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    New Here...

    Hi all! I'm new to this group, but have been around the MS forums for several years. I live in DFW area in Texas, and I have Progressive Relapsing MS, with my "Official Dx" in 2007, which ended my career as a Paramedic. I may know some of you from other places, so please drop me a note if you recognize me. It looks like a great group here. Thanks to those that put all the hard work into this.

    I hope you are all feeling as well as the MonSter will let you today.


    Sorry... didn't even see this subgroup. Thanx for the move!


      Hello Matz

      Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

      I live in DFW area in Texas, and I have Progressive Relapsing MS, with my "Official Dx" in 2007, which ended my career as a Paramedic.
      Gosh, you live in a hot climate - does it bother you at all?

      Losing your career as a Paramedic must have been really tough. Most Paramedics are super dedicated people!

      How have you been doing lately, after 4 years or so after diagnosis? Hopefully you are stable for a long while - it could happen.

      I hope you are all feeling as well as the MonSter will let you today.
      Thanks for the kind wishes! I do try to take the one-day-at-a-time approach - works for me!

      Hope we'll be seeing you around here, Matz.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Thanks for warm welcome! Yes DFW in not only hot, but also quite humid at times. I have incredible heat intolerance and last summer developed a sweating dysfunction. My Doc says it is likely being cause by new activity in my lower brain. I have cord lesions as well, so they could share in the cause.

        Last summer, I had to spend about 30 days without going outdoors at all due to the heat. My Doc says this year I may have to stay in more than that. He's exploring some potential treatments, hopefully we find something that helps.

        Thanx again for the welcome! And just keep plugging away, one day at a time... that's what I do too.



          Hi Matz!

          I'm 20 and was diagnosed as PRMS last year. There are a few of us on here that are PRMS but not many.

          I live in OK and also have bad heat intolerance. I contacted the NMSS OK chapter and they sent me a free cooling vest. It has helped tremendously! You might check into finding out what your local chapter would need to get you set up with one also. The MSAA also gives them out for free. Check their websites!

          Glad (well not glad but, you get the point) to see another PRMS person around!
          Rae Roy


            Thanks for the pointer RoyaleMSer!! I haven't checked with the local NMSS about a vest. Will be doing so asap!! I'm so dreading this summer... I'm already uncomfortable with the temp shifts this year! Also nice to know that there are more than one or two with PRMS!! We are a rare breed it seems!



              Welcome MedicMatz.
              Nice to meet you. I was also diagnosed with PRMS. As RoyaleMSer said MSAA gives the cooling vest free. I received mine from them along with other cooling items. It really helps.
              Take care!
              "Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may or may not happen tomorrow, the present moment is where you are-always!"
              Richard Carlson, PH.D.

