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The Goalposters Exercise Check-in 09-02-2021

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  • Seasha
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post

    It's time.
    Jer- I hope that your move and all that it entails goes smoothy without major bumps in the road. Thinking of you!

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  • 502E79
    Originally posted by KoKo View Post
    I wonder what the dew point was. A dew point above 62 can cause severe symptoms for some of us.

    Glad you got through the rough experience, safe and sound. Hope you have continued good forward progress.

    Thanks for the uplifting thoughts KoKo!

    I don't know the dew points since this entire summer appears at least 10 points above normal.

    My problem was anxiety. Flooding, power outages, more tree concerns etc, all as my home listing begins this week. The issues of being older, handicapped and alone were ever-present.

    A much older friend who passed recently, regarding moving, said "'ll know when it is time."

    It's time.

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  • KoKo
    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    I made a better effort this week also. Had 4 hours at gym over 3 visits. Focus was legs, doing stuff I had let slide for a while. The cooler weather (post Ida) helped. The effort put in felt good and, at times, appeared to reap some promise during ADLs.

    Stretching was good despite Ida.

    Terrific effort and achievements, Jer!

    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Do need to restate something that was brought home because of the tropical depression. 20 hours of steady rain is water torture. Anxiety at high levels before and after event was never this high. The stress / muscle tightness was never this severe, yet with prayer, exercise and no power loss during this latest event. I made it!

    I wonder what the dew point was. A dew point above 62 can cause severe symptoms for some of us.

    Glad you got through the rough experience, safe and sound.

    Originally posted by 502E79 View Post
    Very grateful things are proceeding as to my pending move.

    Hope you have continued good forward progress, Jer.

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  • 502E79
    I'm impressed! Everyone... with successes... and Mamabug, you were above and beyond to keep so active while on holiday!

    I made a better effort this week also. Had 4 hours at gym over 3 visits. Focus was legs, doing stuff I had let slide for a while. The cooler weather (post Ida) helped. The effort put in felt good and, at times, appeared to reap some promise during ADLs.

    Stretching was good despite Ida.

    Do need to restate something that was brought home because of the tropical depression. 20 hours of steady rain is water torture. Anxiety at high levels before and after event was never this high. The stress / muscle tightness was never this severe, yet with prayer, exercise and no power loss during this latest event. I made it!

    Very grateful things are proceeding as to my pending move.

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  • Mamabug
    Didn't really set goals but here is what I did.

    My usual goals:
    - Exercise 3x (group exercise, or something else active)
    - PT at home once or twice
    - Average in the range of 1200-1500 steps per day.

    Goals I accomplished: -
    Thursday through Saturday last week: Thursday was the last day visiting my Dad. Friday was mostly driving from my Dad's back to my daughter's. We were there for Friday supper and overnight and Saturday breakfast through lunch, then driving from lunch until bedtime. Driving much of Sunday too. Driving days do end up accumulating some steps, just because of all of the gas, bathroom and meal stops. but no additional exercise.
    I arrived home Sunday evening.

    I went to Silver Sneakers on Tuesday.
    I tried to attend Senior balance on Wednesday, but when I arrived, they had changed the time from 1:30pm to 2:30pm. I came home and didn't go back.
    - PT last week on vacation 1x
    - Average steps per day: 1434.

    Next week's goals:
    - Exercise 3x (group exercise, or something else active)
    - PT at home once or twice
    - Average in the range of 1200-1500 steps per day. If i do better, it's a bonus.

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  • KoKo
    Hello everyone!

    Mamabug ~ Welcome back!

    Originally posted by Seasha
    Drove my scooter down the trail and managed to walk to the sandy part to join the others. Used trekking poles with helpers nearby. I was so grateful and proud of myself that I could do this.
    Seasha ~ Fantastic! We're proud and happy for you too!

    ~~ I accomplished my exercise goals, and they went very well.

    Sit-to-stand and staying calm - all good. And I know that I've mentioned this several times - doing stretches often, even simple ones, are truly beneficial for me.

    Walking was sometimes good, and then at times, quite challenging. Extra grateful when my walking goes smooth.

    Overall, I enjoyed my week.

    My exercise goals will continue as they are currently.

    Daily: Up on feet and light activity (walk/stand) 5X a day @ 30 min each + Stretches throughout the day + Breathing exercises

    4X Per Week: In-chair ab crunches (20 each time) + Arm, Leg, Core, and Back Exercises

    May we be calm, patient, strong, and of good courage.​

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  • Seasha
    It's been a whirlwind of activities being with grandkids before back to school. Except the 2 yr old. He equals three of our 5 yr olds!

    One day we all went to our favorite spot on the nearby river. Drove my scooter down the trail and managed to walk to the sandy part to join the others. Used trekking poles with helpers nearby. I was so grateful and proud of myself that I could do this.

    Still weeding and harvesting in the garden but not as much with all the other activity.

    Hope you all had as rewarding week as I did!

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  • Mamabug
    started a topic The Goalposters Exercise Check-in 09-02-2021

    The Goalposters Exercise Check-in 09-02-2021

    4 checked in last week.

    3 made goals
    1 didn't aet regular goals, due to vacation

    ​​​​​​Exercisers: Feel free to join us. You set your own goals. You can keep the same goals week-to-week, or modify them. You decide if you accomplished them. Check in once a week to let us know how you did last week.