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Newbie - Hello to all

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    Newbie - Hello to all

    Recently been dx with MS (yesterday!) It all started weirdly 8 yrs ago, when I had an optic neuritis attack on my left eye. I decided to carry on living in ignorance even though I was told it was linked with possible MS. I even turned down MRI scan etc because I didn't want to know.

    Life was quite good, career going well, married to the best woman in the world. We (my wife & I) decided to leave London and buy an old chateau in France, renovate it and open a hotel. This we have done but only now realising the work load that this business demands.

    Then in October I started to stumble into things. My left eye felt like it was getting worse (dimmer & greyer sight) I couldn't focus on myself in the mirror. My left eye wasn't moving in tandem with my right eye. We went to the UK for a break in Yorkshire. My stumbling got gradually worse to the point I felt drunk. I then started to slurr my words and have these really weird sensations run through my body. It felt like my world was 'twisting' around me. Really scary. My French doctor gave me cortisone tablets and sent me the hospital. Then the tests began. MRI, Lumber puncture, opthalmics.. Finally, yesterday my Consultant told me it is Type 2 MS. It is strange, because at the moment I feel fairly normal except a few tingles in my hands and mild intermittent slurring. He has prescribed me Avonex, which I start tonight with my first jab. Hope it is ok?!

    Anyway, thats me. Any advice would be welcome from you ppl who know more than I.

    hi resley and welcome!!!!!!! do yourself a favor, take some ibuprophin (sp?) before the shot and go to bed soon afterwards. at least you`ll sleep off the flu like sx. they do go away over time, took me about six weeks, less severity every week. good luck.

    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      Hi and welcome!
      Aitch - Writer, historian, wondermom. First symptoms in my teens, DX'd in my twenties, disabled in my thirties. Still the luckiest girl in the world.


        Hi Resley

        Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

        I think you will benefit from these message boards. There is much useful information, interesting topics, and the shared experiences and support of our members.

        As for advice, I would say try to live one day at a time, take good care of yourself, and try not to catastrophize about the unknown future! Also, if you're like most of us, you will have some days that are better than other days.

        If you have questions or concerns about your medication, you can find out about the experiences of other Avonex users, in our Medications Forum.

        Feel free to ask questions, and share your experiences.

        Good luck with your hotel business. Looking forward to seeing you around!

        Take care,
        PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
        ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


          Ignorance is sometimes bliss

          I TOO, decided to carry on living in ignorance even though I was told it was linked with possible MS.

          I understand why you did it. I am currently not dx; however, welcome to the boards.
          Momma to 3 little ones


            Thanks all!

            Thanks guys.. Its nice to know that ppl who have been through this are out there and it is possible to connect with them.. Had my first injection on Wednesday and it wasn't too bad. Bit of a headache and quite tired but overall? OK really. Hope my hair doesnt fall out!

            I guess you have to keep trying to be the person you were before being diagnosed. Work and the best wife in the world are a great help. As is the possibility of writing a little 'blurb' on here..


              Hiya and welcome to the boards! I'm 20 years old, a college student, and my life is just starting. I was diagnosed with RRMS last April, and I feared the worst. After almost a year though I can honestly say that it gets better with time. At least your mental view of it if you persist in hoping for the best.

              I also take Avonex. I've been taking it now for almost a year and after the first few weeks I stopped having too many symptoms after the injection. I think the fatigue constantly is the worst thing MS hits me with (also have a medication for that just in case I need to use it). I have noticed (as previously mentioned by hunterd) ibuprofen before the injection helps a LOT. I also make sure to get a little more protein the day before and after taking the Avonex and I tend to feel better. The day after I usually make sure is Sunday that way I can take it easy just in case it's a bad day. Hopefully you do as well on it as I have!

              Keep a positive attitude, count your blessings, and enjoy the good days. May your scars be few, and your joys many!

              Dx RR MS - April 1st, 2010. (19 yrs old)
              Words To Live By: "Fall Seven Times; Stand Up Eight."


                Thanks & bless ya

                Thanks Amber.. I am rubbish at keeping up to date on this, as owning a hotel in the worlds most touristically visited country in busy season gives me little time!

                Still feel rough after the injection but coping ok I guess..
                I do struggle somedays with my thoughts but I suppose everybody does when recently diagnosed? Trying to remain positive is hard work sometimes, especially when I feel so tired.. Getting addicted to espresso!

                I wish my wife had a little more support, as she is coping with this so well but I can see it is not easy for her.. Maybe she should register here too?

                Hope you are well and the sun is shining for you!

