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God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

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Did they work for you? Acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid

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    Di, I'm so glad these supplements work for you. I know how happy you must be to get some relief from the fatigue. I'm still marveling at how well they both work for me, though last week, I must have been having a flare, because I had a total fatigue relapse. I'm doing better this week, but it was scary because it really reminded me of how bad it can get. Thank the Lord of creating these supplements for us. What would we do without them?


    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!


      OK I am now convinced that I need to give this a try. I just placed an order for a supply of Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) and Acetyl L-Carnitine (1,000 mg).

      I do not have debilitating fatigue. I just sort of lack a lot of energy...just sort of drag along. Beginning B12 (1,000 mg daily) helped me quite a bit, so I am hoping this will give me a little boost.


        Just wanted to update a bit. I have been on these supplements for 1 week and I am noticing a major difference. I hope this isn't placebo effect and I am so glad I gave this a try.

        No more dragging myself up in the morning, the afternoon dragging and falling asleep at 10pm at night!

        This weekend I was outside all day and night for a festival, a and felt so great me and my husband hit a few bars and didn't go to sleep until after midnight!! I expected to feel like a truck hit me and to need to take it very easy the next day. But after sleeping "in" until 8am I was up, energetic and ready to go.

        Totally amazing for me, it has improved my quality of life a ton. I do not have the super heavy fatigue like some I have heard but just could not get the energy to participate in life like i wanted to. I hope it keeps up, I will keep ya'll posted


          This is one of the 23 supplements I swallow every day and don't mind, because it works. I've gone with and without it for 2-week spans (to test) and for me it does work.
          Don't be afraid of the waves- Focus on the MASTER walking on the water - you won't even SEE the waves


            almost 3 weeks update

            Hi everyone

            Almost 3 weeks on ALA/ALC, and I'm grateful to report that these supplements are very beneficial for me.

            They help me feel more energetic, with more stamina. Also, for some odd reason, it seems as if these supplements have helped with bladder issues - more travel time to the bathroom when I get the urge, and also empty more completely.

            Hopefully they continue to be beneficial. Thanks Lisa (Shashi) for sharing your experience with us awhile back.

            Take care,
            PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
            ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


              23 Supplements

              I too take ALOT of supplements daily. I have had similiar success with the ALA/ALC including the few more minutes to go to restroom.

              I am trying to exercise at least twice a week outside of home and 2-3 times inside. I've heard the exercise really helps the supplements be effective
              Progressive Relapsing MS


                So glad I read this post. I've been really fatigued for the past few months. Just feel bloody TIRED (lack of energy) all of the time! Exercise used to give me that boost of energy but that isn't happening anymore. Anyway, I had started taking the ALA & saw no difference. So, I'm going to get the ALC & take the combo. Hopefully I'll see a difference then! Thanks for bringing this subject up again!


                  this is amazing

                  Originally posted by skreynolds57 View Post
                  Been taking the 400/200 combo pill for about a week. I am not able to make a determination yet and I'm generally reluctant to make positive evaluations about anything that's supposed to help with MS. I will be sure to update in another week or so.
                  I am so glad you all are posting good results to these supplements. I am sooo incredibaly tired. It is so hard for me to get my body moving. It feels like a ton of weights. My neuro told me about the alpha lipoic acid and the acetyl caritine a few years ago but never bought it so now I am going to. Thanks to all for sharing!!


                    Just a word of caution to those wanting to try the ALA/ALC combo. Be sure that you consult with your doctor before you take these supplements, especially if you are currently taking thyroid or diabetes medications. They can actually increase the effectiveness of your medications, which can results in them working too well. You would need to monitor effectiveness and adjust your medications accordingly.

                    Also, just to reiterate, if you do try them, they can take up to a month before you see the full results, so give them time. You also have to take them every day to let them build up in your system.

                    Again, I'm so happy that so many are finding relief from fatigue with ALC/ALA. They've saved my life!!
                    Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                    Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                    Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!



                      I picked a fine time to run out of ALA/ALC

                      I ran out during the 2 weeks that I was packing up my things to move to a different apartment. I was watching my money carefully because of the added expenses involved with moving. I could really tell the difference without them.

                      I have no doubt in my mind now that these supplements work well for me in giving me an energy boost, alleviating fatigue.

                      I'm all moved now, and was able to purchase the supplements. Once again, I am feeling so much better. Went to a minor league baseball game tonight (3+hours) and fireworks after the game. No coffee or any caffeinated drinks, and am still awake, alert, and don't feel worn out. I will budget for ALA/ALC from now on

                      Just wanted to share that with anyone interested in these supplements.

                      PS @Lisa/Shashi My alpha lipoic acid comes in 300 mg tabs and the acetyl l-carnitine comes in 500mg each. So now I'm taking 1 - 300mg total ALA and 2 - 500mg - 1000mg total ALC

                      Take care,
                      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
                      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


                        Been taking the L Carnitine/ ALA combo for exactly one week today - I do seem to not be as wiped out after work. But at least so far, this is very encouraging! Thanks to all for bringing this supplement to my attention. My neuro said that it was worth a shot to try it.. couldn't make things worse, and it might help. I'll let you know.


                          Energy drink with L-Carnitine

                          Funny, I have been enjoying MonSter energy drinks lately and really felt a boost in energy from them. Then today I actually looked at the ingredients and they have L-Carnitine in them! I started drinking them because they are coffee flavored and tast good but they really do give me a boost so now I'll be buying the L-carnitine with ALA and trying it. I'll still have the occasional energy drink but I really find it coincidental that they are called MonSter energy drinks!


                            WOW!!! I Mean WOW!!!

                            Shashi, THANK YOU, thank you thank you!!!! I have been struggling with fatigue for decades from fibromyalgia and now the possible MS causing the fatigue as well, its been horrible! I have provigil which helps but I now have a heart problem and it can make my heart race at times. I've been on the combination for a week now and WOW what a difference!! I am still tired, especially about 3 to 5 hours after I wake but I can now pass thru it without the heaviness of my body I would experience. You have given me hope that I may be able to go back to work, at least part time and be productive again. Thanks again! Of note I have also been on prednisone, from my PCP, and I know some of the good response is from that, but I still have strong hope that it will still be better after I'm finished weaning off.


                              OK, you've convinced me to join the bandwagon. Since I swallow a bunch of other pills every morning (just supplements), why not more?!?!?

                              So I'm now taking ALA and L-AC. I began about a week ago. I'll let you know what I think.


                                Hello Loved

                                Good luck with the supplements. Hope they give you an energy boost, as well as an increase in mental alertness.

                                We can certainly use all the little boosts we can get

                                Take care,
                                PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
                                ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

