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Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 4/15/15

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    Weightloss Checkin Group: Weighin for 4/15/15

    Hi Everyone. I am struggling to wrap myself around weight loss issues this week. I had a six months checkup with my gyne on Tuesday and an MRI on Wednesday due to increased MS symptoms which may be an exacerbation. If it is I will be prescribed steroids which as you all know cause miserable side effects including increase in appetite and often weight gain. I will just have to wait for the results. In a way I hope it is an exacerbation because symptoms should decrease but won’t if it is just progression. I hope you are all well and continuing on the bright path of weight loss.

    I managed to lose half a pound this week. I hope it is a trend. I now weigh 116 which is one pound over my goal weight. I am still struggling to stay motivated. It’s so easy to say, oh well it’s just a pound over, but the truth is continuing to go up is a real danger.

    Agate, so sorry to miss you this week. I hope all is well.

    Mamabug, good luck with your break. Your gain this week was fairly minimal. Change of life issues certainly do make weight control more difficult. The good news is that after becoming accustomed to the change further weight loss is less difficult. Good luck in the future.

    Hsmaldo, I”m sorry we missed you this week and hope all is well.

    Malaholic, I hope everything is well with you. Hope to see you this coming week.

    hlburke87, I hope you are continuing to do so well and that we will hear from you when you have a scale available. Actually we would love to hear from you even if you can’t weigh.

    Poohb3ar, sorry you are going to need to take a hiatus. We will miss you. But you do need to do what is best at the moment. I hope you will drop in and say hi once in awhile. Very best wishes.

    Portia, remember staying the same is success. I hope preparing for your mother’s visit will energize you so that you are increasingly active in preparation. Also, you may be too busy to eat as much as usual. Be sure and eat the right things and you will be ahead of the game. Best wishes.

    Msgijo, wow. I got tired just reading about all of your yard work. What wonderful activities. Not only are you getting good exercise but you are truly beautifying your yard. You can come to my house anytime and dig right in. I hope you can get the bulk of what needs to be done before hot weather. Thank you for your suggestions for losing. Keep up your momentum.

    Zilphia01, so sorry to miss you this week and hope you will let us know how you are doing.

    For those who may have an interest in joining our dedicated group, our members each have their own personal methods of weight loss. Some are on Weight Watchers, some on Atkins for example and some just cut calories. I personally lost quite a lot of weight in the beginning using Atkins and then just cut portions while eating everything. The method is not the most important thing, it is staying focused and following the plan.

    We post weight loss, gain, stayed the same, from Thursday to Thursday and have been doing so for thirteen years. We are truly dedicated to get rid of those pesky pounds and keep them off. You don’t have to state your actual weight. It’s a matter of choice.

    Tip For The Week:

    Dr. Oz suggests, “Think ahead to how you'll eat and exercise on the weekends. It's easy to get too relaxed on Saturdays and Sundays, but healthy living is a 7-day-a-week endeavor.” This is good advice. We often see weekends as a minivacation so can relax on those days. Bad idea. That can undo a five day effort to stay on the straight and narrow. You may not gain that week but probably won’t lose either. One suggestion for maintenance is to stay on the diet plan but eat more on the weekends. For those of you who want to lose more than you have remember you will do best by staying on your diet plan all seven days of the week.

    Weight loss Results for 4-9-15:

    Total Loss:

    0 pounds. No one reported a loss this week. Hey, we had all better get on the ball here. Several members did not report and I can’t help but wonder if they would have been in the loss column. Seeing the success of others is truly inspirational. Let’s try for a better week.

    Total Gain:

    2.1 pounds by two members. Posting gains is truly worthwhile. It affirms that change is needed. Reporting gains serves as a warning to others. Reporting gains is an indication that goals are being taken seriously.

    Stayed the same:

    1 member. As we know, staying the same truly is success, especially for those who are maintaining. Just keep remembering it is the time before the next loss if you have more to lose. Also staying the same is a signal that you are eating the right amount to maintain your losses.

    3690.9 is the total weight loss for the past 12 years. Now we have hit a new milestone. We have now lost over 1.75 tons in total. That means we only need to lose another approximately 350 pounds to reach two tons. That is awesome.


    just dropping in to say hi!

    shrink, praying that you find source of problems, able to get to feeling better and that it can be slowed or reversed.

    good tip! i'm trying to eat healthy everyday. not watching the calories, but eating more 'clean' than ever have. i have no idea what my weight is. too many more important things to worry about than that.

    may everyone have lost lbs this week (and hope i don't find them! )

    take care & God bless ya!
    "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


      Pooh, it is so good to hear from you. Thank you for the reply to my message. I should get results by next week. That is great that you are eating healthy every day. It will pay off. Blessings, Karen


        Gained 0.2 lbs

        4/9: 135.8 lbs
        4/16: 136.2 lbs
        ~ Faith
        MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
        (now a Mimibug)

        Symptoms began in JAN02
        - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
        - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

        - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
        - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


          I knew better ...

          ... But I finally changed the batteries in the Wii. Since most of the yard work is done and it is starting to get too hot to work outside for any length of time I figured that I would just continue to 'work - out' using the Wii. The last time I used it was in Nov of last year - like 5 - 6 months ago.

          I have gained 10 pounds since then .

          Will anyone buy that it is just new muscle from yard work ? I thought not. Guess I need to go cold turkey on my newest fav - chocolate fudge.

          And you can rest easy SK - I only planted 6 grape vines this week, and ran a couple of soaker hoses. The shock I got from the Wii has kinda thrown me off here. Since my clothes are still fitting I had no idea I had gained so much weight!

          New goal: loose 15 pounds and get this flab in shape. Sorry if this throws the numbers too far off


            Originally posted by msgijo View Post
            ... But I finally changed the batteries in the Wii. Since most of the yard work is done and it is starting to get too hot to work outside for any length of time I figured that I would just continue to 'work - out' using the Wii. The last time I used it was in Nov of last year - like 5 - 6 months ago.

            I have gained 10 pounds since then .

            Will anyone buy that it is just new muscle from yard work ? I thought not. Guess I need to go cold turkey on my newest fav - chocolate fudge.

            And you can rest easy SK - I only planted 6 grape vines this week, and ran a couple of soaker hoses. The shock I got from the Wii has kinda thrown me off here. Since my clothes are still fitting I had no idea I had gained so much weight!

            New goal: loose 15 pounds and get this flab in shape. Sorry if this throws the numbers too far off
            shrink won't mind, it's great that you're getting back into regular exercise! (though gardening is one of the highest calorie burning hobbies there is!)
            i love the Wii for exercise because you can do as little or as much as you can. plus fall onto the couch if you overdo!
            what programs do you use? i use the balance board, which in '09 i used to be able to keep up my walking therapy. i'd been paralyzed on left side and had to relearn how to walk.

            Wii's balance board is a lot like what PT uses, so the balance games and yoga help me. i'm walking well, sometimes without cane!!!

            keep up the good work!
            remember the Wii weighs heavy like a drs scale. so if your clothes do fit, unless they're very stretchy, it can't be too bad!

            take care & God bless ya!!!
            "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


              Thanks poohb3ar.

              I too use the balance board and the yoga program. And I mix it up with the Wii Resort games like golf, table tennis, and bowling. When I used it a lot I noticed that I didn't necessarily loose much weight, but I DID drop inches, which was fine with me. Back then I actually made it down to a size 6!

              I expect to start PT next month (at my next MS Neuro visit), but I have already decided that I need to "learn" how to walk again. IMO by compensating for top drop and spacity(sp) in legs, my gait is so very off, and I believe that contributes to my fatigue and various pains that I have in hips and back.

              Great to hear of your success with the Wii. It is nice to know that I started on the right path w/o realizing I was on it . Do you still use it much? How often is a good goal?
              To be honest it is frustrating to me that I can NEVER get 'centered' - I am always off to the lower right corner on the balance board. And with my eyes closed I have some really interesting tracings of my balance .

              I just heard of a new program for the Wii to help exercise the mind - Brian Age. I keep forgetting to look for it when I am in a store, but maybe I can find it online.

              Thanks again for the encouragement. Take care.


                163.6 this week. Was very busy.


                  msgijo, so glad you're enjoying your Wii again. it is a great way to get back into exercise and if you do the sports games enough you can work up a sweat.

                  i use it about 4 times a week. sometimes my DH & i compete in bowling or golf!

                  try the balance exercises that you do when you weigh in. there's a button to the left of the screen after weighing in that'll get you to just the balance games if you want to practice just on those. it's hard to explain without pulling it up & not able to right now. if you want to practice more on balance and can't find it let me know, i'll locate for you.

                  you'd need to set your own goal, one that is doable without overdoing it.
                  if i overdo, i start losing my balance (even falling off the board), dizzy and/ or shaking.
                  whatever your signs of overdoing are, be sure and listen to your body!

                  make your PT sessions go well. your therapist may even have suggestions of what to work on.

                  take care & God bless ya!

                  (shrink, sorry for hi-jacking your thread)
                  "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


                    Pooh, no reason to apologize. I am thrilled to hear about people exercising however they do it. It is so important for weight control and we don't have the exercising program anymore as you know. I am fascinated by the WII. I tried golf and bowling once years ago when visiting my grandson. I could stand alone at that time. I would love to use the WII but I have to hold on to something, usually my walker for balance at this time. Is there any WII program that takes limited balance into consideration? If there is I would get it. Thank you so much for your valuable input. Blessings, Karen


                      SK, my lazy husband does all the activities on Wii Resort sitting down. And he gets the 'good' scores !

                      But yeah Wii does have 'sitting' things to do. Sorry but not many specific come to mind at this time. But I remember one that had me sit on the balance board. Only problem was getting back up . And Resort has things like Archery and skiing that are done sitting.

                      May be worth a trip to see your grandson and get him to show you everything that he has on his Wii .


                        Thanks for thinking of me, ShrinkKaren! I hope your problems will subside, preferably of their own accord.

                        I'm still at 115 and glad not to be showing any gain, at least.

                        My pedometer shows that I average less than 2,000 steps a day. With the weather improving, I'm hoping to walk more--until it gets too hot, and at that point I might be walking less.
                        MEMBER OF MS WORLD SINCE 4/03.

                        SPMS diagnosed 1980. Avonex 2002-2005. Copaxone 6/4/07-5/15/10. Glatiramer acetate 40 mg (= Copaxone) 2021- 3/16/24

