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New here, kinda new to MS

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    New here, kinda new to MS

    Hi everyone!

    Just wanted to introduce myself. I was just officially diagnosed in November, but I've had MS since 2003. I had what my dr classified as a possible one time flare in 2003 and another in 2008 (didn't have a job or health insurance at the time and couldn't see a doctor), both optic neuritis that lasted about a month each. My flares have always been stress related. The first was a month after my dad died very unexpectedly and very young and the second was a month after my grandmother died. This past fall my stress was off the charts. Let's just say 2 family divorces, 2 nephews being turned against my sister, a best friend almost killed in a horrific car accident, and a grandfather with dementia who thinks I'm his girlfriend, all in a 6 week span equals really, really bad things for my health. I had a major physical flare and earned an official diagnosis. My entire right half of my body went numb, I couldn't feel either of my feet and my right arm was just there. My hand turned into a lobster claw and was about as useful as one. I've still got some numbness in the hand that's looking permanent at this point, but it's not too bad and I can do pretty much everything with it again.

    I started Avonex in December, the day after my 34th birthday. I'm very lucky in that I've never had any real side effects from the Avonex, just a slight nagging headache the one week I didn't pre treat with an Advil before I injected.

    Hopefully, if my family can stop trying for the dysfunctional family of the year award and stay breathing, I'll be flare free for a long time! I hope to get to know you all!

    Hi nixiepixie

    Welcome to MS World!

    Sounds like you've had to deal with quite a few stressful situations. Not good for anyone's health and well being.

    I'm glad for you that you have the use of your hand back. Has the numbness in the right half of your body and your feet subsided too? Hope it's gone!

    It's good to hear that you are tolerating the Avonex well. Some members have a difficult time with the side effects.

    As for your family issues, there's not much you can do to change or fix them, or even prevent any deaths for that matter, unfortunately. About all you can do is to learn to take care of yourself, and not let the issues of other people become your issues. Sometimes it's helpful to have a counselor or therapist to work with. I went to a therapist for awhile and it was very beneficial. I learned that I can't control other people and most events. I can only control myself and my attitudes. Had to learn to let go of wanting others to behave the way I thought they should.

    In any case, hopefully the Avonex will help prevent future flares. And also hope that your life will be less stressful than it's been too.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and we'll be glad to help if we can. Also, if you need to vent and relieve some stress here, that's ok too.

    Looking forward to seeing you around!

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


      Waving to a fellow Ohioan

      Luckily the numbness in my feet has gone away. My neuro and his med students couldn't believe I was still walking with how numb they were. I still have the slightest bit of numbness around my wrist, but I don't even notice it anymore.



        So sorry to read about what you've gone through.

        When you mentioned a 6 week window of stress, it really struck a chord with me.
        I wish you hadn't had all of that.

        I had a bunch of things go really, really bad during that time and wouldn't you know, numbness from head to toe within a week.

        It's great that you are taking charge and combatting the MS.
        Avonex really helps many people.
        MS has taught me to be more flexible and embrace options.

        For years, I wasn't sure my daily Copaxone shot was doing more than mentally helping, but the great reduction of flares has proven it really is helping.

        Copaxone in addition to really reducing stress and resting a lot has helped so much.

        It's great to meet you and welcome.

