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Here for my hubby

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    Here for my hubby

    Hi. I do not have MS but my husband was diagnosed in July 10. He has had some serious issues with the disease. I have made it my mission to read everything I can and gain as much knowledge on the subject as possible that is why I am on this website. It is great to see so many other people on here for their loved one. There have been many people that has given me the "advice" to divorce my husband since he has become sick. Saying that since I am only 23 years old, staying married to him will ruin my future and bring me down. Needless to say those people are no longer my friends. That will never happen. Ethan is my world. I am on this site so that I can help him learn how to deal with his illness.

    What a wonderful post. You will be such a great caregiver. First off, you do need to learn about the subject. But, it can be overwhelming as there is so much information. MS is different for everyone and is constantly changing.

    You need to stand by, allow your husband to talk, vent, get upset if needed, ask the questions, be there for him to help with the answers. But, the most important issue is that you take care of you. Remember that it takes two for a relationship and you need to have adequate rest and respite time. Do something fun that you enjoy. Do not let your dreams and goals set on a shelf while you are pursuing your husbands illness and battles

    Come here often and ask the questions. Let us know how you are doing. You can do it and so can he.

    If he is newly diagnosed it is helpful to keep a diary. What makes things worse, what are the symptoms, what time of day do they occur etc.
    This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    Have a great day, Leola


      Hello TheCaltons

      Welcome to MS World!

      Hi. I do not have MS but my husband was diagnosed in July 10. He has had some serious issues with the disease. I have made it my mission to read everything I can and gain as much knowledge on the subject as possible that is why I am on this website.
      You are a very supportive and understanding wife!

      It is great to see so many other people on here for their loved one. There have been many people that has given me the "advice" to divorce my husband since he has become sick. Saying that since I am only 23 years old, staying married to him will ruin my future and bring me down.
      The world is made up of all types of folks. You do what is in your heart, and be true to yourself with your commitment.

      Ethan is my world. I am on this site so that I can help him learn how to deal with his illness.
      I agree with Leola - take care of yourself and your needs too. Self care is of utmost importance, so that you'll be able to give quality support and care to Ethan.

      Any questions, just ask and we'll be glad to help if we can.

      Have you been to the Relationships Forum yet? You may get some interesting and valuable insights there too.

      Wishing you and Ethan the best!

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Originally posted by TheCaltons View Post
        There have been many people that has given me the "advice" to divorce my husband since he has become sick. Saying that since I am only 23 years old, staying married to him will ruin my future and bring me down. Needless to say those people are no longer my friends.
        Ethan is a blessed man.
        Your attitude is fantastic!
        Don't forget to take care of you.


          WELCOME!!!!!! what a wonderful thing you are doing!!!!! ethan is a lucky guy!!!!!! keep up the hard and good work!!!!!!!

          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001



            Nice to meet you!
            My boyfriend also has MS (I don't). We are in our late 20's. I understand your frustaration with peple saying it would be easier just to divorce your husband I get similar comments sometimes...that I'm getting to involved with a person who could continue to have serious health issues. But the way I think about..its just life, everyone has some type of "problems" in their lives. Sure MS sucks, but its just something we deal with. I couldn't ask ask for a better partner.
            My boyfriend is wheelchair bound and it is often difficult to see him struggle with everyday tasks that that are easy to complete for the average person.
            For example, I just want to grab the can and can opener away from him and do it myself. But of course he wants to try and keep trying on his own because he wants to be as independent as possible.
            With your husband, just try and follow his lead. Does he need/want help with this task? Sometimes I just say "I can help you with that' or "I'm here if you need help". But I try not to step in and do something for him unless he asks or I see that he's just getting way to frustrated.
            Its nice meeting people close to our age who are dealing with the same kind of issues and good for you for sticking by your husband that really shows how much you must care for him and it sounds like he's lucky to have you
            And just a note for the single guys out there...see there are ladies out there who can deal with their partners having MS and still have a great and happy relationship


              good for you to stand up to the people that encouraged you to take the "easy" way out. Your husband is a lucky man to have you in his life and for showing so much love and support while he is going through this. I am also blessed to have an extremely supportive spouse and it makes me feel like I can get through this as long as I have him by my side. You are a wonderful person for sticking by him..Best wishes to you and your husband.
              "Once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby

