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Hi, new and late to dx

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    Hi, new and late to dx

    My name is Jessica, and I am a 24 year old SAHM to 4. I am a college drop out, mostly due to exhaustion that wound up being due to this disease that wasn't diagnosed until just this year. I raise my husband's older two, 7 and 6, my 3 year old, and our 1 year old, so it's a very busy household.

    This has been a very scary disease for me, the past six months have been the most terrifying, as my cognition and memory have flown out the window. I've found myself on the other side of town and had no idea how I got there, why I was there, or how I had gotten there in the first place. I've forgotten how to get to the places I've been dozens of times, so I'm constantly asking for directions, and I'm taking a lot of pictures because I don't remember anything.

    That woman in the latest MS ad with sticky notes? That is my house. That is my car. That is me. At 24. And I am fairly terrified, but at least I'm not dying; for awhile there, I was pretty convinced I wasn't going to wake up, this exhaustion is pretty crippling.

    And a note to the woman whose husband isn't very supportive, my husband told me last night that I make myself sicker by reading about this disease, which is why I'm finally saying hello. So you're not alone. <3

    Hello Jessica. MS World has been a savior for me thus far. It's hard to find out about the dx and have your partner be not so supportive. I wonder if it's just denial on their part or if it's just them?

    I too, am contemplating my college courses as well right now. I logged in to complete an assignment yesturday and read the instructions probably 20 times and still have no idea what they were wanting me to do. I'm gonna take a 2 wk. break for now and see if maybe things will calm down once I start the Copaxone. We will see.

    It's so crazy to just wake up one day and your whole life changes. Three weeks ago I could write a 8 pg essay in one day and I got an A on it. Today I can't even figure out what the essay is supposed to be about. ??? My husband gets frustrated because I can't remember/process things like I used to.

    I used to run this household and now I'm so tired that I'm lucky to get the dishes, laundry and supper done. I think it would've been easier if it had come on slowly instead of like a freight train. Maybe I'll learn to function with it....I think it's just going to take me some time.

    I wish you the best of luck and we are all right beside you in this.
    Love, Laugh, this order
    Dx'd 2-24-11 - Baclofen 60 mg/day 5-11, LDN 4.5 mg/day 9-24-11, Cymbalta 60mg/day for pain 11-11


      Hello Jessica

      Welcome - nice to meet you!

      I raise my husband's older two, 7 and 6, my 3 year old, and our 1 year old, so it's a very busy household
      I guess you are very busy!

      This has been a very scary disease for me, the past six months have been the most terrifying, as my cognition and memory have flown out the window. I've found myself on the other side of town and had no idea how I got there, why I was there, or how I had gotten there in the first place. I've forgotten how to get to the places I've been dozens of times, so I'm constantly asking for directions, and I'm taking a lot of pictures because I don't remember anything.
      Gosh, I can understand why you have been feeling scared due to the cognition and memory problems. Sorry that you are dealing with those issues.

      What does your neuro say about the cognition and memory problems? Hopefully you will have some improvement in those areas soon.

      This site could be beneficial to you, as you will see that you are not going through MS challenges alone. There is plenty of useful information, interesting topics, and supportive members here.

      Please feel free to ask questions and share your experiences.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

