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Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 9/29/16:

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    Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 9/29/16:


    Hi Everyone. I have an important announcement. We are fewer than 100 pounds from reaching 2000 pounds lost by members of this group. That is awesome. It seems almost unbelievable. And each of you has contributed to this statistic. Just think, almost two tons. I pray that you all continue to add further pounds on the way to two tons. When that happens we will have to think of a way to celebrate.

    I gained half a pound this week which is o.k. I still want to stay at 113 even though my goal is actually 115. I just like that little cushion. My weight this morning was 112.5. I still don’t plan on losing any more but will try to stay the same this week.

    Agate, congratulation on continuing to stay the same. You should write a book on how you do that week after week! Keep fighting the good fight.

    Mamabug, bon voyage. I do hope you are having a wonderful time on your trip. I share your uncertainty about flying. That is good that you requested a wheelchair. How wonderful you can attend your aunt’s birthday party. And seeing your grandbaby is a wonderful bonus. Have a fantastic time.

    Hsmaldo, so sorry to miss you this week and hope you are doing well.

    Poohb3ar, sorry to miss you again this week. I hope we hear from you soon.

    Msgijo, that small weight gain is truly insignificant considering where you are. All the soups you mentioned sound really yummy. Soup seems especially welcome as the weather gets colder. I am intrigued at your comment that you need to smoke a fresh ham. Do you really do that yourself? I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea of what to do. Keep on cooking.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for fourteen years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip For The Week:

    Dr. Oz says, “Make sure you check food labels and avoid anything with more than 4 grams of sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup, per serving.” This is just a reminder because I am sure you all basically know the above. It is easy to lose sight of checking labels especially if the food under consideration is one that is frequently eaten. I find myself being astonished at how much sugar and fat are in foods with which we are bombarded.

    Weight Loss Results:

    Total Loss:

    0 pounds reported. That is not as dire as it sounds. Two stayed the same and there was only one small gain. We can view this as the time before the next loss.

    Total Gain:

    .9 pound by one member. Congratulations on reporting. It is easy just to ignore the truth and not cite it.

    Stayed The Same:

    2 members. As we know, staying the same truly is success, including for those who are maintaining. Just keep remembering it is the time before the next loss if you have more to lose. Also staying the same is a signal that you are eating the right amount to maintain your losses.

    3911.4 is the total weight loss for the past 14 years. We have hit a new milestone. We now have less than 100 pounds to reach two tons lost. That is fantastic.

    Hi all.

    Yep Fall has certainly arrived here - temps in the low 80's daytime and is suppose to go to upper 50's tonight . Love it!

    Karen - on the smoked ham I do not know if i can do that. I was given a smoker this summer, and I have a ham, but have never used a smoker before . We shall see ...

    I lost this week. NOT where I wanted to be - 4.2 pounds . But I know the reason was a VERY stressful week. Not a weight loss plan I would recommend. Hopefully things will settle down this week.

    9/23 123.7
    9/29 119.5

    Hope everyone a a great week .


      I'm still hanging in there. Overall doing okay with the changes I've been making. I'm down .9 lbs from 210.3 to 209.4 this morning. Considering all, I'm happy with that loss. I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything, I'm not hungry all the time and I'm not counting calories, so that's a huge plus in keeping things going!

      I WAS tempted earlier this week with a random biscotti at work--but less than a minute after deciding I would come back for it, a coworker commented on how she noticed I was getting thinner. That was great and I never did look at that biscotti again!

      My Father-in-law was in an accident on Tuesday and is in the hospital with several broken bones. He's stable and expected to be moved to an acute care facility next week and expected to make a full recovery. But that throws in a whole lot more complications and stress since we're also trying to decide what would be best for my MIL during that time. She has type 2 diabetes and short term memory loss. Dad is usually the one reminding her to take her meds and check her blood sugar levels. She wants to stay at the house by herself, but then last night after my hubby dropped her off from the hospital, she had a piece of flan for dinner.

      My hubby's fault because I TOLD him that he needed to make sure she ate a GOOD dinner.

      We're going to take one thing at a time though and yesterday when I was at work and beyond tired and continuously walking past donuts, I kept from eating them reminding myself that I would have an incredible sugar crash after eating them and it would make life MUCH harder and it was not worth it. I had my greek yogurt and blueberries instead.

      I have an nutritionist appointment on Monday and we'll assess how things are going. I'm pretty happy with the progress, so we'll see what she says!



        been going so fast, don't know where i'm at half the time, shrink!
        been to san diego to visit youngest DD & SIL there. beautiful out there, great to see them! they're in wonderful shape (she's Navy, he's a Marine) they don't even own scales!
        did miss a few times because i was in la-la land (my 2nd home )
        what a great week so far! since last weigh in i've lost -2.9 lbs! i weigh 148.8!!! i've weighed in the 140's all week!!! wooooooohooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        my husband is even commenting on how good i'm looking!!! yipee!!
        hate to tell you i'll be MIA for a month now. BUT my 2nd grandbaby is coming next friday Oct 7!!! (by C section if she still refuses to come out before) so i'll be in the deep south (13 hrs away from home) until my DH begs me to come home. he can only stay a week. disability does have its advantages!!

        hsmaldo, i'll keep your family in my prayers. that must be so hard on everyone.

        praying everyone has a blessed month!

        "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


          Still at 118.

          Karen, thank you for the compliment. I'm afraid that any book about how I maintain the same weight would be very boring!

          My diet is fairly monotonous but the monotony makes planning and shopping for meals easier.
          MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

          SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

