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    The first I noticed anything was wrong was in August 1967. Then lots of things were wrong. I saw several doctors but nothing was wrong. In those days they did not diagnosis MS until you had several remissions. By that time you knew you had a very vivid imiagination to come up with so many problems. I was a special education school teacher. There is something about having something wrong with yourself that makes it lots easier to understand problems of others. That made it a great help in teaching Special Education.

    In 1969 I had left mChicago and was living North of Chicago. The school Nurse suggested I see a neurologist in Elgin, Il whom she thought was real good. I saw him and got a Diagnosis. It felt so good to find out I wasn't crazy after all.

    I saw him for about 10 years. Then I just stopped. They weren't able to help anyway.They didn't know a lot about MS at that time and the only treatment was ATCH. I had many exerbations and remisions. When I went into remission I never went back to quiet as good as I was before but it was better.

    Now I haved completely lost my voice and have a lot of trouble breathing and eye problems. I see a neurologist today to see if anything can be done about that.

    I know I've rattled on a long time so I'll see you allo later.


    Hi Lois

    Welcome to MS World! I've read several of your posts already and you are doing a great job sharing your experiences and being supportive as well.

    In 1969 I had left mChicago and was living North of Chicago. The school Nurse suggested I see a neurologist in Elgin, Il whom she thought was real good. I saw him and got a Diagnosis. It felt so good to find out I wasn't crazy after all.
    You are a long-timer with MS - over 40 years!

    I agree that a diagnosis can be a relief, as opposed to feeling as if we're crazy.

    Now I haved completely lost my voice and have a lot of trouble breathing and eye problems. I see a neurologist today to see if anything can be done about that.
    So sorry to learn that you are having problems with your voice, breathing, and your eyes too. That must be very difficult to deal with.

    I'm wishing that you can get some relief for these issues. Good luck at your neuro appointment. Let us know what you find out.

    Wishing you the best.

    Take care,
    PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
    ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

