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Thought I Should Finally Say Hi

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    Thought I Should Finally Say Hi

    I posted a couple of times, but mostly lurk and read.

    I am 42-ish and was diagnosed in November. I started Copaxone shortly thereafter. My first symptom was the loss of feeling on the entire left side of my head from my scalp to my chin and the loss of feeling to the roof of my mouth and tongue. About a year and a half previous, I had suffered massive dizzy spells, but the MRI at that time was deemed "undifferentiated." I was told it was probably a virus. The one in November, according to the two Neuros who saw it, was definitely confirming MS. The first Neuro spent half an hour on the phone talking to my PCP about the results. My follow up appointment was nearly 45 minutes long as she examined me head to toe and went on to explain all about my test results. She was very worried. She then recommended a specialist for me to see based on her discussion with the other Neuro. She is fantastic and I completely trust here. After six years, she has never been wrong about anything.

    I had one symptom since then, one that one of my dear friends who also has MS, and I figured that it was the MS Hug. Outside that, I only feel tired on occasion. I have no other visible symptoms. If you saw me, you would have no idea about my diagnosis.

    Are there others out there who have had virtually no symptoms since diagnosis? I would really like to hear your experiences. If it weren't for the two Neuros saying the same things, going over my two MRIs side by side and my research, I might question my diagnosis.

    Hi Mamasam - I was Dx'd this past January and am on Copaxone as well. My first symptom was brief dizzy spells that started about five years ago and come and go a few times per year. About a year and a half ago I had L'hermittes and a numb patch on my leg that lasted about 6 weeks. Neuro looked at MRI and said no MS. A few months ago my new neuro looked at follow up MRI and first MRI and said for sure MS.

    The only symptom I have today is occasional mild, brief dizzyness. You would not know I had anything at all wrong with me unless I told you. So I guess we have a very similar history. I too questioned whether or not I should seek a third opinion (I had a negative spinal tap), but the L'hermittes plus lesions left little for doubt in my mind!!

    I am glad you have a doc that you like and trust. Mostly I just wanted to say hello and good luck!



      MS has many faces


      I was mostly 'symptom free' for years (read: unrecognized symptoms) and many still don't 'see' my problems. It's hard to see numbness. Dizziness and balance issues are more visible but largely intermittent (although that's getting more often too). Non-working hands as well.

      Great for you for finding a dr you trust and are comfortable with. I'm in the process of looking for a new one.


        Hi Mamasam,
        I questioned my dx fo many years. I have always had weird tingling that comes and goes. I've had ON, the hug weird vertigo at times and now a slight foot drop if I walk too far. But I've gone many years in between with no symptoms.

        People are very surprised when they find out I have MS.

        I find this site to be very helpful and a great resource, I hope you do too.
        Opiegirl, Dx 1991
        Have never used DMD's.

        LDN 9/2011-9/2012 & just started again 6/14
        Estriol 9/12-present
        Still Hopeful.


          Hi mamasam


          I had one symptom since then, one that one of my dear friends who also has MS, and I figured that it was the MS Hug. Outside that, I only feel tired on occasion. I have no other visible symptoms. If you saw me, you would have no idea about my diagnosis.
          It's great to know that MS has been kind to you.

          Are there others out there who have had virtually no symptoms since diagnosis? I would really like to hear your experiences. If it weren't for the two Neuros saying the same things, going over my two MRIs side by side and my research, I might question my diagnosis.
          As you know, MS varies from person to person, and is unpredictable. I have PPMS, so I do have visible deficits and motor problems. But it sounds like you have RRMS, which is a relapsing and remitting course.

          It's not uncommon for someone with a RRMS course to have only a few relapses, which then go into remission for a time.

          I say enjoy your life and your good fortune while you are able. No one can predict the future. Hopefully you will remain stable and that would be wonderful

          Looking forward to seeing you around here!

          Take care,
          PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
          ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

