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Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 10/20/16:

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    Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 10/20/16:

    Hi Everyone. Halloween draws nearer. It is a good idea not to buy treats too far in advance because they can be a temptation. Also it’s a good idea not to buy too many so as not to have many leftovers. Halloween is happy and sad for me because it is my birthday. It is a happy occasion because of all the good wishes that come my way but sad because it is a reminder of just how fast time is going by. My oldest son is coming which is a very happy occurrence. A boon is that he can hand out treats which is difficult for me to do at this juncture.

    I am in shock. I weighed 111 pounds this a.m. I ate the way I have been eating for the past couple of months. I had no intention of going down that far. Last week I weighed 113.5 and I had hoped to lose half a pound. As you can see I lost 2.5 pounds. I hope I can gain a couple of pounds somewhat slowly. I’ll try to gain .5 to 1 pound this coming week.

    Agate, I commend you for being so faithful to your diabetes diet. As we all know not everyone is so rigorous with sad consequences. I have a sister in law with Type One diabetes who is also very rigorous and has reaped the benefits for doing so. Your suggestion of loading up on low cal veggies is an excellent idea. Keep up the good work.

    Mamabug, how wonderful that you had such a good time on your trip. I am sure you will have many fond memories for a long time to come. Don’t fret about your weight gain. I am sure it was worth it from what you say. And I am sure it will come off soon as you go back to your usual routine. Get back on the horse.

    Hsmaldo, so sorry to miss you and hope you aren’t stressed out with your really busy schedule.

    Poohb3ar, sorry to miss you and hope you will be back soon.

    Msgijo, sorry about your gain. I really like your optimistic attitude. I am sure that is a major factor in keeping unwanted weight off which you are so good at. I’m pulling for you to meet the goal you set for the week. Keep up your enthusiasm.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for fourteen years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip For The Week:

    Dr. Oz says, “Eat a rainbow of colors. Have at least one brightly colored fruit or vegetable in each meal, and, if appropriate, eat the skins -- that's where you'll find a powerhouse of antioxidants.” That is good advice because following it will enhance one’s health while not loading up on calories.

    Weight Loss Results:

    Total Loss:

    0 pounds lost. I have every confidence that the coming week will show a turn around.

    Total Gain:

    4.1 pounds by three members. We should be commended for reporting the truth rather than ignoring the gain. Admitting it shows a goal to turn things around which I have every confidence that we will.

    Stayed The Same:

    1 member. As we know, staying the same truly is success, including for those who are maintaining. Just keep remembering it is the time before the next loss if you have more to lose. Also staying the same is a signal that you are eating the right amount to maintain your losses.

    3921.9 is the total weight loss for the past 14 years. We have hit a new milestone. We now have less than 100 pounds to reach two tons lost. That is fantastic.

    It's been crazy the last 2 weeks. I've seemed to have slipped into the position of being the one to pay bills for mom and dad--at mom's request. It's been EXTREMELY stressful and am trying to not internalize it or fix it all right now, but rather keep them above water for now.

    BIL is on board for working on cleaning out the house. I'm going to let my Hubby and his brothers take the lead on that and will help when asked.

    I'm going to be working OT for work for about 5 Saturdays--in charge of a highly sensitive and pretty stressful situation, but I've done it before, but it's all day and pretty draining. I figure though that they can work on the house while I do this! LOL!

    I've done VERY well in avoiding all the treats and goodies that people have brought in this month. The BEST part of it, is the longer that I stay away from the sugar/carb loaded treats, the less I crave them and it's easier to avoid them. I feel much better and have had fewer headaches as of lately, so that's encouraging as well.

    I'm down to 208.1, so that's 1.9 lbs down from my last weigh-in here 2 weeks ago.

    I have a women's retreat this weekend and it's all pot-luck. I'll be bringing a dish that I can eat and for desserts will be making a pumpkin spice/oolong tea dessert drink that I LOVE (OMG--it's SO good!) so that I won't feel deprived when everyone is eating all the desserts. I'm really looking forward to the time to walk on the beach/boardwalk and sit in the rocking chairs on the front porch just visiting with some pretty awesome ladies!

    On another note, my friend completed her licensure and training to become a massage therapist. I was one of her "guinea pigs" as she was in training and she wants to give me 1 free massage each month as a thank you. I got my first one last night and it was wonderful to relax after all the stress of this week.

    Karen--great job on the loss, but sorry that it's a little more than you had wanted. Make sure you're not dehydrated--as the weather is turning, it's easier to forget to stay hydrated.

    Agate--great job on the loss--I've found subbing veggies for pasta is fantastic--I don't miss the pasta and the accompanying carb impact!

    Mamabug--welcome back! I'm glad you had a great trip!

    Msgijo--keep at it--you're worth it and I'm sure you'll meet your goal!


      Sorry for being late with post this week - I DID weigh on Friday, but life has been crazy around here! DH was admitted to hospital on Monday night due to brain hemorrhages. He has lost a lot of vision in right eye, excruciating pain during the hemorrhages, and his BP and blood sugar levels are all screwed up. I have been spending nights at the hospital with him, as during and for a time after each hemorrhage he finds it hard to talk (or even to think). He was transferred from one hospital to another on Friday in order to have the specialist necessary to treat him.
      He looked somewhat stable this morning so I left him to come home to take care of the animals and get a cup of coffee. I will go back in a little while. They plan to do a procedure tomorrow (Monday) to see what might be done to help stop this.

      My dd has been on my case to eat every day - she will bring food to me and wait until she sees me eat before she leaves . I suppose that is a good thing, but I really don't feel like eating.

      As of Friday I had lost 1.3 pounds - right on target!
      10/13 121.5
      10/24 120.3

      My 'hope' this week is to stay within a pound of this weight.


        Gained 0.2 lbs

        I'm late with my post, too. Instead of losing my vacation weight, I even put on a little bit more. My fault, again. We had a large bag of potato chips sitting around (my "bad"), and I baked a birthday cake for hubby, etc, etc.

        Maybe a weight loss next time?

        Recent weights:
        10/13: 128.8 lbs
        10/20: 129.0 lbs
        ~ Faith
        MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
        (now a Mimibug)

        Symptoms began in JAN02
        - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
        - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

        - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
        - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


          msgijo, you must be under extreme stress just now with your husband so ill. I hope his condition improves, and that you can take it easy whenever possible.

          Stressful situations either lead me to eat more than usual or else my appetite disappears entirely. Then I lose weight fast but it's not my chosen way of dieting!

          ShrinkKaren, don't dwindle away on us! Your weight loss is enviable.

          I'm still at 118 and wishing I could say I was at 111 like Karen.
          MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

          SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

