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Weight Loss for 11/24/16

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    Weight Loss for 11/24/16

    Hi Everyone. Happy Thanksgiving. May your day be filled with joy–and good food. I am sure we are all thinking of all we are thankful for as we share time with those we love. I want to share one of the things I am most thankful for and that is for all of you. Your participation on this forum means the world to me. I sincerely doubt that I could have kept my weight down throughout the years left to my own devices. Admitting my times of less motivation to those who understand is priceless. Seeing your successes spurs me on. Thank you all so very much.
    I stayed the same so weigh 111 once again. I will try to not go over 115 over the Holiday.

    Agate, you are your usual self. Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner!

    Mamabug, your small loss is truly worthwhile. And your sustained loss overtime is really commendable. Keep doing what you are doing.

    Hsmaldo, your small gain is totally understandable with all of the stress you have been on. I am amazed you have done as well as you have. I feel totally exhausted hearing about your incredibly busy schedule. Keep up your efforts.

    Poohb3ar, that is truly a nice loss. You continue to be on a roll which is really admirable. I just know you are going to make your goal. Keep up your momentum.

    Msgijo, good for you for not gaining beyond your goal. I don’t know what to say about your loss because I am now experiencing the same. I got down to 109, unbelievable and not desired. I have come back up a couple of pounds. Now it is a balance between gaining back a little without going too far the other way. Keep up focusing on your goal.

    Kate A2, I truly hope you do join our dedicated group.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for fourteen years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip For The Week:

    Eat, drink and be merry as the saying goes on this important day.

    Weight Loss Results:

    Total Loss:

    5.7 pounds lost by four members. Good going. This is good news considering we are at Thanksgiving. We will succeed!

    Total Gain:

    .7 pound by one member. That is a small amount and will no doubt disappear soon. We all have our ups and downs.

    Stayed The Same:

    1 member. As we know, staying the same truly is success, including for those who are maintaining. Just keep remembering it is the time before the next loss if you have more to lose. Also staying the same is a signal that you are eating the right amount to maintain your losses.

    3937.1 is the total weight loss for the past 14 years. We have hit a new milestone. We now have less than 100 pounds to reach two tons lost. That is fantastic.
    Last edited by Mamabug; 12-01-2016, 01:55 PM. Reason: Corrected the date

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I decided to 'cheat' and weigh in before eating dinners - yeah one today at in-laws and one tomorrow with my family . I found the 1.3 pounds that I lost last week , but am still in good shape before the festivities. (goal weight is 120 +/- 1 pound) DH decided that doughnuts would be a great snack, and of course I couldn't refuse

    11/17 116.4
    11/24 117.7

    Todays meal will not be so bad. My MIL always has good choices for the sides . If I can leave the deserts alone I may just have a great meal today .
    Tomorrow I will not be as lucky - my family doesn't get the healthy eating thing. One thing that may help is that my mother is not feeling well this week, and so has decided to not try to fix 2 different (yummy) cakes this year.

    I am thankful this year for so very much. Of course my husband is at the top of my list - BTW he has not had any seizures since Sunday so thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. And I am thankful for each of you, for the encouragement you give, the tips you share and the fact that all of you understand the importance and the challenge of attempting to eat healthy with MS.


      Sorry I put the wrong date on. I guess I was thinking ahead! Happy Thanksgiving to all! Karen


        Happy Thanksgiving!

        I weighed in this morning instead of yesterday and I'm up .2 lbs from 205.4 to 205.6 this week. But that includes yesterday's meal! I'll take it!!

        I am actually very excited about the meal I made yesterday. I enjoyed ALL the food, but didn't take huge servings, didn't feel stuffed or sick from too much food and didn't feel deprived of ANYTHING!

        I used Pyure and other stevia sweetner blends in the sweet potatoes, cranberry salad AND the pumpkin cheesecake! I mixed the mashed potatoes with mashed cauliflower. I made tweaks where I could, cut out sugar where I could (still had marshmallows with the sweet potatoes, but no brown sugar!)

        The cranberry salad which usually has cool whip, 1 c. sugar and 1 bag of marshmallows only had 1/4 c. pyure and 1/2 bag of marshmallows. This morning I mixed a serving with plain Greek yogurt. Oh, it was SO yummy and now it has protein from the yogurt! BREAKFAST!

        We had a great time at my IL's, it was nice to have my FIL back home again! I know Christmas and all the other craziness of holidays are going to start up soon, but I'm really excited that I was able to make some positive food choices/changes for Thanksgiving!


          Gained 0.6 lbs

          Recent weights:
          11/25: 127.8 lbs
          11/17: 127.2 lbs

          In the morning, before Thanksgiving dinner. So, next week might be worse?
          ~ Faith
          MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
          (now a Mimibug)

          Symptoms began in JAN02
          - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
          - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

          - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
          - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.



            gained .3 lbs! 147.3 and i weighed wed. morning BEFORE all the Thanksgiving festivities!!! oh well.
            i did okay thanksgiving. i wore my new smaller size jeans to dinner and was still comfortable in them by time dinner was over. haven't weighed since we've been home.

            still hoping to get to 140 for Christmas, but it's going to be hard. maybe should shoot for New Years' or my Jan. birthday. I'm not going to change my slow pace strategy because it's worked well and when i change, it backfires. as long as the smaller size clothes fit and i can't really tell when i gain such a small amount i'm not worried.
            i'll just keep on chugging along, it'll come off in time.

            enjoy this time of year everyone!
            God bless ya'll!
            "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


              Still at 118--and I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving!
              MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

              SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

