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Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin For 5/18/17

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    Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin For 5/18/17

    Hi Everyone. Well as I predicted, my son’s Mothers Day visit had an unfortunate effect on my weight. I know I ate tons more salt which is responsible in the short term on my gain but I cannot blame it all on that. I will try my best to get back on track. It’s a good thing I am not of bathing suit age. I keep reminding myself of health issues and being overweight. My best Mothers Day surprise was a call from my oldest daughter telling me she has continued losing weight the total of which is the loss of a great deal of excess poundage. It is difficult to see one’s child or children packing on the pounds. All we can do is to lead by example.

    Alas, I gained another.5 pound this week. I now weigh 118. I will try my best to lose half a pound this week.

    Agate, good for you for not gaining. I’m pulling for you to lose the few pounds you said you want to shed. I know you can do it based on your history. Best wishes for your next success.

    Mamabug, I am so sorry to hear about your gain. Have you considered going back to your weight loss plan whereby you lost most of your weight. It very well could help you get to exactly where you want to be. Good luck with your efforts.

    Hsmaldo, good for you for staying the same. I hope you were able to go to the horse competition. It sounds like a fun time. I’m sorry to hear your work adds so much pressure in your life. I hope things slow down for you. Good for you for controlling eating at the MS event. Keep up your positive attitude.

    Poohb3ar, sorry to miss you again this week. I hope everything is going well in your world.

    Msgijo, good for you for staying the same. That result is so positive when you are at your desired weight. Your advice about reducing stress fits right in with my planned tip for the week. May you keep holding your own.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for over 15 years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip For The Week:

    Dr. Oz says, “Use meditation to help you cope with chronic stress, which can lead you to crave feel-good carbs.” He is right about this to which I can affirm both personally and professionally.

    Weight Loss Results:

    Total Loss:

    0 pounds. This has not happened for a very very long time. Let’s hope all show a loss next week or at least stay the same.

    Total Gain:

    2.3 pounds reported. Let us hope we see at least that amount in the Loss column next week. Come on group, we can do it! Reporting gains is an important part of the weight loss process because they remind us that it can happen.

    Stayed The Same:

    3 members. As we know, staying the same truly is success, including for those who are maintaining. Just keep remembering it is the time before the next loss if you have more to lose. Also staying the same is a signal that you are eating the right amount to maintain your losses.

    3989.51 is the total weight loss for the past 15+ years. We hit a new milestone. We now have less than 11 pounds to reach two tons lost. That is fantastic.

    Stayed the same

    Originally posted by ShrinkKaren View Post
    Mamabug, I am so sorry to hear about your gain. Have you considered going back to your weight loss plan whereby you lost most of your weight. It very well could help you get to exactly where you want to be. Good luck with your efforts.
    Yeah; I do think about that. So far, I've ruled it out. It was a lot of work. Daily tracking every single calorie that I ate for a year. It was hard to find the motivation to do that then, but being 60 pounds overweight and having a reunion and a wedding to lose weight for provided my reasons. Although I'd love to lose 5-10 pounds now, I just can't find the willingness to be that dedicated without a much bigger reason.2017 goal: 121-122 lbs; then stay in a 5-pound range of 119-124 lbs. 2017 Monthly weights: 01/05: 129.6 lbs, W 37" 02/02: 128.6 lbs 03/02: 128.4 lbs 04/04: 129.2 lbs 05/04: 129.4 lbsRecent weights: 05/18: 130.8 lbs 05/11: 130.8 lbs
    ~ Faith
    MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
    (now a Mimibug)

    Symptoms began in JAN02
    - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
    - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

    - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
    - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


      Hello all! - I've always wanted to join this group but somehow lacked the discipline - hmm wonder if that could apply to my eating habits. I think I'm on to something. (teehee)

      I'd love to synergize with the energy here bc I see a lot of positive vibes. Mamabug, don't forget you have all the time in the world to lose the few pounds. And having those previous results must be a great motivator. I'm going to start using my sewing machine to strengthen my upper limbs/dexterity - and to practice patience. And to have something to wear that doesn't cut off my circulation. Ok that was a bit of hyperbole but it's definitely not fun or comfortable.

      So anyhoo, I'm currently at 167! Time flies and I focus on other things and now all of a sudden I'm yuuuge! A 20 pound decrease by/before Sept 1st is my goal. I'm having trouble with leg strength. Was in the hospital lately so no skating and just ate whatever was there. I did manage to choose yogurt over ice cream at times but obviously not often enough. I'm going to study nutrition. Add that to my culinary degree and I'm good to go!

      Strength in numbers here we go!

      ps please add any tips to participating to this thread. My weekly goal this week is 3 pounds bc a lot of it is simply the diet I couldnt turn down. I might do weight-watchers if I'm not getting ay results.

      Thanks all!


        lost 1.1 pounds

        Goal 117 + /- 2 pounds.
        5/11 116.4
        5/19 115.3

        I was sure that I had gained a little earlier in the week, and so buckled down and ended up loosing more than intended. Still within goal weight so this just gives me a little bit of room for error.

        sardi_g - Welcome.
        You have set some pretty ambitious goals! Not saying that they cannot be met, just know that this works better as a life-style change.
        Some tips? Look out for sodium. It is a downfall for me many times (too much salt, soy sauce etc.) and refined carbs (bread products - any of them - from donuts to sliced bread.
        Exercise helps too - check out the exercise thread here in the Wellness room. Many of us dont do tradition 'exercise' but are conscious of making sure that we MOVE more.

        Faith - for me "Staying the Same" is as good as a goal met. : ) Board is still acting up -I can't add emoticons. You have been at this for a while, so you know that plateaus are a normal, and hopefully this one will already be over.

        Agate - you can do this. Hopefully your health problems have resolved so that you can get back on your 'tried and true' diet. BTW you are still my 'hero'.

        Hsmaldo - As I said in my very first post to you, You know what you need to do - and how to do it. Yeah it is hard when everything is popping up needing your attention, but in order to lose weight and to keep it off we have to prioritize. The sports season will help you a lot, so that will help you get back on the losing streak : ).

        Poohb3ar - If you are still chasing grandchild then I expect you are still loosing or at least staying the same. We miss you.

        Karen - since you know what happened it should be easier to reverse the problem ; /. Remember shorts and swimsuits ...
        And I see that we are doing great so far this week - 1 new member, 1 stayed the same, 1 small gain and 1 loss.


          I'm losing something here...

          but it's my mind rather than weight! I'm still the same at 213. That's a miracle because given this week, I've wanted to stress eat EVERYTHING, but have tried to abstain.

          Karen--I was able to go for about 2 hours on Sunday with my girls and had a great time--it finished up and we left JUST as it began to rain--a downpour that I got to drive home through, but was SO thankful for those two previous hours of sunshine and warm so I could take some photos. There's another horse show this weekend that I would love to go to--tis the season for these shows!


          msgijo--you're right! This week I have been able to focus more on what the important things are and spend less time on the frivolous time-wasting stuff. But trying to find that balance between what needs to be done and what I'd LIKE to do is really rough.

          This week was also a rough one. I pulled a Lone Star tick off myself on Wednesday--and had just texted hubby about it when he responded that the AC on his car had gone out (of course, it's hit 90 degrees here this week, so he can't be in the car 2+ hours every day without ac!) So the past 2 days has been crazy trying to figure out a rental car and fixing the ac--turns out it was the compressor, so there goes $900. Yesterday was especially rough--hubby wanted to take it to a mechanic that's over an hour away and who may or may not have been able to fix it by the end of today. I'll just sum it up by saying it was stressful, but we ended up staying with a local mechanic because I just could NOT spend that much time driving to and from to (2 hours) to drop it off yesterday and then another 2 hours today to pick it up. Nor can I take off the time from work to sit and wait for it get done.

          I finally got home after dealing with that stress all day and hubby comes home with some stuff from the in-laws for a garage sale that our church is having tomorrow. I had told my in-laws that if they cleaned and priced it, we could set it up and try to sell it for them. Guess what--none of it is cleaned OR priced OR washed or ready to sell--there's a few big garbage bags of clothes--barely folded--all wrinkled and smelling like old house along with old purses and shoes.

          I lost it.

          I still haven't found it.

          I've still got my deadline today--which I'm not going to meet (and my supervisor is aware of it and is okay with that)--I've got my ladies group at church tonight (which helps me with my sanity and I get tons of hugs and support, so not skipping out on that one!) and the garage sale is tomorrow, along with picking up our stuff from the farm AND there's another horse show which, again, I really want to go to, but will probably end up skipping because there's just no way to fit it in.

          I'm choosing though to BREATHE. I tried hold my breath--I tried screaming in the car--neither of those worked too well. I truly feel like I'm barely hanging on by a thread, but I've come through stuff worse than this before, and know I'll make it through this too. At this point, I just feel like saying, "BRING IT ON!"

          I might just leave work early today to go to the horse show by myself. and maybe throw a load of those stinky clothes in the laundry.

          Goals for this week are to continue to drink more water, continue getting my apple cider vinegar down each day, get MORE SLEEP and choose healthier desserts/snacks. Oh, and continue to BREATHE!!!

          May you all have a wonderful weekend, remember to look for the joy in the small things and laugh when possible. That's what life is about! (I'll be taking this advice too!)


            Welcome Sardi g

            Originally posted by sardi_g View Post
            Hello all! - I've always wanted to join this group but somehow lacked the discipline - hmm wonder if that could apply to my eating habits. I think I'm on to something. (teehee)

            I'd love to synergize with the energy here bc I see a lot of positive vibes. Mamabug, don't forget you have all the time in the world to lose the few pounds. And having those previous results must be a great motivator. I'm going to start using my sewing machine to strengthen my upper limbs/dexterity - and to practice patience. And to have something to wear that doesn't cut off my circulation. Ok that was a bit of hyperbole but it's definitely not fun or comfortable.

            So anyhoo, I'm currently at 167! Time flies and I focus on other things and now all of a sudden I'm yuuuge! A 20 pound decrease by/before Sept 1st is my goal. I'm having trouble with leg strength. Was in the hospital lately so no skating and just ate whatever was there. I did manage to choose yogurt over ice cream at times but obviously not often enough. I'm going to study nutrition. Add that to my culinary degree and I'm good to go!

            Strength in numbers here we go!

            ps please add any tips to participating to this thread. My weekly goal this week is 3 pounds bc a lot of it is simply the diet I couldnt turn down. I might do weight-watchers if I'm not getting ay results.

            Thanks all!
            Sardi g, you are most welcome to join our dedicated group. Just post your weight results from week to week. We go from Thursday to Thursday for reporting. You can choose any day of the week for your weighin. Just be sure it is the same day each week. You can choose any weight loss method. I was on Atkins for most of my weight loss and then just cut back on a regular diet for losing a few more pounds and maintaining. Weighing and measuring food intake is very helpful but somewhat of a pain. Consistency is the name of the game. Hope to hear from you regularly. Good luck. Karen


              hi all!

              finding time to weigh, much less check in is hard!
              and my DD will start working soon and i'll be left alone with my two darlings! my life will never be the same.

              i lost the Easter weight 1.3 lbs, so i'm back down to 136,5 again. woohoo! going up and down a bit. but haven't really been 'dieting' - eating healthy foods, yet still having treats several times a week. chasing a 7 mo. old and 4 yr old really works you out.
              can't imagine what i'll do when i have them all day alone

              miss keeping up with everyone! but world has narrowed very much. i don't mind though if they're the center of my universe. i'm glad they're here safe and sound

              God bless you all!
              "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus

