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it is what it is....

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    it is what it is....

    Hi all,

    I figured after posting a few questions that after realizing how incredibly nice and supportive people are on here that I would go ahead and open up about my experiences living with this disease....

    I'm a 29 year old stay at home mom to a beautiful 3 year old daughter. We live in the suburbs of St. Louis. Was diagnosed in October of 2009 after waking up one day with double vision.

    At first I tried to rationalize what was happening... maybe I have double vision because of my new allergy meds, maybe I needed a new glasses prescription, etc, etc.. then I (stupidly) went to google to fine answers to my vision problems. Biggest. Mistake. Ever. As I'm looking at the words "brain tumor" and "anyurism" I could feel my legs begin to go numb.

    So, instead of relying on the internet which would in turn give me an anxiety attack.. I decided to let my Dr. be the one to make a decision, not the 3 million doctor websites that I found online...

    Anyway, long story short, he ordered an MRI, had to wait all weekend for results (longest 48 hours of my life). Talked to Dr. and he suspected MS. AT the time, I wasn't even sure what MS really was so I was just relieved that I wasn't going to die tomorrow of a brain tumor. Then came the steroids, spinal tap, blood work, etc.. so that they could turn the "think you have MS" to "you have MS".

    It has now been 16 months since my diagnosis.. Overall I feel ok, lately been feeling a lot less ok. My balance issues and brain fog make some day to day activities a little more difficult. I try to stay positive though, my husband has stood by my side and been as supportive as I could have ever hoped for and my daughter is my motivation to keep on fighting and never let this thing defeat me.

    I decided to join MS world because I like being able to talk to people that really and truly understand where I am coming from. It makes me feel less alone and not as crazy...

    So, I just want to thank all of you for being so welcoming and kind. It really means a lot.

    *** Moderator's note - line spacing added for easier reading. Many members have difficulty reading large blocks of text.
    "Once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby

    sorry if i have 2 replies, i hit a wrong button. WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! so glad to have you here! there is some good info on the internet, ms society, msaa, just look at the reputable names. ask your dr, or call your local chapter of the ms society.
    a motivational tool is GREAT!!!! you sound like you have a good attitude towards the whole thing. just remember to keep your chin up always. rely on your support network and us when needed. good luck.

    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      Hello Miss Kate

      Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

      Overall I feel ok, lately been feeling a lot less ok. My balance issues and brain fog make some day to day activities a little more difficult.
      We can only do the best we can, one day at a time. Some days are more difficult than others. Hopefully MS treats you kindly, and you are affected only mildly.

      I try to stay positive though, my husband has stood by my side and been as supportive as I could have ever hoped for and my daughter is my motivation to keep on fighting and never let this thing defeat me.
      Keeping a good attitude, and trying to see the many things to be thankful for, certainly feels a little better than when we look at all the negatives. So glad that you have a supportive husband and daughter to love, and to be loved by.

      It's good to know that MS World is beneficial to you!

      Any questions, just ask. If you have something to share, feel free!

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Nice to talk to you! The formus are nice to have support and know there are people out there having the same experiences!


          Thank you so much for the warm welcome everybody, it means a lot!
          "Once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby


            It IS what it is

            That sums up my attitude as well. Welcome to the forum. I am a SAHM too, to a spectacular little boy who is 19 months old.

            I got my DX 8 years ago, but I reckon you've got the right attitude
            Aitch - Writer, historian, wondermom. First symptoms in my teens, DX'd in my twenties, disabled in my thirties. Still the luckiest girl in the world.

