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I hate MS...(a little long)

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    I hate MS...(a little long)

    I was just given a definite diagnosis of MS on March 22, with a probable since February 10 and I hate how much it's already changed my life!!!

    So in addition to weird and random neurological symptoms, we often visit doctors who make us think we're crazy or at the very least make us feel like hypochondriacs; sometimes they act put out or put upon; and then when we finally get that confirmation that all our woes are not all in our heads, we get the really exciting news that we get to have a shot that isn't going to make you feel better, might even make you feel worse, but hey, at least it will decrease the rate of progression. Wow, how lucky are we.

    Yes, I am thankful for FINALLY having a diagnosis. My wait for that diagnosis has surely not been as long as many of others have waited...and wondered. But it's emotionally very painful and I am struggling each day with what lies ahead. Yes, I know our lives are what we make them and MS does not define us, but it is a part of who we are, we cannot escape it.

    What can I tell you about me? I'm a strong woman, but right now I feel like a scared little girl. I'm a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a student, a full-time employee, and now I am a person who has MS. To say it has changed my life is an understatement, it has exploded into my life, and the full effects are yet to be known.

    Thank you for reading my rant.

    Melissa (dx. 3/22/2011)

    Hi mlissa67

    Welcome to MS World!

    What can I tell you about me? I'm a strong woman, but right now I feel like a scared little girl. I'm a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a student, a full-time employee, and now I am a person who has MS. To say it has changed my life is an understatement, it has exploded into my life, and the full effects are yet to be known.
    Gosh, being a mother, a wife, a student, a full-time employee, and a person who has MS is alot to deal with. Your fear is understandable, especially since you were recently diagnosed.

    But it's emotionally very painful and I am struggling each day with what lies ahead.
    MS is very unpredictable, so there's no way to predict the future effects, or what lies ahead. Your MS may remit, level off, and be mild for many years.

    It can take awhile to digest a diagnosis of MS. I've learned that struggling each day with what might lie ahead is not beneficial for my health and well-being. Spending my time obsessing about the unknown future ruins my todays. I didn't learn that overnight, though. It took much practice!

    Hopefully over time you will feel better, and your focus will be on living the best you can, today.

    Feel free to ask questions, and we'll be glad to help if we can. And you can vent here as much as you need to. Most of us can relate to what you're going through.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      I hate MS too. I am sorry you had to deal with idiot doctors that treated you that way. I had one in the start and I fired her. I don't have time for people that question me 3x if I am sure about a symptom, or try to "catch" me in something - I literally don't have time. I didn't have time for MS and I certainly wouldn't have time to pretend to have symptoms of something. It was insulting and infuriating and I was DONE with that idiot.

      My specialist is MUCH better. I hope you have a good doctor now.
      Sasha - dx January 2011; tysarbi, zanaflex, gabapentin, and baclofen
      ~Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.~


        Thank you

        both for your reply!!! I appreciate your words of encouragement. I don't really feel better about all of this, but I guess you just come to a sort of "acceptance" and realize you can't change it.

        Again, I greatly appreciate your caring words of encouragement. Only others who are going through this really understand what it means to "go through it." I'm still waiting to receive my Copaxone and hear from the nurse, I wish it'd hurry up so I can get started....need to start saving that myelin one shot at a time.

        Melissa (dx. 3/22/2011)



          Good luck with your Copaxone treatments!

          Take care,
          PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
          ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


            Melissa, I know exactly how you feel. I was DX in Aug. '11 and maybe I've just now come to a better feeling about it. I think it comes as anger leaves and acceptance creeps in.

            Originally posted by salamandertom View Post
            I don't have time for people that question me 3x if I am sure about a symptom, or try to "catch" me in something - I literally don't have time. I didn't have time for MS and I certainly wouldn't have time to pretend to have symptoms of something. It was insulting and infuriating and I was DONE with that idiot.
            Sasha, I couldn't have said it better myself!


              Oh gosh darn! Brain not working correctly this late:confused. Had wrong month and yr. of DX. It was really 09/10. That's pretty simple isn't it! Nine, ten yes I can count most days.


                I have yet to find someone who loves MS but some of us have learned to accept it - kind of like a skunk who visits your porch and sometimes fights with your dog.

                For me, one of the hardest things was beginning to understand that I was no longer in control. Sounds like you are getting there!


                  don`t despair so quickly. in time you will learn to adapt to things as they happen. your ms "becomes" part of you. don`t say you can`t do it (whatever "it" is), figure out a different way to do it! living life is not about brushing the dirt off when you fall, it`s getting back up (that`s experience talking). grieve over the dx for awhile, then move ahead. and quit worrying whats in your future and live today!!!! good luck.

                  (i wasn`t being mean, just trying to be positive)
                  MS World
                  PPMS DX 2001

                  "ADAPT AND OVERCOME" - MY COUSIN


                    I work through MS and do what I must do and keep going. at least so far.

                    What else is there. Oh maybe religion, yes, but that comes as a normal daily routine for me.

                    Is it ok to (accept this is my life)? now deal with it?
                    I guess thats how I roll, what do you think?

