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    hello to all my name is chris tomarrow i will be 28 im here to tell my story

    my family doc sent me to get a mri done on my head was always feeling pruesue in my head and always dizzy so went and did the mri went back to my cousins house which i ow so much thankss to him and hisfamily because my x girlfriend did me dirty and had me kicked out of the place we where renting together

    but any way the hospital called his house and told me i had to come back there was something abnormal about my mri so i went back then spent the next 5 days in there getting more mri's of my neck and spine they told me that i had lesions all through it all and i had to be on the i v steriods for 5 days now im on pill form but its not for much longer

    i havent seen the nerve doc yet not til the 4 so i really dont know what to expect so if anyone has any input for me allm is welcome or anyone knows of any other web sites groups i can join please feel free to let me know or if anyone just talk please feel free

    ***Paragraphs added for readability. Some of our members have vision problems with large blocks of type.***

    Hi Chris, welcome to MS World!

    Sounds like you've been having a rough time of it, between your ex girlfriend and the worrisome physical symptoms. I'm sorry to hear about both things.

    I understand you have a lot of lesions, but you don't say if the doctor specifically said he suspects MS. The neurologist will probably make that call, but he may need to order more tests first. Usually MRI films alone aren't sufficient for a diagnosis.

    Please do hang out here and talk to us while you wait, and afterwards too if what you have is indeed MS. We're a friendly bunch, and among us we have a lot of information to share and support to offer.

    Best wishes to you,



      Hello Chris

      I responded to another thread you posted.

      I second what Sequoia has said!

      Good luck and let us know what you find out.

      Take care,
      PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
      ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~


        i thank you guys for the reply sorry i wasnt more particalar in my quote while i was in the hospital a the nerve doc came in i put it like that cause im a bad speller i kept asking him if i had ms he said yes i dont have really good heath care right now so he was only in my room for ten minutes top at a time but going from whatn he said i got it plus i have quite a few of the sytoms i know it probly spelled wrong you guys see i wasnt lying but once again i thank you and i will let evryone know how the 4th goes have a good day


          Welcome Chris,

          No worries about the spelling and I'm so glad to meet you.
          The circumstances aren't the best, but such is life, right?

          Sorry about the breakup.

          Here you'll find all sorts of experiences with this disease, so feel free to visit as much as you need.


            WELCOME CHRIS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! sounds like yoou`ve been on a bumpy trip for sure. as far as ms sites go, i think this one is really good (and i belong to a few). another i like is, what are your hobbies? try to google those as well.

            for ms info try,, and!!! those will at least get you started. if you want, my e mail is in my profile. good luck.

            MS World
            PPMS DX 2001



              today i started my phscial therphy i have two go two days a week the lady is very nice we are going to work on streghting my legs and help make my balance better i guess this the true beginning of the life long road ahead but im ready and willing to grab the bull by the horns and take the ride



                Hi Chris and welcome.

                I'm also new to all this to and I to have to go into the hospital to get the steriods through the Iv.

                I would like to know how it was for you cuz I'm really nervous about it. I hope everything goes well for you and keep us posted Chris okay..


                  hello all im sorry for not giving you updates more often i ve been a busy littlle beaver trying to get my ducks all in a row. i seen my nero yesterday and im being put on betaseron and she also put me on gabapentin 300mg and i have to go to psycal therphy two to three times a week at least my insturtor is cute lol just kidding just looking for the silver linning well nevaeh i hope i spelled it right we are but new at this so what i would say to you is just be strong dont let this bring you down all of us here knows what could happen to us so all of us should do what ever it takes to help ourselves dont give up live to the fullist and stop to smell the roses


                    Hi ya Chris

                    Good luck to you Chris and welcome.
                    Don't forget to take Ibuprofen when you take your Betaseron. It lessens the side efects. (I take my shot and pills at night and sleep through alot)

                    I've been on Betaseron for 16 years and I did improve..I don't like those shots though!
                    take care
                    Susan......... Beta Babe since 1994....I did improve "What you see depends on where you're standing" from American Prayer by Dave Stewart


                      hi Chris

                      I'm glad you seem to have such a positive and upbeat attitude as no doubt it sounds like things have been a litte crazy lately. but you're attitude will make a difference I'm sure
                      My boyfriend also has MS, he is in a wheelchair but does get up on his feet when possible to keep his legs strong. We are hopeful about the CCSVI treatment. We do face challenges that other young couples may not even think about, but because my mom also has MS I grew up around it and am familiar with many of the symptoms etc. So dealing with and living with MS has always been a part of my life.
                      I wish you the best and like hearing your updates. I know there is a girl out there for you! good luck and I hope to keep hearing from you!



                        camsue do you take the pills before or after you take your shots i was just wondering

