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MS Bike Ride

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    MS Bike Ride

    This is my 4 year of posting off and on. M.S. started for me in a good way by riding on my first M.S. Bike Ride in 1990 from Phoenix to Parker Dam California. It was a great ride for MS and to honor my Great Aunt who had MS. I rode a year later but had trouble with the Parker Dam hill. The Las Vegas riders met us at Parker Dam so it ends up a being very big party.

    In February 1993 I was designing the lower F-18EF at Northrop. I got to work Monday Morning February 1 and sat down at my Unigraphics workstation and noticed my toes tingling. Similar to when you sit with your legs crossed on the floor for too long and then get up and the blood flowing back into your feet tingles. My feet tingled all day and it was difficult to concentrate on work. The next day the tingling was replaced with numbness in my toes but my feet tingled. Very weird. On Wednesday my ankles tingled and my feet were numb and toes number. On Friday it was raining when we got out of the car so we ran to the gate. I could not feel the ground I was stepping on and I could only feel me running by the jarring of my head. I was now officially concerned.
    I went to my Fiancés doctor and he ran a bunch of test but could not find anything wrong with me.

    By May the numbness was mostly gone but the bottoms of my feet felt like there were rocks in my shoes behind my toes. The more I walked the larger the rocks grew. I hated going on walks, something my Fiancé and I really enjoyed doing. In July I was married and still working in California but my feet had not improved. I had an MRI on my spine and was diagnosed with a pinched nerve in my back. Quack!

    For the next 8 years I stayed away from shopping centers because parking was always a problem and so was all the walking I would have to do in the stores. In September of 2000 my eye was sore and I went to a optometrist. He suggested test at a neurologist office. The test came back positive for Multiple Sclerosis. I was happy to finally know what was going on. I was the put on Betaseron and I started on 1-3-01. My family has since accepted the fact that I don’t like to go anywhere after work.

    While working in Oklahoma I decided to go on another MS Ride. I made it 27 miles before my foot slipped off the peddle and I broke my big toe. That ended the day however I rode 50 more miles the next day. The following year I made 89 miles. I use to work in Altus on C-17 product support. After I had fallen at home picking up socks I dropped I found myself at work standing 23 feet off the ground on the wing leading edge. I crawled out to the edge while everyone stood on the edge and wondered why I was crawling. I loved that job but I changed jobs and went to Indiana to work on helicopters. I rode in Indiana there but was left on the road after my legs gave out so I didn't ride in Indiana again. I rode again in Oklahoma three more times and made 89 miles 102 miles and 96 miles, yea. Now I am planning my last ride in Georgia. Yes I am working at Robins AFB so now Georgia is my home.

    ***Post broken into paragraphs for readability. Some of our members have vision problems with large blocks of type.***

    Hello rj

    Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

    You have an interesting story!

    You rode for an MS event, for your Great Aunt who had MS -and years later, you were diagnosed with MS too.

    Thank goodness your eye doctor noticed your eye issue, and referred you to a neurologist so you could be properly diagnosed. I'm sure you were relieved to finally know what was causing your numbness and other symptoms.

    I really admire your love for bike riding! I used to love bike riding also! I'm hoping to get a 3-wheel bike this year, as I can't ride a two-wheeler anymore due to balance issues.

    Good luck on your Georgia ride!

    If you have any questions, or want to share your experiences with living with MS, please feel free to do so!

    Looking forward to seeing you around!

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      I also love to ride

      I started riding a road bike last summer and got really into the sport. I would routinely ride 50 miles and loved it. I was diagnosed with MS in Dec. '10. I live in Indiana so I have not had a chance to ride since the fall. I am excited to ride again as soon as the ice melts, but I am a bit nervous that my balance issues will give me trouble.
      For reference to balance-I used to be a competitive inline skater (grinding down handrails, riding halfpipes etc.) but gave that up last summer due to hip/knee/back problems etc., I used to have great balance, could slide one footed down a 50+ft. rail. I wont even try to skate again, can barely make three steps on the "imaginary balance beam".
      I am hoping to do the Indiana MS ride in September as long as I am safe to ride. I really hope that I can ride this season, don't know what else I will do.

