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New, awaiting diagnosis (long)

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    New, awaiting diagnosis (long)

    This is going to be long, as the title says. I have been avoiding writing this down for awhile out of superstition, or fear, or denial, or something. I am a 34 year old female, and I am a full-time paleontologist (working on finishing my master's thesis) and this whole thing SUCKS.

    In December, I was driving around on a rainy day and felt a weird sensation near my sacrum. I ignored it, because it was fleeting. The next day (SaturdaY), I woke up with numbness from my chest to my toes, bilaterally- EVERYTHING was numb, even my genitals. Over the next few days, it grew worse/weirder, and Tuesday I took myself to the ER because I was having trouble walking and was getting very freaked out. They xrayed and blood tested me and decided it was peripheral neuropathy and discharged me... gee, thanks guys. The next day I saw my regular doctor who had me do a billion blood tests and urinalysis etc. Nothing (except my cholesterol's a touch high).

    Over Christmas my husband and I were at my parent's house, and trying to pretend nothing was wrong was really difficult. I kind of shuffled around the house in slippers and blamed my arthritis (HLA-B27 based, I got it when I was 17), though I had to break out a heat pad as my back was super tight and that sort of helped. Around this time, my fingertips and hands started to get numb... and I noticed amn electric shock/tingle/slight pulling sensation when i tipped my head down, as well as a tightness of my chest. I slept a LOT, though the rainy weather couldn't have helped.

    On Jan 1 our health insurance changed from one company to another and I was having trouble getting an MRi scheduled because of that.
    Finally, I got my MRI last week. I am waiting for the results, though we all pretty much suspect what they will say at this point.

    At this point, my body is mostly back to normal, with some numbness left in the chest/back region, my arms, and hands.
    The most annoying new development is what I call "The Phantom Itch".. around my collarbones and neck, I get these persistent, INTENSE itches that I can't actually scratch because the itch seems to be inside the skin. Also, last night with my eyes closed, as I was going to sleep, I tried to scratch my nose.. and poked myself in the eye, apparently i don't know where my nose is anymore :/

    I have told almost nobody, and even those that know I've been super upbeat with (though if I hear "Oh, it's probably just a pinched nerve" ONE MORE TIME...). I'm tired of pretending everything's ok... after all, I don't LOOK sick.
    My stepmother-in-law has MS and has been confined to a wheechair for ~12 years or so, almost the entire time she's been diagnosed. This scares me... as does everything else at this point. I don't really have anyone to talk to because I don't want o freak out my friends and family (or be a total mess, either). So.... here I am, at the semi-suggestion of another person from a message board we both frequent, who had similar symptom to mine and just got his diagnosis.


    Originally posted by cathis View Post
    I woke up with numbness from my chest to my toes, bilaterally- EVERYTHING was numb, even my genitals.
    Awful feeling isn't it

    I have had times where I have been numb from the waist down which included the girlie parts.

    Hopefully you had both the Brain and Cervical Spine MRI.

    There are many of us who "look too good" to have MS
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Hi Cathis

      Welcome to MS World - (although I realize you don't want to be here!)

      Your symptoms sound like they could be caused by MS, but your doctor will know more when you get your MRI results, and possibly after some more tests.

      I don't know how much you have researched MS, but this link is to an article from the National MS Society with a good explanation on what's involved in an MS diagnosis.

      The most annoying new development is what I call "The Phantom Itch".. around my collarbones and neck, I get these persistent, INTENSE itches that I can't actually scratch because the itch seems to be inside the skin.
      I get those from time to time - now I know what to call them - Phantom Itches! You're right - they are so annoying. I could never figure out why I wasn't scratching in the right spot, and I end up scratching all over the place.

      Let us know what your MRI results are. If you are diagnosed with MS, this is a good place for info, support, and shared experiences.

      Any questions, just ask and we'll be glad to help if we can.

      For now, try to take one day at a time, one issue at a time (which is definitely easier said than done).

      Good luck and keep us posted. We'll be here!

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        Originally posted by cathis View Post
        This is going to be long, as the title says. I have been avoiding writing this down for awhile out of superstition, or fear, or denial, or something. I am a 34 year old female, and I am a full-time paleontologist (working on finishing my master's thesis) and this whole thing SUCKS.

        In December, I was driving around on a rainy day and felt a weird sensation near my sacrum. I ignored it, because it was fleeting. The next day (SaturdaY), I woke up with numbness from my chest to my toes, bilaterally- EVERYTHING was numb, even my genitals. Over the next few days, it grew worse/weirder, and Tuesday I took myself to the ER because I was having trouble walking and was getting very freaked out. They xrayed and blood tested me and decided it was peripheral neuropathy and discharged me... gee, thanks guys. The next day I saw my regular doctor who had me do a billion blood tests and urinalysis etc. Nothing (except my cholesterol's a touch high).

        Over Christmas my husband and I were at my parent's house, and trying to pretend nothing was wrong was really difficult. I kind of shuffled around the house in slippers and blamed my arthritis (HLA-B27 based, I got it when I was 17), though I had to break out a heat pad as my back was super tight and that sort of helped. Around this time, my fingertips and hands started to get numb... and I noticed amn electric shock/tingle/slight pulling sensation when i tipped my head down, as well as a tightness of my chest. I slept a LOT, though the rainy weather couldn't have helped.

        On Jan 1 our health insurance changed from one company to another and I was having trouble getting an MRi scheduled because of that.
        Finally, I got my MRI last week. I am waiting for the results, though we all pretty much suspect what they will say at this point.

        At this point, my body is mostly back to normal, with some numbness left in the chest/back region, my arms, and hands.
        The most annoying new development is what I call "The Phantom Itch".. around my collarbones and neck, I get these persistent, INTENSE itches that I can't actually scratch because the itch seems to be inside the skin. Also, last night with my eyes closed, as I was going to sleep, I tried to scratch my nose.. and poked myself in the eye, apparently i don't know where my nose is anymore :/

        I have told almost nobody, and even those that know I've been super upbeat with (though if I hear "Oh, it's probably just a pinched nerve" ONE MORE TIME...). I'm tired of pretending everything's ok... after all, I don't LOOK sick.
        My stepmother-in-law has MS and has been confined to a wheechair for ~12 years or so, almost the entire time she's been diagnosed. This scares me... as does everything else at this point. I don't really have anyone to talk to because I don't want o freak out my friends and family (or be a total mess, either). So.... here I am, at the semi-suggestion of another person from a message board we both frequent, who had similar symptom to mine and just got his diagnosis.

        as far as i know i dont have ms but i do have numbness due to a broken lumbar spine,balance problems,wake up numb sometimes waiste dowm sometimes neck down,sometimes severe pain only in my big toes i agree it is very scary.i also get the same itch think its dry skin and skin burning,feels like im on fire so yes scary.sorry i dont have an answer for you


          Me too..

          Originally posted by cathis View Post
          This is going to be long, as the title says. I have been avoiding writing this down for awhile out of superstition, or fear, or denial, or something. I am a 34 year old female, and I am a full-time paleontologist (working on finishing my master's thesis) and this whole thing SUCKS.

          In December, I was driving around on a rainy day and felt a weird sensation near my sacrum. I ignored it, because it was fleeting. The next day (SaturdaY), I woke up with numbness from my chest to my toes, bilaterally- EVERYTHING was numb, even my genitals. Over the next few days, it grew worse/weirder, and Tuesday I took myself to the ER because I was having trouble walking and was getting very freaked out. They xrayed and blood tested me and decided it was peripheral neuropathy and discharged me... gee, thanks guys. The next day I saw my regular doctor who had me do a billion blood tests and urinalysis etc. Nothing (except my cholesterol's a touch high).

          Over Christmas my husband and I were at my parent's house, and trying to pretend nothing was wrong was really difficult. I kind of shuffled around the house in slippers and blamed my arthritis (HLA-B27 based, I got it when I was 17), though I had to break out a heat pad as my back was super tight and that sort of helped. Around this time, my fingertips and hands started to get numb... and I noticed amn electric shock/tingle/slight pulling sensation when i tipped my head down, as well as a tightness of my chest. I slept a LOT, though the rainy weather couldn't have helped.

          On Jan 1 our health insurance changed from one company to another and I was having trouble getting an MRi scheduled because of that.
          Finally, I got my MRI last week. I am waiting for the results, though we all pretty much suspect what they will say at this point.

          At this point, my body is mostly back to normal, with some numbness left in the chest/back region, my arms, and hands.
          The most annoying new development is what I call "The Phantom Itch".. around my collarbones and neck, I get these persistent, INTENSE itches that I can't actually scratch because the itch seems to be inside the skin. Also, last night with my eyes closed, as I was going to sleep, I tried to scratch my nose.. and poked myself in the eye, apparently i don't know where my nose is anymore :/

          I have told almost nobody, and even those that know I've been super upbeat with (though if I hear "Oh, it's probably just a pinched nerve" ONE MORE TIME...). I'm tired of pretending everything's ok... after all, I don't LOOK sick.
          My stepmother-in-law has MS and has been confined to a wheechair for ~12 years or so, almost the entire time she's been diagnosed. This scares me... as does everything else at this point. I don't really have anyone to talk to because I don't want o freak out my friends and family (or be a total mess, either). So.... here I am, at the semi-suggestion of another person from a message board we both frequent, who had similar symptom to mine and just got his diagnosis.


          You have quite a similar story to me. This is my 1st post here ever. I'm 35/yr old male.
          The day after christmas I met my family downtown (Denver) and went to the aquarium. My 3 year old wanted me to hold her through the whole thing pretty much. Hour and hours of bending over, picking her up. I was exhausted. Anyway, that night I woke up with this weird tingling/numb feeling in my right hand. (thumb/index/pointer). Like they were asleep. I fell back asleep and woke the next AM with the same feeling. I couldn't shake it. My right thigh also felt a little weird. Must have tweaked a nerve there too from carrying her so much.

          Saw my chiro the next day and he said, prob just a pinched nerve/muscle spasm. 3 days went by with the same issue. Then the 4th night, it got really intense in my hand. Like, my whole hand/fingers were super numb/tingling. My right thigh was feeling worse too. I pretty much freaked out. I went to a walk-in doc because this was new years eve day. Everywhere else was closed.

          He said I had a neuropathy and don't worry. Sitting there my side even started tingling, and even my toes. It was so weird. Anyway, this continued and I could barely use my hand. I couldn't walk very well either on my right leg. After countless sessions with my chiropractor, and massage therapist, it only slightly got better. Finally I saw a new doctor (we had just switched insurance for the new year) and she said to maybe see a neurologist if things didn't improve. 2 days later I started getting double vision while I drove. It was so scary. Went right back to the doc and she said ok, get an appointment with this neurologist for sure. So I did. By then, my vision was back to normal, and most everything felt better. (still kinda numb/tingling-but not as bad). Got an MRI last week. They said my results would be available in 24 hrs. I called and called and left messages the next day. SUPER stressed. I could barely eat. I was shaking almost from freaking out. Finally they called and said "You need to come in to talk about these results.." I almost threw up. I was so scared. Couldn't think.

          Luckily they had an opening the next AM. Went in, and she showed me the white areas on the brain. Etc. It was horrible. Luckily my wife was with me. She explained everything about MS, and labeled this as an "Isolated Episode." There's more tests to do, but at least I know now what I'm up against. So here I am, almost 5 weeks later, hand still feels weird, leg is weird feeling. But at least now I know what's going on...

          **Post broken into paragraphs by Moderator for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print.**

