a Google search for Laminine is from the company that makes it &/or from people who are selling it.

    Personally, I wouldn't believe the hype. There are other, better ways of improving your mood in my opinion.



      I sent a long response last night, but it doesn't appear here....I am new to this forum so maybe posts get reviewed before publishing? I don't know.
      Anyway, I'm a Laminine user, and before I tried it I went through the same thing you are. I searched all over the internet for BAD reviews so I wouldn't have to waste my time or money, but couldn't find any! But what made me try it is that my friend who introduced me to the product had noticeable, positive changes in her character.
      For myself, it's made me much more relaxed & stress-free. If I couldn't tell the difference in whether or not I took it, I would stop, but there's definitely positive changes! For me anyway....


        Originally posted by brendalee View Post
        I sent a long response last night, but it doesn't appear here....I am new to this forum so maybe posts get reviewed before publishing? I don't know.
        Anyway, I'm a Laminine user, and before I tried it I went through the same thing you are. I searched all over the internet for BAD reviews so I wouldn't have to waste my time or money, but couldn't find any! But what made me try it is that my friend who introduced me to the product had noticeable, positive changes in her character.
        For myself, it's made me much more relaxed & stress-free. If I couldn't tell the difference in whether or not I took it, I would stop, but there's definitely positive changes! For me anyway....
        All posts are read by a Moderator before they're approved for public viewing.

        I didn't search the Internet for bad reviews, by the way...I searched for academic articles verifying the claims made by the manufacturer of Laminine but all I found was--if you'll pardon the word--hype.

        I'm glad to hear it seems to be working for you, though.



          No, there is actual documented research on YTE, aka Young Tissue Extract, which is the most "active" substance in Laminine. I have read numerous, like I mean over 120+ pages of laboratory tests on the product. They are all GOOD. But the reason I keep taking it is that I FEEL better. I definitely FEEL different taking it than not.

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            There are a great many products that purport to be beneficial for MS in some way. Most, if not all, of them can cite some research that supports the claims made for at least some of the ingredients. That does not, in itself, mean the products are "as advertised" by their manufacturers or salespeople.

            Research is a tricky business. Some of it is solid, but much of it is poorly designed, inconclusive, or in dispute. It's necessary to use critical thinking skills when evaluating research reports.

            Anyone who wishes to Google Youth Tissue Extract will find a long list of links to websites devoted to promoting the product for weightlifting, sexual prowess, anti-aging properties, and so forth.

            I'm sorry, but again, I see nothing that distinguishes Laminine from other products making extravagant (and often similar) claims.


              My gut feeling is similar to Sequoia's about supplements that are pushed on the internet. When I went to check on it, I could not find a good description of what it was or how it worked.

              I currently work in the medical field with registered dietitians as an administrative person; neither of the dietitians have heard of this product (which made me suspicious); in the past I worked for a large medical school in Southern California. I agree that peer reviewed research articles are what would have to convince me to spend the money to take this.

              My daughter is convinced it works, as her son is on it for ADD and she said that his behavior and concentration have improved a lot. She tends to pressure me when she gets hot on something. I just wanted to see some real research that showed the benefits of this supplement, rather than people just trying to sell it. Thanks Sequoia... I think my decision is made.



                Well, if your daughter can't convince you to try Laminine, surely people you don't even know on the internet can't! Also, Sequoia, the lab results that I've read are not the same as what is posted all over the net. I've read clinical studies showing what was tested, how it was tested, whether it was single-blind or double-blind, etc. It took a long time to read. But like I keep saying, the reason why I keep taking it is because it makes me calm & stress-free. Laminine supposedly raises serotonin & decreases cortisol, and by the way I feel I believe they're right.
                Have a wonderful day!


                  Originally posted by brendalee View Post
                  Well, if your daughter can't convince you to try Laminine, surely people you don't even know on the internet can't! Also, Sequoia, the lab results that I've read are not the same as what is posted all over the net. I've read clinical studies showing what was tested, how it was tested, whether it was single-blind or double-blind, etc. It took a long time to read. But like I keep saying, the reason why I keep taking it is because it makes me calm & stress-free. Laminine supposedly raises serotonin & decreases cortisol, and by the way I feel I believe they're right.
                  Have a wonderful day!
                  It would be helpful if you could post links to some of the clinical studies for us to evaluate ourselves, brendalee.



                    I'm not sure where you find it online -- I have it printed out from email. But here are some studies that have been done & the organization that's done them:
                    University of Denver, Dr. Kjell Tornblom -- Young Tissue Extract for Strength Increase & Hormone Production

                    B Eskeland & E Thom conducted 3 tests on fertilized egg product & its effects on sexual desire in men, article published in Journal of International Medical Research

                    Article in Clinical Nutrition magazine, 2009, entitled "Effects of powdered fertilized eggs on the stress response"

                    A company called ETC Research & Development, Oslo, Norway did a test with running title: Embryonic peptides and treatment of mood disorders

                    There are many more. Just wanted to give you some specific research information so you can investigate yourself.


                      I googled Laminin.
                      Its a large glycolated protein contained in the "layers of the basement membrane"

                      Heres the problem: Even if it was active and intake after manufacturing (unlikely- it would be too unstable), your digestion and then liver would take it apart before it could circulate in the be of any benefit.

                      Save your money, Sorry
                      Eat better, feel better and be richer for it.


                        Originally posted by andi b View Post
                        Anyone out there using this amino acid compound? I know nothing about it, but my daughter keeps pestering me to try it for mood enhancement and just overall feeling better. I tend to avoid supplements for the most part...

                        I also tried to avoid supplements also for with MS, it take so long to diagnose, at least for me. My marriage was in trouble due To moods, so desperation got me asking differents for help. I was recommded lamine, I have started about A month ago an have felt no overwhelming feelings of sadness, AngeR, nor depression. I am one also to not Comply with rx meds either. It has seemed to work For me where other things havn't. I am new to this so please forgive me. It is still not available iin canada so I get it via a distributor.


                          Laminine is helping me

                          Hi All,

                          The Laminine is helping me a lot. Not just with moods and such but also with my walking and diabetes. I couldn't walk up hills and now I am not only walking up hills but I am about to start jogging again after 20 years.

                          My diabetes has improved a lot as well, my skin is softer and more young looking on my hands and face, I don't have carb cravings like I used to when my blood sugar was up and I am eating much better than I was. I am not sure what is causing things to heal so well but my guess is the amino acids.

                          Someone mentioned something about Laminins and they don't digest and become available but I noticed that the word you used was Laminins, not Laminine. It may not be the same thing. Laminine is what I take.

                          I just thought I would mention these things because it is new and I hate to see someone pass something by that may help them. If I were not sure, I would keep an eye on it for a while and then try it. I am normally a skeptic and very cautious but because I checked what was in the pills, I was willing to try sooner than I normally would.


                            Well, about three years ago, my mom died; and I was on anti-depressants, for about a year and a half, spiraling downhill; and it's not something I wanted to stay on forever, my insurance was going up, and I didn't want to remain on that forever. I wanted something else to take its place and, my friend Keven had suggested trying Laminine. I have purchased Laminine in UK and I noticed the changes, almost immediately, and I was actually able to wean myself off the anti-depressants; and I think I feel a lot better, and I feel a lot healthier. I don't get headaches, there were a lot of side-effects from the anti-depressants that Laminine didn't have.
                            I understand there is not enough scientific information about it and how it works, I am a sceptic myself - I have to google every time before I commit on something. But with my personal case - I had no choice, i had to do something.

                            And Laminine is the best thing I did.


                              I read your posts and you didn't mention side effects. and your posts are just words not science. So that means , as far as science is concerned, your experience is worthless and should be ignored.
                              On the other hand, medical science hasn't found any treatments ( without side effects ) in 100 years of trying. And billions of dollars spent, I say if it does no harm, do it.
                              And for those who will not try supplements. Good for you! Your choice !
                              I have been to the funerals of 2 of my high school friends in the last 10 years who had RRMS and no treatment. And refused to try to look for answers , because the doctors they used had no answers. And who knows better about your health than the doctor.
                              I wish you all well with your disease. But if you can't offer me some kind of assistance, don't waste my precious time with your negativity. I've got no time to waste.

