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9/7/2023 GoalPosters Exercise Check-In

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  • 502E79

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post

    However, the virus probably would have come here eventually, the way that it is spreading.

    Hope the outbreak is short lived K!

    Looking at eyes only isn't any way to live.

    No word on any virus going around here that I've heard about

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post

    Hi KoKo... when I posted you weren't there! Checked the times and you are correct unless there is a lag from submission to actual post.

    Lot going on in your world! Cannot speak to actual fires here but do know about the loudness of the alarms. Due to... errr 'tests?' for a period of 3 - 4 weeks these 'tests' (daytime hours) lasting 5 to 20 minutes were conducted Say what?

    Glad you managed to keep physically active despite the interruptions.

    And this virus thing, what about masks? You didn't mention?

    Around here there are a few who wear them daily! No virus or anything... fashion statement possiably?

    Glad you're OK!
    Everyone must be masked, except residents while in their rooms.

    Everyone gets tested every 3 - 5 days.

    We have a rehab unit here, open to outsiders, and one of the patients came in with covid.

    The patient didn't show symptoms upon admission (It can take 5 days for symptoms to appear).

    We believe that was our 'ground zero.'

    However, the virus probably would have come here eventually, the way that it is spreading.

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  • 502E79

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post

    Hey Jer!

    I'm directly above you - don't you see me? (Post #6)

    Hi KoKo... when I posted you weren't there! Checked the times and you are correct unless there is a lag from submission to actual post.

    Lot going on in your world! Cannot speak to actual fires here but do know about the loudness of the alarms. Due to... errr 'tests?' for a period of 3 - 4 weeks these 'tests' (daytime hours) lasting 5 to 20 minutes were conducted Say what?

    Glad you managed to keep physically active despite the interruptions.

    And this virus thing, what about masks? You didn't mention?

    Around here there are a few who wear them daily! No virus or anything... fashion statement possiably?

    Glad you're OK!

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Oh! KoKo... what about you?
    Hey Jer!

    I'm directly above you - don't you see me? (Post #6)

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  • 502E79

    Hi everyone!

    Hey Mamabug, nice report... in my mind camping means uneven ground?! If so...CONGRATULATIONS! I avoid even patches of grass between parking spaces.... Hope all continues to go well with pending closing.

    And KoKo.... as promised my report:

    Going to go with partial for both weeks. Did manage to alter my routines somewhat. More leg work interspersed in the 3 gym days each week. Maybe a tiny bit more time spent too.

    Problem was how hard the exercises were. Only difference was a few additional routines. Everything was harder to do. Therefore circuits were shortened, half planned sets and not full sets... yada yada. I kept at it but losing enthusiasm makes everything laborious. Also the 'reward' of walking better after a rest was 'iffy'.

    Plus side (there's always a plus side): I managed more cardio (elliptical), therefore more leg work... may have been too much along with my alterations?! Hmmm

    Side s... HOT here but last evening brought a front through and an incredible lightening show! Have a friend visiting later this week! Actually watched a 6 episode (Italian) Netflix thing, Lidia Poet I think? I mention this only because quality is usually far below quantity on screen. This was good, a or more.

    I'll keep my head up, lick my wounds and see what the coming week brings. Let's keep at it!

    Oh! KoKo... what about you?

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  • KoKo
    Hey everyone!

    I did achieve my exercise goals, which have remained the same for a few months now.

    These include short walks and short times of standing daily, stretches, in-chair ab crunches, arm and leg exercises, and breathing exercises.​

    Well, it's been 'fun' here in the nursing home. Not!

    We got the virus going around here, employees and residents both are being affected.

    We had two A/C units (in residents' rooms) set off the super loud fire alarms.

    One air conditioner was blowing smoke and the other one had a sparking wire which caught fire (they do look pretty old).

    So we had all the fire trucks here and also the fire marshal.

    Fortunately, everyone OK.

    Only the hallways that had the affected rooms were evacuated.

    We do have the big, heavy fire doors in each room, which automatically close when the alarm goes off.

    That's it for now. Hope we all have a pleasant, peaceful, and healthy week!

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  • KoKo
    Helllo Mamabug!

    Originally posted by Mamabug View Post
    Thanks, Koko.

    Yes, we're still busy with house details working up to closing this month.

    Made goals.
    1x silver Sneakers
    1x camping this weekend with our church. Lots of walking. Used a walker instead of my cane but I managed to do without my wheelchair
    2x PT at home
    Good job with your exercises!

    Walking is especially a terrific accomplishment.

    Using the walker most likely helped you to walk better and with more steps than you would have with just the cane.

    Well done Mamabug!

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  • Mamabug
    Thanks, Koko.

    Yes, we're still busy with house details working up to closing this month.

    Made goals.
    1x silver Sneakers
    1x camping this weekend with our church. Lots of walking. Used a walker instead of my cane but I managed to do without my wheelchair
    2x PT at home

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post

    Hope the weather has been kinder out on Ohio. The past week was a change in latitudes! FL in PA.

    No, unfortunately - dew points have been in the 70's which is tropical and very oppressive!

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  • 502E79

    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    Hello everyone!

    I'm sure that Mamabug is busy with the new house affairs, so I'm starting our exercise thread this week.

    Were you able to put your body in motion last week?

    Let us know what activities that you were able to accomplish, within the scope of your own personal physical abilities.

    Great or small, any physical movements are important!

    Hope to see your posts!

    Thanks for starting the tread KoKo! Forgot about Mamabugs schedule!

    Tomorrow is the last day of two weeks worth of sessions. I'll post then!

    Hope the weather has been kinder out on Ohio. The past week was a change in latitudes! FL in PA.

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  • KoKo
    started a topic 9/7/2023 GoalPosters Exercise Check-In

    9/7/2023 GoalPosters Exercise Check-In

    Hello everyone!

    I'm sure that Mamabug is busy with the new house affairs, so I'm starting our exercise thread this week.

    Were you able to put your body in motion last week?

    Let us know what activities that you were able to accomplish, within the scope of your own personal physical abilities.

    Great or small, any physical movements are important!

    Hope to see your posts!
