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    New here..

    I posted yesterday to a reply, but I'll post here too because it sums up everything. Anyways, I'm glad I found a support area. Ughh, I can't believe this is happening to me. You always think nothing can happen to you.

    Anyways.. Here's a summary..

    The day after christmas I met my family downtown (Denver) and went to the aquarium. My 3 year old wanted me to hold her through the whole thing pretty much. Hour and hours of bending over, picking her up. I was exhausted. Anyway, that night I woke up with this weird tingling/numb feeling in my right hand. (thumb/index/pointer). Like they were asleep. I fell back asleep and woke the next AM with the same feeling. I couldn't shake it. My right thigh also felt a little weird. Must have tweaked a nerve there too from carrying her so much.

    Saw my chiro the next day and he said, prob just a pinched nerve/muscle spasm. 3 days went by with the same issue. Then the 4th night, it got really intense in my hand. Like, my whole hand/fingers were super numb/tingling. My right thigh was feeling worse too. I pretty much freaked out. I went to a walk-in doc because this was new years eve day. Everywhere else was closed.

    He said I had a neuropathy and don't worry. Sitting there my side even started tingling, and even my toes. It was so weird. Anyway, this continued and I could barely use my hand. I couldn't walk very well either on my right leg. After countless sessions with my chiropractor, and massage therapist, it only slightly got better. Finally I saw a new doctor (we had just switched insurance for the new year) and she said to maybe see a neurologist if things didn't improve. 2 days later I started getting double vision while I drove. It was so scary. Went right back to the doc and she said ok, get an appointment with this neurologist for sure. So I did. By then, my vision was back to normal, and most everything felt better. (still kinda numb/tingling-but not as bad). Got an MRI last week. They said my results would be available in 24 hrs. I called and called and left messages the next day. SUPER stressed. I could barely eat. I was shaking almost from freaking out. Finally they called and said "You need to come in to talk about these results.." I almost threw up. I was so scared. Couldn't think.

    Luckily they had an opening the next AM. Went in, and she showed me the white areas on the brain. Etc. It was horrible. Luckily my wife was with me. She explained everything about MS, and labeled this as an "Isolated Episode." There's more tests to do, but at least I know now what I'm up against. So here I am, almost 5 weeks later, hand still feels weird, leg is weird feeling. But at least now I know what's going on...

    Its tough, but this group is helpful

    I understand where u are coming from thinking that nothing bad can happen to you. I am a 28 yr old male, the worst things should happen to me at this age are traffic violations and pregnancy scares, not MS.
    I was just confirmed MS the day before Christmas 2010. I was suspected at 14 yrs old, 28 now, had similar early symptoms with full recovery and untreated remission for 14yrs.
    There is a lot of info out there, but this group has helped sort it out. Hopefully your symptoms will improve and you will remain relapse free. Good luck and stay positive



      Thanks man, ugh it's just so weird. I figure there will be some sad days but your right, I just gotta stay strong. Thanks again for the support, and I'm glad I came here.


        WELCOME LOOK2THESTARS (greatname!)

        glad you found MSWorld too! i didn't til last yr and have been dxd since 2002.
        neuropathy is my main symptom (sx) too. i started out with the tingly hands, waking up with something heavy laying across me and it'd be my arm that i'd have to move with the other one.
        drs. would keep telling me it was in my head. then a foot would go numb if i was too tired and have to drag it. patches on my face, arm, etc. got tired of being told it was in my head so i quit telling.
        finally i woke up with hitting the floor because my whole left side was completely numb and immobile!
        dr. thought i'd had a stroke. took over a week to disprove that, etc.
        it's still numb, but varies. i know the tingling hurting feeling can drive you crazy. are you still able to use those parts that are numb? i pray so.
        believe it or not, you get used to it and compensate for it. i know that sounds crazy. people don't believe anything is wrong with me except for my cane and drunken walk.
        but i can be given shots, poked, etc and never know it.
        hang tough, it is a roller coaster, but there are times that it gets better.
        you'll learn to enjoy those times and love that baby of yours! they grow up too fast.
        take care & God bless ya!
        "All things are possible for those who believe." Jesus


          Hello, yes, thank God my hand is definitely better now. Fingertips are still kinda numb, but NOTHING like it was 4 weeks ago. I couldn't even use my hand. Leg/foot is better too. I see what your saying though, I have actually gotten almost used to the feelings..

          Thanks for the reply. Glad I found this place


            Hello Look2

            Welcome to MS World - nice to meet you!

            You're right about knowing what you're up against - not knowing can be totally anxiety provoking.

            Even so, this stuff has happened to you rather quickly, from symptoms to diagnosis, (5 weeks?) and that still can be unsettling.

            We're glad you have found this site, a place where there is useful information and supportive members who share their experiences.

            Feel free to ask questions, and we'll be glad to help if we can. You're welcome to vent if you need to, and also to share your experiences.

            Keep us posted with what's going on with you, and also with your tests. We'll be here!

            Take care,
            PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
            ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~



              Thanks KoKo. Well they haven't 100% diagnosed it yet, (still a few tests), but I'm quite sure of it. She even gave me all sorts of info and pamphlets on MS. Plus my MRI results had quite a few lesions. Ugh. I'm in my 1st "isolated incident".

              Getting the lumbar puncture this week I believe (they will call me with the date) and an MRI of the spine.

              Yes the stress/anxiety has been crazy! Actually feeling better now that I pretty much know.

              I'll keep you posted. Thanks so much for the warm welcome.


                Hello Stars! Welcome to MS World. It has been such a great support for me and I hope you find the same. Reading others posts and ideas are comforting when you feel alone and afraid. Even with a DX, it is still a lot to take in, especially as a mother to young children.

                I too am in Colorado and was dxd in May 2009. The first year was really hard, but I am getting better at dealing with it. MS has forced me to live only one day at a time...which is definitely a good thing, but very challenging to actually and truthfully do! (Especially when MS impacts your ability to take care of you family!)

                Please feel free to post and ask questions often. It helps all of us to support each other!


                  Also in Colorado

                  Just thought I would say Hi I am kinda shy, but also in colorado but in aurora also a mom but to three (10,8,2)


                    Hello Coloradomama!

                    Yes, there are quite a few of us here in CO. I am in Denver metro and my daughters are 10 and 8. You certainly have your hands full with three....that is for sure.

                    Feel free to share anytime.....IMO, we all need the community and to stick together for support!

