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Scared of the unknown and future ?? MS .??

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    Scared of the unknown and future ?? MS .??

    Hi ....
    This is all new to me and a bit scared of this MS thing ..Im 50 yrs old and I have a 12 yr old son and a 22 yr old son (he lives with his girlfriend) ... husband works away ... so pretty much facing this alone ...
    All started about 3 yrs ago with odd sensations here and there ...burning pains , tinglings , electric zapping sensations, crawling bug and itching sensations around body ... overwhelming fatigue ... i would have these symptoms for days or wks then suddenly they would dissapear ...
    My doc referred me to the Neurology dept and after a couple of appointments they decided to do an MRI scan on my brain (dec 2009) .... as they were not sure what it could be ...
    Jan 2010 i had a very severe attack of Bells Palsy .... my doc said it was the worst he had seen .... the whole side of my face dropped and i couldn't close my eye ... my face was numb so my speech was affected etc etc .... after high dosage steriod treatment it seemed to get better.... only to return aug 2010 and a further 4 times .... ( BP ...6 times in 12 months).... also i had a hysterectomy in between all this..
    Jan 2011 i realised i had not been back for results for MRI so arranged to see my Neurologist who told me they had found 1 lesion and i was SUPPOSED to have a follow up 3 months later ...
    A few wks later i had the follow up MRI that NOW showed widespread Demelyination and multiple lesions .... which my Neurologist says is classic pattern of MS ...
    She mentioned sending me for a lumbar pucture but after speaking to the head of Neurology has refered me straight to MS clinic ....
    My appoint is next wk and feeling scared ...
    I think i have had what is called a Relapse ?? As the past 10days i have had all my previous symptoms return with lots more new symptoms .... memory bad and foggy.. face tinglings,
    Heavy legs feels like i have weights on them ... they went all rubbery the other day and my knee buckles slightly every now an then.... and a strange sensation around my ribs that felt like i was being squeezed by a python (it took my breath away) .. it came back and forth in waves and lasted on and off for 24 hrs .... my rt hand and arm feels weaker ... vertigo ...
    Fatigue terrible also my feet hurt like walking on marbles...tingling sensations etc etc etc legs feel strange if i cross them as they feel heavy (not attatched to me )??
    My calves keep cramping and have burnings pains .... Also my head started shaking the other day ( no eye probs though).... is this normal or am i going mad ??
    My doc has seen the reports from Neurology and is sure i have MS ... Will the MS clinic start me on meds ??
    Very scared of the whole thing and thought of the meds scare me too as i hate needles ( the thought of me having to inject myself freaks me out) ... side effects of the meds also ....
    Keep hoping they have got the wrong diagnosis ....??


    Hello Lelley

    Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

    Sorry to learn that you have been going through a rough time with many symptoms. It can be scary and frustrating.

    My doc has seen the reports from Neurology and is sure i have MS ... Will the MS clinic start me on meds ??
    Very scared of the whole thing and thought of the meds scare me too as i hate needles ( the thought of me having to inject myself freaks me out) ... side effects of the meds also ....
    It's good that you are going to an MS clinic. The specialists there are knowledgeable about MS, and should be able to tell if you have MS or some other condition that has similar symptoms (have you had blood tests and have all other conditions been ruled out?) MS can only be diagnosed when all other conditions have been ruled out.

    If you are diagnosed with MS, and you hate needles, maybe you can take the new oral drug called Gilenya. In any case, I'm sure the neuros will discuss the different DMD's (disease modifying drugs) with you. I don't think they will start you on the drugs at the clinic. I'm fairly sure they will let you think over the options.

    If interested, (and in the event that you are diagnosed with MS) here is a link to the National MS Society website. This information explains each treatment/drug option. You can familiarize yourself a little bit with the different drugs used, so you are informed when you go to your appointment. Just click on each drug to learn more about them:

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask and we'll be glad to help if we can.

    Good luck, and let us know what you find out. We'll be here.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Gudday Koko

      thanks for the reply .... yes did go through many blood tests etc for couple of yrs to see if anything showed up but not much showed up ?? although my white blood cell count suggested something was going on ...
      Must admit today my legs seem worst than ever before ... so heavy i feel like im dragging them round and my right arm is weak and heavy too ....

      Are there many other demeylinating diseases that give out same symptoms of MS ??

      Just waiting for the clinic appoint now ... see what they say ...

      This is all new and scary ...




        Must admit today my legs seem worst than ever before ... so heavy i feel like im dragging them round and my right arm is weak and heavy too ....
        Leg and arm weakness is exhausting to deal with. I have right sided weakness myself (drag my right leg and difficulty using my right hand/arm).

        Are there many other demeylinating diseases that give out same symptoms of MS ??
        Check this info out about other conditions that need to be ruled out:

        Hopefully you will get answers when you go to the clinic. I sure do understand your being scared. But sometimes, when we finally know what we're dealing with, there can be some relief and less anxiety. And then we can move forward.

        Wishing you the best.

        Take care,
        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


          Hello Lelley!

          Welcome, wondering if you had your appointment yet? Let us know how it went! Adjusting to a possible diagnosis is rough, you can get some good support here. Let us know how it all goes.


            Hi Lelley,

            Welcome to the boards. You will find tons of information here, I hope it helps you ask questions of your neuro and make the best decisions for you.
            Opiegirl, Dx 1991
            Have never used DMD's.

            LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
            Estriol 9/12-present
            Still Hopeful.

